Chapter 8  : Astonishing Performance

Shen Lang said, “Dad, Mom, I am going to pick some herbs from the mountain.”

“Shen Lang, I will go with you. There are wild beasts in the mountains. Moreover, you may get lost.” Shen Lang’s mother stepped out immediately.

She treated Shen Lang like a little child and did not bear to let him go to the mountains alone.

“Mom, boil a kettle of water at home and sharpen a knife. Prepare a needle that is slightly thicker and longer. Put some cloth into the water and boil it,” Shen Lang instructed quickly. 1

His mother was stunned. However, without questioning him, she nodded and said, “Okay.”


To her, her son had become smart, and every single word he said was like the imperial edict.

Shen Lang carried a bamboo basket, a small shovel, and left for the mountains. Tian Heng’s followers, Thirteen and Fourteen, followed him closely behind.

They would follow Shen Lang carefully until he got the money. Once the time was up, they would kill him.

Shen Lang was slightly worried that the plants in this world would be utterly different from that of Earth. However, his worries were for naught. Although there were many more plants that he did not recognize, most of them were identical.

There were many herbs used for anti-inflammation. The mountain behind Shen Lang’s house was a dense forest.


After merely an hour, he plucked many purple perillas, honeysuckles, and dandelions, which were all known for their anti-inflammatory function.

Unfortunately, it was neither the borders of the dry desert nor a grassland. Therefore, he could not find Chinese licorice. What surprised him, though, was that he managed to dig out some Isatis roots.

On Earth, Isatis root was known to be an all-purpose magical medicine. After that, Shen Lang continuously dug out more than ten herbs and filled up his bamboo basket. Some of them were meant to stop bleeding while some were intended to prevent fever. Unfortunately, he did not manage to find Jimson weed and was unable to make anesthetic. 5

As evening fell, Shen Lang returned with a full basket, and his mother had prepared everything.

Shen Wan carefully examined his brother’s fractured leg with his x-ray vision. Thank goodness, the broken bones were considerably smooth, not sharp, and had not cut the main blood vessels.

His mother had already sharpened the small knife and boiled it in the water…

Shen Lang carefully made a cut at the fractured area of his brother’s leg. It was meant for the accumulated blood to flow out and also to allow more accurate treatment.

The conditions, however, were too bad, and he couldn’t use metal to repair his fracture. After aligning the broken bone correctly, Shen Lang began to sew his injury together with the needle and thread that had been boiled in water. Then, he laid a layer of mashed herbs on the wound before tying the trimmed wooden sticks and the cloth which had been disinfected in the water together. Shen Lang ultimately secured the fractured area. Since there was no cast, he had no choice but to use a wooden stick.

“After this, you cannot stand on this leg. It will be best if you don’t move at all. It will take two months for it to heal,” said Shen Lang.

This was regarded as a mini-operation that lasted for less than an hour. Although Shen Lang’s brother was in extreme pain and had perspiration all over his forehead, he bit onto a wooden stick and forced himself to not shout.

During the entire process, his parents held their breaths and watched in disbelief. They did not even dare to take deep breaths.

That was too surprising. When Shen Lang returned, not only was he smarter, he even became so powerful.

Earlier on, Shen Lang’s father saw how Shen Lang was extraordinarily swift and determined. He was acting like another person.

Shen Jian threw away the wooden stick he was biting on and said in shock to Shen Lang, “Brother, you’re amazing! Not only did my leg stop swelling, but it was also less painful. I have seen many doctors’ treatment of fractured legs, but none of them are as fast and good as you!”

Although Shen Jian was an insignificant member amongst the gangsters, he had seen many people fracture their legs before. Shen Lang’s skills were indeed impressive and were much better than the other doctors.

Moreover, in the past, Shen Lang was a complete moron. How did he change so much, where did he learn all these from?

His family was surprised and happy.

Then, Shen Lang treated his father. Firstly, he redirected the blood clot in his lungs to prevent his injuries from worsening.

The hardest thing about redirecting blood clots was to determine where the blood clot was. It was inside the lungs and completely not visible through the naked eye. To the doctors in this world, this was impossible.

However, for Shen Lang, it was a piece of cake. His x-ray vision could allow him to locate the blood clot precisely.

His mother had already sharpened the thick needle. The thickest diameter was about three millimeters and used for sewing animal skin. It was boiled in water to sanitize it. Shen Lang accurately stabbed the needle into the lungs and pulled it out before sticking a stem of a plant into the wound. 3

The stem of the plant was about two to three millimeters in diameter. When the center was removed, it became hollow and was hard enough to allow the blood to flow.

