Chapter 108 Prepare to Teach

Su Ping arrived at the main door of the building and saw a middle-aged teacher with a really big body build looking at him.

“Mister Su!” The man’s eyes brightened up upon seeing him coming. “There you are. The vice principal’s been waiting for a while.” “He sent someone to pick me up here? Oh, ahem! Sorry, I’m not familiar with the directions. It took me some time.”

“Don’t worry about that, you’ll get better after a few more visits!” Feng Yanjing posed a friendly smile while carefully inspecting the young man he was looking at.

If not for Dong Mingsong and Luo Guxue’s “testimonies,” he would never believe that a boy who had yet to reach his 20s could kill a Magical Corpse Beast, an upper eighth-rank Astral Pet. Maybe it was another pet who finished the kill, and Su Ping might or might not be its master. But being able to control a powerful pet was already impressive. Someone so young who could control a seventh-rank pet was a miracle by itself. Not to mention that the “skeleton” was likely of the ninth rank, according to the witnesses.

Feng Yanjing looked more carefully and found nothing other than cheap clothes and unkempt manners from Su Ping. Could someone like this be the “extraordinary genius” everyone was talking about?

“Come, follow me.” Feng Yanjing looked away.


Either way, Su Ping somehow had become well-respected by the vice principal of the academy. This alone told Feng Yanjing that he should act carefully.

“Right after ya.” Su Ping nodded and parked his bike, using a chain to lock it with the guard rail along the stairs.

Feng Yanjing saw it with twitching lips and began leading the way.

The main elevator of the building conveniently took them to the top floor, where Dong Mingsong’s office was located. Feng Yanjing gently knocked on the door, waiting for Dong Mingsong’s answer, and gave Su Ping a “this way” gesture. Su Ping nodded and entered the room, in which Dong Mingsong was already waiting with a big smile.

“Have you decided to join the league, my boy?” Compared to Su Ping’s lessons, the old principal was more concerned about the other matter.

Su Ping tilted his head. “I said I’m not going to join, Mister Dong. I don’t have the time for it.”


Dong Mingsong could see that Su Ping had never given it a second thought.

“*sigh* My word… Such a great opportunity missed.”

Su Ping wanted to get to the point. “We’ll talk about our schedule, right? Should I give the students a lesson today?”

Dong Mingsong shook his head and poured two cups of tea. “Now, I never doubted your strength, Mister Su. However, being strong and teaching your strength to others are completely different. I plan to assign you to the first-years. Compared to their seniors, these new students are easier to handle. What do you say?”

Su Ping knew that Dong Mingsong didn’t believe he had what it took to keep more “rowdy” students under control, though he wasn’t going to argue. “It’s fine. I would still give them two lessons per week, right?” “That’s what we’ll do.”

“All right.”

Dong Mingsong seemed glad that Su Ping agreed to teach that soon. “We shall do some extra preparation work since you’re here. I’ll tell the other teachers to inform your students of your arrival. Since students in this place are usually too busy to check the website, most of them still have no idea that they have a new teacher.”

Su Ping nodded. Not his problem.

Dong Mingsong saw his careless look and added, “Just like ordinary teachers, advanced teachers might have their salary altered depending on their performance. If your class is full without a single dropout, you get another thousand professor credits as a bonus. Or five hundred, if less than three students abandon your course. If more than ten students go absent, ten points will be deducted from your base payout for each quitter. A hundred points at most.

“This is to prevent teachers from slacking off on their jobs. You shouldn’t worry about this, however, as lessons presented by advanced teachers are always popular among students. You may see one or two untaken seats, but that’s very rare.”

Su Ping sighed. It seemed he had to put some effort in his teaching job, and it sounded like a pain.

Feng Yanjing suddenly spoke outside the door, “Mister Dong? Director Cheng is here asking to see you.”

“Let her in then. I have something to tell her as well.”

“Right away.”

A few seconds later, Cheng Shuanglin entered the room and looked at Su Ping and Dong Mingsong talking peacefully with an odd look.

Just as I thought, this man bribed his way in, didn’t he?

When thinking about this, she gave Dong Mingsong an unhappy stare, which caused Dong Mingsong to grow uneasy instead.

Dong Mingsong had known Cheng Shuanglin for a long time. She had always been a strict soul; not even the smallest mistake would be easily tolerated. Adding her cold temperament, most students in the academy feared her rather than respect her.

Dong Mingsong wondered if he did something to annoy her recently.

Meanwhile, Su Ping looked behind him and happily greeted the woman with a smile.

“You know each other?” asked Dong Mingsong.

“Yeah.” Su Ping turned back. “I could find your office thanks to her.”

“I see… Director Cheng, nice timing. This young man is the new advanced teacher we hired, Mister Su Ping. He’s going to present a lesson later today. Make sure you tell this information to your class and any other students who might be interested.”

Cheng Shuanglin didn’t respond because she had just heard something she couldn’t believe.

An advanced teacher? This young man?? When Su Ping told her that he was there to teach, Cheng Shuanglin thought he was only a back-up teacher who came to make up for someone’s else’s absence.

There were only four advanced teachers in the entire academy, three of whom were skillful advanced battle pet warriors. The last one was an eighth-rank master battle pet warrior who could command two ninth-rank Astral Pets, and was undeniably the strongest fighter among all teachers. Students would give everything to join his lessons.

And you’re telling me this insignificant young man is like those people? Cheng Shuanglin shook her head to clear her mind before speaking, “Are you sure about this, Mister Vice Principal? Mister Su Ping is… no offense, but how old is he? Twenty?”

Dong Mingsong realized what she was worrying about. “Trust me, Director Cheng. Su Ping’s age doesn’t hinder his potential in the slightest. As someone who once killed an upper eighth-rank Magical Corpse Beast, he’s not so far from being a master battle pet warrior himself. If you don’t trust me, which is quite understandable, you may go and talk to Miss Luo later. She has seen everything with her own eyes.”

Cheng Shuanglin lost her calm, which was rare for her.

“HE killed a Magical Corpse Beast? That’s absurd!”
