Both Tai and Deidra stared at the filled basin. It was more Dragon Marrow than either of them had ever seen.

"Sinfaya submerged herself a few moments ago." Nix smiled at the two completely different dragons. Tai wore a sleeveless shirt and leather leggings that had been rolled up to her knee. A red bandanna covered her brown hair; it was an accessory that always brought a smile to his face. Deidra's ice blue robe matched her demeanor, although she did smile on occasion. "I realize that both of you donated your marrow to keep your Dragon Cities in the air. It's time to recoup that loss."

Deidra moved first, unfastening her robe to let it slide down her pale form. Unlike Sinfaya, she took one long step and sunk beneath the surface.

Nix gave Tai a questioning look when she didn't immediately follow. "Problem?"

Tai shook her head and started to disrobe. "Seti contacted me. Gharon the Black was slain in his office at the Tembai Academy."

"Really? Doesn't that place have security?" Nix could see that the Earth Dragon suspected him but hadn't decided for sure. "Sounds like internal strife to me; some people are just difficult to work with."

Tai laughed at the innocent face Nix wore. "Now I know it was you."


Nix smirked in reply. "Open me a breach to Loki?"

Tai opened a breach and moved closer, kissing him on the cheek. "How am I going to pay you back for this?"

"Lavish gifts work for me." Nix stepped through the breach without saying anything further.


Jiggs sized up the small team of Su'Dhassi, made up of five men and two women. There was only one caster in the group; the second female wore some sort of wolf hood covering her face. The rest consisted of three ranged fighters, two dagger wielders, and a heavy hitter. "You're group has potential. Tell you what I'm going to do. I'll personally talk to Nix and..."

Jiggs has been Petrified.


The large grayish-black head of a serpent rose upward out of the snow, its yellow eyes taking in several groups of fighters, most of them scrambling for their weapons. The beast changed suddenly, morphing into a human.

Nix patted Jigg's stone shoulder, before looking up at the Su'Dhassi he'd been speaking to. "There's no fucking way I'm marrying you. No engagement, wedding gifts, or any other stupid thing this clown may have told you."

"M-Marry?" Eri's calm manner collapsed with the unexpected words.

Nix nodded as if he managed to clear something up before it happened. He favored the scarred Dhassi with a smile. "I do like your face, though."

"M-My Face?" Eri's calloused hand touched the long scars on the side of her face.

"Yeah." Nix glanced at the group of fighters behind her; they seemed to be struggling to keep from laughing. "Hey... Haven't we met somewhere?"

A low, sultry laugh sounded from the rear of the group; once it started, the rest of them joined in. A wolf-masked woman approached Nix; she was dressed mostly in white furs, the small bits of exposed skin were completely covered in black-ink tattoos. "I am Brell, a Shaman of the Su'Dhassi. This person you are addressing is the honorable Eri Dale, the leader of the Sand Killers."

"Sand Killers?" Nix tried the name out in his head a few times. "Damn... That's a good name."

[Whisper: Brell to Eri] The 'ugly woman' of the Su'Dhassi laid low by a single compliment? Pull yourself together! "Guild Leader Nix," Eri finally managed to find her words. "I was hoping to speak with you."

Nix spotted a large tent set up near a roaring fire, the most likely place to find the Dhassi leadership. "Sure, I have a moment. Wait... First, tell me where we've met."

Eri nodded nervously, her memory of that moment suddenly vivid. She had been charmed by the Water Witch, helpless to do anything other than answer questions and follow orders. When the Inferno duo was preparing to exit, Nix equipped a red scimitar and was about to end her life. It had been the Water Witch that stopped him. "In the House of Aquarion."

Nix laughed unexpectedly. "You're the fucking bushwhacking Dhassi ranger that shot me!"

Eri would have taken a step back at the words, but there was no anger attached to them. "My pardon, Guild Leader Nix."

Nix shrugged slightly. "What do you want?"

Eri changed the approach she had planned. She realized from the brief exchange that Nix said what he thought; it was reasonable to conclude that he liked it when others did the same. "This is stupid. I've been directed to seek a place in your inner circle. The Su'Dhassi War Council thinks that the other Dhassi have an advantage over us because of Raine Xai and Del Tali."

"That's not stupid." Nix considered the scarred woman's words. Placing one Dhassi race over another in a War that would impact generations could alter the balance of Oasis.

[Summons: Ducky]

A surprised Ducky appeared in front of Nix. She glanced at her surrounding, making sure there was no imminent danger before slipping on a blue coat with a white-furred collar.

Nix pulled Ducky toward him and pointed to the small group of Dhassi. "These are the Sand Killers. I need them vetted. Would you do that for me?"

