The Predatory Eagle Begins the Evolutionary Process

Crunch! Crunch!

The black eagle’s eggs tasted pretty good!

Perhaps it was because of the Blood Python’s taste preferences that while he was eating it, the mouthwatering flavor sent a wave of pleasure through his whole body.

Moreover, after he consumed the bird egg, it immediately turned into warm energy that radiated throughout his body.

And with the help of the System, Ye Bei was convinced that even if he ate all 15 eggs in one go, he wouldn’t suffer from any indigestion.

Of course… psychologically speaking, he was still under an immense amount of pressure.


Having to eat the bird eggs raw in this way felt… so insane to him! He’d never done this before.

Into his mouth went the second egg.

And the fifth egg…

However, being able to eat these eggs so brazenly gave Ye Bei a sense of immense satisfaction, and the feeling made him heady.

When it came to the last ten eggs, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed them all in one mouthful.

After eating 15 bird eggs, he had a total of 150 evolution points. He was only 850 points away from an evolution.


“System, it’s taking me too long to obtain the evolution points. I still need a lot of points before I can level up. Is there a faster way?” Ye Bei asked solemnly, the flavor of the eggs still lingering in his mouth.

“Host! One egg gives you ten points. A hundred eggs will be sufficient for you to reach evolution! This is already the limit. If you want to evolve even sooner, you’ll have to search for more powerful creatures to consume.”

The System’s reply came swiftly.

Alright, then!

Ye Bei knew that he was being impatient!

Activities like eating… had to be done slowly.

A screech pierced the air…

Unfortunately, just as Ye Bei was about to continue searching for other food nearby in order to reach evolution sooner, an eagle’s cry sliced through his eardrums and reverberated deep in his head.

He instinctively looked up.

The very next second, he saw a giant eagle charging down towards him.

Even the clouds seemed to roll back in fear.

Flap! Flap! Flap!

Its movements were agile, and its wings created a loud rustle as they flapped over the tree leaves.


He couldn’t be that unlucky, could he?

Did the eggs he had just eaten belong to this eagle? Eagles were the natural enemies of snakes!

Ye Bei’s pupils dilated, and the sense of crisis caused a shudder to go through his entire body. His eyes fixed on the approaching eagle, he momentarily forgot to run for his life.

“Host, you must kill it! As long as you consume this mutant eagle, you’ll be able to complete the first stage of evolution.”

Ye Bei’s eyes glazed over.

The System’s voice rang out again.

Upon hearing that voice, Ye Bei came to life…

Suddenly, a huge desire to survive surged through his mind.

He had just been reborn. He absolutely couldn’t allow himself to die!

Being killed by an eagle… would be a great humiliation…

He had to remain calm. He had to remain calm at all costs!

He was already the owner of a pair of Venomous Cobra Fangs. As long as he found an opportunity to bite the eagle, victory would be his.

At this thought, Ye Bei soon calmed down.

“Come on! You’re going to be my next full meal!”

Hiss hiss…

A red forked tongue poked out of his mouth.

The two venomous, sharp fangs looked cold and merciless.

Although Ye Bei’s body was only over a meter long, even at a glance, his appearance was still quite terrifying. However, the eagle wasn’t the least bit intimidated by Ye Bei’s ferocious appearance.

Its sharp black talons exuded a murderous intent.

Coming from above, it fiercely headed towards Ye Bei with its claws outstretched.

Ten meters!

Five meters!

One meter!

Rather than saying the eagle was preying on Ye Bei…

It would be more accurate to say that at that moment… Ye Bei was hunting the eagle!


Here it comes!

As its inky black claws reached forward viciously, its huge wings flapped violently, generating a hurricane so strong that Ye Bei almost lost control of his body.

Forcefully… he bit the eagle!

When its sharp claws reached for him, Ye Bei carefully controlled his body and moved at the fastest speed he possibly could. The approximately one-meter-long snake twisted his body into an S shape, and with a sneer, he bit down on the eagle’s thigh with his venomous fangs.

At the same time, an agonizing pain spread throughout his body.

While biting the eagle, he was caught in the eagle’s talons.

Flutter! Flutter! Flutter!

The eagle’s sharp claws caused Ye Bei to bleed. While biting the eagle’s thigh, he resisted the pain coursing through his body and madly forced all the venom from his fangs into the eagle. If he couldn’t kill the eagle, he was going to be the one to die.

The cobra’s venom was extremely potent.

If a human were bitten by a Blood Python, he would be dead from the venom within ten minutes.

As he bit the eagle, it continued to thrash around, thus speeding up the spread of the venom through its veins.

As the venom took effect, the eagle slowly lost its strength… After two seconds, the eagle that had been full of vigor moments before suddenly seemed to lose all its might. It widened its eyes and fell into the nest weakly, its wings twitching faintly. The eagle no longer posed any harm to Ye Bei.


Ye Bei rejoiced when he saw the eagle stop struggling.

Gurgle gurgle gurgle…

Immediately after, an intense hunger he had never experienced before spread throughout his body, eclipsing the pain that was racking his whole body.

He had to eat the eagle.

As long as he ate it, he would be able to complete the next stage of his evolution, and he would have a chance at surviving on this godforsaken island.

A voice seemed to constantly repeat that message in his head.

In Ye Bei’s eyes, the eagle that was covered all over in black feathers seemed to present a very tasty treat.


After hesitating for a second or two, his physical instincts easily overpowered his sense of reason.

Gobble gobble…

The next instant, Ye Bei opened his mouth wide and ravaged the eagle’s carcass with his sharp fangs. Then, his enormous mouth swallowed it whole.

The blood was warm, and the meat was tender…

Following the movements of his mouth, satisfaction quickly spread through his body. While he was eating the eagle, Ye Bei was surprised to discover that the wounds he had sustained from the eagle’s claws were rapidly healing before his eyes! Furthermore, his snakeskin had very obviously and significantly thickened, and his body was also increasing rapidly in length and thickness!!!

At that moment, Ye Bei ate with even more gusto.

After ten minutes…

After consuming the entire eagle, he grew from his original length of one meter to approximately 1.5 meters.

He had also grown ten centimeters thicker.

And his strength had increased by more than tenfold…

Ye Bei was fully confident that if he ever met another eagle, he would be able to kill it swiftly.

“Congratulations to the Host on successfully consuming the eagle and obtaining a thousand evolution points! Would you like to commence the first stage of evolution…”

Just as Ye Bei was ecstatically rejoicing over the changes in his body, the voice of the System rang out.

Hearing this voice, Ye Bei grew even more excited…

“Commence the evolution!!”
