Morti has activated [Bone Emperor].

The moment his target's head turned toward Nix, Morti the Titan cub charged. Moments later, he slammed into the Dark Knight with a horrific impact that pushed everyone in the raid back several steps. Nix took the opportunity to strike with both blades at the back of Trumane's knees. But, despite the strength of the attack and an impressive shower of electrical sparks, it had no effect.

/Inferno: Jun Li: DPS to flank!

/Healer: Tess: Putting a HoT on Morti. Normal heal cycle.

Tess has targeted Mortimer and cast [Angels Haven].

The Titan cub stood nearly eye to eye with the armored behemoth. He slammed both paws into the raised shield and pushed forward with all of his strength. Deep grooves were cut into the frozen tundra as the Dark Knight was forced backward.

Within seconds, the Inferno Raid engine was firing on all cylinders. With Morti tanking, the healers had no problems maintaining the Titan cub's health. With the absolute aggro of an Apex tank, the dps was able to go all out.


Nix maintained a spot between Chiba and Rabi. Neither of them liked to fly, so they were taking turns moving in with their chain attacks. A loud bang would sound off every few seconds, signifying that the Inferno snipers in-synch attacks had been launched. The problem was that the Dark Knight's health bar hadn't moved at all.

Dark Knight Truman only used three basic attacks in addition to his shield slam which was completely nullified by Mortimer. He used a swiping attack with his morning star that pushed back anyone that wasn't several tons of bear, an overhand attack that was easy to avoid but would stun anyone within five meters, and a kick that managed to catch Junie by surprise before launching her into the night sky.

/Inferno: Jun Li: How's mana? magic

/Inferno: Tess: Maintaining at 80 percent.

/Inferno: Semmi: What's going on? This guy can't be damaged?

Nix studied their target through [Dragon Eyes]. Although they hadn't been doing any damage, several hot spots were starting to show up on his thermal vision; particularly on the helm.


/Inferno: Nix: Snipers are targeting the head?

/Inferno: Darsi: You know it!

/Inferno: Nix: It looks like this guy's armor is starting to deteriorate. All ranged dps aim for the helm.

"Me too!" Morti pushed aside the Dark Knight's attempt at a shield slam and swatted him across the head. "Bear Slap! Here's another... One more!" The Titan cub let his clawed paws go as he bear-slapped Trumane repeatedly with an impact that sounded like a ringing church bell.

[Whisper: Vy Seabreeze to Nix] The Izzin Naval force is at your service, Guild Leader Nix.

Nix glanced at the message that popped up on his hud; stepping back from the fight, he glanced toward the east. "Holy Crap..."

[Whisper: Nix to Vy Seabreeze] ETA?

[Whisper: Vy Seabreeze to Nix] We'll be coming up starboard in thirty seconds.

/Inferno: Nix: Can you hold Trumane for thirty seconds by yourself, Morti? /Inferno: Morti: Yep.

/Inferno: Nix: All raid members except Morti, retreat immediately!

[The Izzin Navy has joined your raid]

Inferno retreated without question; Nix waited the longest before taking to the air in his Phoenix form. Then, finally, all eyes turned east, where four ships with billowing masts closed on their location with frightening speed.

Pon banked his Bone Crow to follow Nix while trying to make out the details through the storm. "How the hell are they doing that?"

A handful of seconds ticked by before the question was answered. The ships had been modified with skids that lifted the transports off the ice. Izzin was the only Naval power in Oasis, and as such, they were much more advanced than their Colonial counterparts. Their cannons could be synched together and aimed using the ship's gunner hud.

/Alliance: Vy Seabreeze: Preparing to fire!

/Inferno: Nix: Time to go, Morti!

Morti finished one last swat before morphing into his bird form and flying into the air. The black sparrow climbed upward, leaving an angry and very confused Dark Knight in his wake.

A hundred cannon hatches dropped open simultaneously, their barrels extended outward while moving slowly as they neared the target.

/Alpha: Pon: Shit. Those cannons are tracking the target.

/Alpha: Nix: Yeah. The Izzin Navy doesn't fuck around.

The first ship came broadside of the Dark Knight and immediately fired: smoke and flame roared outward in a deafening boom that changed night into day. One hundred cannons opened fire as Vy's Command ship passed; a few seconds later, the second one followed suit and did the exact same thing. Within half a minute, all four ships had fired and vanished into the storm.

/Alliance: Vy Seabreeze: Need us to come about?

Nix dived toward the target that was completely camouflaged by a smoke-filled haze. Dark Knight Trumane's armor was in shambles. His helm was gone, and his breastplate was completely destroyed except for one small piece that had been impaled into his side.

/Alliance: Nix: No. We got it from here. Thank you.

/Alliance: Vy Seabreeze: We Izzin have not forgotten Alpha or Inferno. Good luck.

/Inferno: Nix: Back at him, Morti!