Ducky nodded, "of course, Nix." Her all-blue eyes instantly recognized Eri from their brief meeting in Solomon City. "You're the one I took the bow from."

Eri grimaced slightly but didn't reply.

The Water Witch sighed heavily, her face showing frustration. "I've never been able to shoot it properly, no matter how much I practiced."

"It has a hidden stat that places an accuracy penalty on anyone who fires it, other than me, I mean."

"It does? No wonder I was never able to hit anything with it." Ducky's lips curved into a slow smile. "Where did you get such a thing?"

"From Deidra, the Dragon Master of Solomon City." magic

"Oh... She's a friend of mine." Ducky accessed her inventory and handed Eri the bow in question. "Can we swap?"

"Swap?" Eri stared at the Silver Bow, she had replaced it with the best one she could find, but it wasn't nearly as good. "I will accept your generosity with the understanding that I owe you a favor."

/Family: Nix: After you've vetted each of them, bring them to the Gemini Temple.

/Family: Ducky: What about Haven?

/Family: Nix: Restrict access to the Temple. Even if they aren't working for Khione, they could still be crazy.

Nix motioned for the Su'Dhassi group to gather around. "Unfortunately, you'll need to be vetted by Ducky before we can move forward. It isn't mandatory for most Dhassi fighters, but if you want a place in the inner circle, then you need to agree."

/Sand Killers: Eri: Step away now if you can't accept this.

Eri bowed slightly. "As you say, Guild Leader Nix." Nix turned toward the campfire, pausing for a moment while glancing from the Su'Dhassi Ranger to Ducky. "Make sure she isn't trying to trick me into some sort of engagement."

Eri Dale, "...."

Ducky nodded. "Of course, that will be my first question."


Nix entered the War Lodge a few minutes later; the guard outside lifted the tent flap so that he could walk through unobstructed. A thermocule had been placed in the center of the large tent, making the space very comfortable. The heating device worked so well in Vespri, that Inferno continued its production in support of the war effort.

Semmi sat between Del and Raine, a smart move considering the two Dhassi were always arguing. The blond officer looked relieved when he walked in. "Nix!"

The spoken name caused the din of voices to fade suddenly, all eyes focused on the Inferno Leader.

/Alpha: Nix: Those two behaving?

/Alpha: Semmi: No. They constantly take little jabs at each other.

Nix stopped in the center of the tent. "We've been fighting the Deep Winter War for several weeks. I must first thank the Dhassi for their tireless effort. The battle for Oasis is close at hand. In two days, we'll discuss the final plan at the War Camp in Fraya'Selene."

"Why not take them now?" Delyn Xai spoke from the far side of the lodge, where he was seated next to Del's Grandfather, Morai Sai Tali. "I believe Inferno's motto is 'Prey Waits.'"

Nix nodded in agreement. "I love that motto. We aren't waiting; even now, the pieces are being moved into place. It will take us two days of preparation."

"You don't think we could take them now?" Delyn continued his point.

Nix shrugged slightly. "Maybe. The Dhassi have been warring with each other for decades. Taking down a single powerful entity doesn't play to your strengths. However... If the Dhassi wishes to move forward without the 12 Pillar Alliance, be my guest. We will be more than happy to watch the Dhassi as they fight for the future of every man, woman, and child in Oasis."

Delyn held up both hands. "Forgive my words, Guild Leader Nix. They are born from exhaustion and frustration."

Nix waved him off. "There's nothing to forgive. Everyone here has experienced loss; your concerns are understandable. Rest and prepare; in two days, the fight begins."

Bhal Strom stood up from his spot near Umi Strom, the young leader of the Strom Clan. "As you say, Nix. Thank you for taking the time to visit us."

[Whisper: Bhal to Delyn] Have you lost your fucking mind? The Dhassi struggle to kill a Regional Lord without help.

[Whisper: Delyn to Bhal] I shall apologize properly; the words were out before I realized.

Raine followed Nix when he exited the tent a few minutes later. He had stopped to greet the leaders that he knew.

Raine caught him when stopped in front of the fire. "Where do you need me?"

"You can wait at the Turtle House, but I won't get back until late. We can discuss the next few days then."

Raine hugged him close for a moment before stepping away. "I'll be waiting."

Nix waited until Raine gated out before turning to Semmi, who was waiting patiently. "Is Alpha ready to go?"

/Alpha: Semmi: Yes. They are waiting at the Gemini Temple.

Nix felt a warm body press against his side, a reminder that Del was still there. "Going to join us?"

Del has joined Alpha.

/Alpha: Del: Of course. What are we going to do?

/Alpha: Nix: A meeting with Tautius in Eidengal and then we're going dragon hunting.
