Chapter 2942  : Chapter 2930 was about to begin

“My lord, although I am willing to do so, Will Ballack spit out the fat in his mouth?”Asked Mondoric worriedly.

“Don’t worry. You can go and talk to him. He will agree!”Jiang Fei smiled.

“Thank you, my Lord!”After Mondoric came out from Jiang Fei’s place, he went straight to Ballack.

After meeting Ballack, Meng Doric told him about the matter. Ballack only hesitated for a moment before he nodded in agreement.


Although it seemed like he was going to cough up a lot of benefits, Ballack was actually not at a loss. That was because the 30 billion was not cash. It was a ten-year insurance policy. In other words, the annual premium that he received was only 3 billion, however, he could take on a risk of 4.5 billion at any time.

Now that Ballack had sold the 20 billion insurance policy, he could immediately cash out 5 billion while avoiding the risk of 3 billion compensation. This 5 billion was real cash, and he could use this money for other investments, from the outside, although he might lose some benefits, the exchange would indeed reduce the risk, and he could also obtain a large amount of liquidity.

There was one more important point. Mondoric had made it clear from the beginning that this was Lord Ralph’s idea. This was also one of the important factors that influenced Ballack’s decision!

After all, Jiang Fei was now the policy planner of the entire gamma space. The reason why Ballack was able to get such a large insurance policy was because Jiang Fei had pulled some strings. Therefore, he did not dare to not give Jiang Fei face, moreover, Jiang Fei had already set aside enough profits for him. Therefore, Ballack had no reason to refuse.

Therefore, on the same day, Mondoric signed an agreement with Ballack. He bought the 20 billion insurance policy under his name and paid Ballack a large sum of money for it.

It was almost impossible to keep such a large financial operation a secret. Therefore, the news spread very quickly. In the next few days, all the financial groups in the entire gamma dimension took action, they all went to Ballack and Mondoric, hoping to get some insurance policies from them. After all, the business of the insurance policies was too profitable.


Previously, these financial groups did not make any moves. They mainly did not know Jiang Fei’s attitude. They thought that Jiang Fei was deliberately supporting Ballack, so no one dared to have any improper thoughts, other than that, these financial groups did not have as much money as Ballack or Mondoric. Therefore, they could not take such a big deal.

However, now that the precedent had been set, everyone saw Hope. They knew that Jiang Fei would allow the second transaction of the insurance policy. Moreover, the insurance policy could also be split. Therefore, the other financial groups began to take action.

Under the lobbying of these financial groups, Mondoric quickly began to sell the insurance policy in his hands. His idea was similar to Ballack’s. Since someone was willing to take the risk, they could immediately withdraw cash, what was the difference between that and making a large sum of money overnight?

Therefore, the two of them sold the insurance policies in their hands one after another and withdrew a large sum of cash.

After Ballack and Mondoric’s insurance policies were sold out, smaller consortia and companies targeted the large consortia that took the insurance policies from Ballack and Mondoric, in order to pass on the risk and get cash, those large consortia quickly split up their policies and sold them.

In just a week, these policies changed hands no less than four or five times. Although the profit of the policies would decrease after each change of hands, there were still many people who were willing to take them because they were still profitable.

Moreover, when the risk was calculated, it was estimated according to the high value of 5% . In fact, the risk of overdue was not so high, therefore, even if these insurance policies were already at zero profit on paper, there were still people who were willing to take over.

The reason was very simple. The current economic situation was too good. The price of the Moon Spirit Crystal Art was crazily rising. Everyone was competing to buy the art and its futures orders. Almost the vast majority of these people had borrowed money from the bank, however, some of them were mortgages, and some were credit loans.

But no matter what kind of loan they took, under the situation where the price of the Moon Spirit Crystal Art and its futures order had increased crazily, all the lenders were not worried that they would not be able to repay the loan, because the Moon Spirit Crystal Art or the futures order in their hands, as long as they sold it, they could earn a large sum of money. In comparison, the interest of the bank was nothing at all.

Under such circumstances, the default rate of the bank loan was almost zero. Since everyone was making money, there was no problem for them to repay the loan. In this way, the merchants with the insurance policies would be taking the insurance premiums for free, there was no need to take any risks. Therefore, as long as they were able to get the insurance policies, they were willing to try.

Time flew by. In the blink of an eye, another week had passed. Jiang Fei felt that the workers on his construction site were rapidly decreasing because everyone felt that borrowing money to buy Moonspirit Crystal Futures was much faster than working hard to earn money, it was also much easier.

Since there was an easy and fast way to earn money, who would be willing to work on a construction site!

Since Jiang Fei gave the bankers an idea to open up credit, it had only been a little more than two weeks. The rate of worker turnover on Jiang Fei’s construction site was as high as 70% !

Looking at the data, a smile appeared on Jiang Fei’s face.

“Finally, it’s almost time!”Jiang Fei nodded in satisfaction. Then, he left the city hall and went back to his own home.

“Eh? You’re back so early today?”Lina had not made dinner yet.

“Let’s go. We’re going out for dinner tonight,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Why did you suddenly think of going out for dinner?”Lina asked.

“If we don’t go out for dinner, we won’t have a chance in the future,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“What do you mean?”Lina asked.

“Do You Want Revenge?”Jiang Fei asked back.

“Huh?”Lina was stunned.

“What was I thinking? You should be able to guess it. I’m going to make a move,”Jiang Fei said.

“Now?”Lina was very confused. Based on the content that Jiang Fei had taught her during this period of time, shouldn’t a rebellion have the highest success rate when society was in turmoil? Now, the entire gamma space was thriving. The entire society was filled with passion. Would the people support a rebellion at this time?

“Let’s Go! Let’s Eat!”Jiang Fei smiled and said.

“Oh! I’m going to change my clothes.”Lina nodded in confusion. She felt that she could not understand the man in front of her even more.

About twenty minutes later, Lina came down from upstairs in a full dress. It was obvious that she had not only picked a very beautiful dress, but she had also put on makeup meticulously.