Nix landed quickly and changed into his Salamander form. Although Trumane still held his weapon, his shield lay broken near his feet. A flash of black blurred downward toward the injured boss, ten meters from the target; it changed into an enormous Titan cub.

"BEAR FLOP!" Morti landed on the helmless Dark Knight with enough force to drive it to his knees. Then, slamming both paws forward, he unbalanced his foe and toppled it to the icy tundra.

Nix set two Flame anchors deep into the ice behind him before extending both hands. Two dozen strands of Emerald Fury flame wrapped around the Knight's closest leg. Pulling backward with all his strength, he used his set anchors to root himself into the ice.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Take him now!

With the target down, Morti retreated to allow Inferno's substantial dps to do their thing. After spending nearly an hour doing no damage, the health bar belonging to Dark Knight Trumane plummeted. The unarmored tank lasted only a few minutes before being finished.

Ronnie has slain Dark Knight Trumane.

[World Event: After losing a good portion of their allies, Inferno fought through the night in an effort to rally their forces. In an extended battle that lasted nine hours, the Alliance has prevailed over the invaders. Deep Winter has relinquished its hold on this land.] [Your progress in this war has weakened the Ice Goddess, the curse that has limited your abilities has been resolved.]

Moments after the announcement, the night sky lit up as a concealment veil was lifted slightly north of them. Nix changed into his hotter form and ran towards the light.

[Whisper: Nix to Del] Del!

[Whisper: Del to Nix] NIX! I'm here!

He closed on the group, slowing to a trot when Del's Slayer form spotted him. She nudged his soft muzzle with her own before licking his furred cheek. Instead of complaining, Nix chuckled. "Who is with you?"

Del's short ears pricked forward as her head swiveled to watch her fellow Ain'Dhassi emerge from their concealment. "My apprentice Cora; Grand Elder Sai Tali, Umi Strom, Bhal Strom, and Morana."

Nix frowned slightly; the number in their group didn't make up for the missing dhassi. "There's a lot of dhassi missing."

The soft muzzle pushed him again as the big cat leaned against Nix. "When the clerics were killed, Raine Xai ordered everyone into hiding until Inferno arrived. Her group was the vanguard that waited until the rest of us were safe."

Nix changed back into his human form, letting his hand rest lightly on Del's neck. "Rally your remaining forces and come to Everspire as soon as you can. But, before that, I want all casualties found and brought to Haven."

Del's pale blue eyes stared at him for a long moment. "I understand. Sorry, we couldn't contribute much."

Nix shook his head slightly and hugged her neck before stepping away. Del was the only one in the raid with enhanced vision ability. Without backup, she would have probably been slain with the raid. "We managed; I'm glad you're safe."

A few minutes later, Nix joined Alpha as they watched Semmi loot the Dark Knight. But, unlike the previous raid in Oasis, no one felt like cheering. Instead, Fajii stared at the fallen boss, her face expressionless.

"Hey..." Nix grabbed her warm hand, squeezing it while tugging her closer to his side. "One more, and we can finish this off."

Instead of speaking, Fajii hugged him tightly. "I... This is my fault. Instead of doing as you asked, I invited her into our family."

"Hmm?" Nix understood that she was talking about Raine. "Why did you do that?"

Fajii's vertical iris focused on Nix; although her tanned face looked heartbroken, her tears had already been cried out. "Because I liked her, she could be quite charming."

Nix nodded in agreement. "It took a while, but she grew on me as we spent more time together."

Fajii leaned closer and brushed her lips against his before stepping back. "Why did you petrify all the casualties in the medical tent?"

/Inferno: Nix: Time to head to Everspire and kill this bitch.

Several breaches opened at once. Nix turned to Fajii, who was still waiting for an answer. "To protect them. Can't let anything happen to our friends before we can figure out a work-around."

The Inferno Leader pulled her through the breach to stop further questions. Unlike their previous planar travel, Khione had not been able to interfere.

It was dawn when Inferno arrived at the edge of the frozen forest of Titania. Nix stared at the colossal trees; his sharp eyes scanned the area while he slowly turned in a circle. "Seems like I've returned to the beginning."

Pon grimaced at the frozen lake. "Can't wait to get rid of all this fucking ice. Wait... This is where you started?"

Nix nodded, pausing when he spotted the familiar building that sported a large sign reading, 'Iron Pike Trading Post.'

/Inferno: Nix: Contact Mortimus and find out their current status. Back in a bit.

Nix walked toward the Iron Pike; the sign in question was being carefully scraped free of ice. "Hey, old-timer."

The old man looked up at his voice, his face creasing into a wide smile. Unlike the first time they met, Hoot wore leather armor and had a bow strapped to his back. "Come to finish this off?"

Nix nodded and accepted Hoot's strong handshake. "Leave it to us; just stay here and protect the Iron Pike."