Like this, Shen Lang made several small holes in his father’s lungs and sucked out the blood clot gradually.

After more than an hour, most of the blood clot in his father’s lungs were sucked out. The remaining bit did not need to be removed since his body was able to gradually absorb them through natural processes.

The effect was immediate after Shen Lang’s treatment.

Although his father still coughed, his breathing was much better. In the past, he could not breathe properly and felt a sharp pain in his lungs every time he took a breath. That feeling was miserable.

Now, however, not only did he find breathing much easier, but he also no longer felt as though there was something stuck at his chest. He felt excellent.

He did not expect his son to be so amazing when he merely did a little. He was extremely good at medicine.

The saying went, “Having a completely new appraisal after three days.” His son left for three months and gained these skills?

“I am feeling much better now. My son is amazing.” Shen Lang’s father sounded incredibly proud.

Shen Lang’s mother stared at Shen Lang, and she could not believe that her son became so smart and useful.

“Don’t ask. Shen Lang was not stupid, to begin with; he was only a man with great intelligence who appeared to be stupid.” Shen Lang’s father interrupted his wife from questioning Shen Lang and said, “We are more than happy to see our son like this; why must you continue probing?” 3

Shen Lang’s mother nodded vigorously and said, “Yes, yes, it is a blessing as Shen Lang is back. If he has this capability, we don’t have to marry widow Li. In the future, he can open a clinic and earn money. By then, he will be able to marry the village chief’s daughter.”

After that, Shen Lang’s parents and brother did not mention his change and was purely focused on being happy.

“You must be hungry. I will go get food for you.” Shen Lang’s mother rushed into the kitchen.

Shen Lang’s mother was virtuous and fast. Food was served in less than half an hour. There were three bowls of porridge, one massive bowl of rice, one plate of wild vegetables, one plate of greens, and one plate of preserved meat and cucumber.

Since Shen Lang’s father and brother were on their beds, the food was placed in between the two beds.

Like before, Shen Lang ate white rice while the others ate the porridge.

Shen Lang wanted to give some rice to his parents and brother, but they rejected him.

“Shen Lang, you are still growing. Eat white rice. You won’t be able to swallow the porridge.” Shen Lang’s father said, “If you don’t eat the rice, I won’t eat it either. Same for your brother.”

“Yes, we will definitely not eat it,” said Shen Jian as he laid on the bed. 1

“Shen Lang, eat some meat…” Shen Lang’s mother gave Shen Lang all the slices of preserved meat.

Of course, Shen Lang wanted to give them to his father and his brother, but he knew that they would not eat it. Moreover, they would feel happier if they see Shen Lang eat meat.

Sigh! They were really biased.

Although Shen Lang’s father and brother were injured and Shen Lang was not, their entire family still gave him the best food. 1

After the meal, Shen Lang brewed the medicine and gave them to his father and brother.

Shen Lang’s brother fractured his legs. Hence, he needed to drink bone soup and rest for about two months before he could recover.

Although the blood clot in Shen Lang’s father’s lungs had been removed and his life was no longer in danger, it could only be counted as a semi-treatment. After that, he would need to undergo anti-inflammation to nourish his lungs and body. These medicines could not be obtained from the mountains and had to be purchased.

“Shen Lang, wash your feet.” Shen Lang’s mother came forward with lukewarm water and bent down to wash Shen Lang’s feet. She seemed very familiar with the process like she had done that for the past decade or so.

“I’ll do it by myself, by myself.” Shen Wan did not dare to let his mother wash his feet for him since that was being extremely unfilial.

However, his mother felt slightly sad and said, “Shen Lang, in the past, you loved it when I washed your feet for you. What happened? My hands are clean.”

She was worried that after a few months of luxurious life in the Xu family, Shen Lang would neglect her.

Shen Lang understood it. It was a happy thing for his mother when she washed his feet. That was because he was the child who his mother doted on.

Therefore, Shen Lang was submerged in happiness the entire time and watched his mother wash his feet for him with her rough hands. During the process, her gaze was filled with joy and satisfaction. 1

Shen Lang had inherited the body and memory but not so much on kinship. However, in a few hours, he fell for it; he fell for the love of his parents and his brother.

“From now on, they are my biological parents and brother!” 2

He had the responsibility to ensure that his family lived a good life.

At this moment, Thirteen’s soft voice was heard, “Shen Lang, your family is indeed very loving. However, you only have two days; if you don’t hand over 1000 gold coins, your family will die with you.”
