
I heard my own voice, almost scream-like. I awoke, breathing heavily as if I was choking.

My cheeks were damp with tears, and I even felt a sensation of anguish due to how harsh and ragged my breathing was.

With every breath, my body, which was on fire like it was clad in scorching heat, complained of inexplicable pain. It hurt… throughout my body, making me couldn’t move or get up because of it.

A pathetic sound emanated from the back of my throat.

Pain hit me in my mouth, even in my head, from the tips of my fingers to my toes, everywhere was searing with agony.

I was sleeping. This softness was not a futon, but a bed. The ceiling’s stark white color was all that crossed my vision. Other than that, nothing else was visible.magic


Was this a dream or―


“Hakamada. Thank goodness you’re awake.”

Not the… manager…

A middle-aged male voice, much like the manager’s, called out to me, prompting me to move my head with all my strength. The direction in which I turned my head was a strange man dressed in a white coat. Even in my foggy mind, I knew exactly what kind of person he was, simply by the fact that he was wearing a white coat.“This is… I, why?”

“It’s a hospital, you had been in a severe accident… do you remember what happened that time?”


In a dimly lit room, a doctor in a white coat seated in a chair with a benevolent smile slowly informed me of that.


Right, I was on my bike… and I crashed into a guardrail… And then―

The flashback memory returned.

Only my right eye was severely painful at the time, and I grunted and suppressed it.

Did I survive? Why was I spared after such a dramatic crash when normally it would have led to death? Why…?


…The pain was there. It was not a dream, this was indisputably the reality.

So was that, Hyuga, a… dream, an illusion… From which point to which point…? Until now, what have I been doing…

Despite finally awakening from the nightmare, the memory of it was threatening to envelop me in fear again, and I wanted to toss the feeling somewhere far away, so I inquired of the person in front of me, “What time is it…”

The fact that no light was penetrating through the closed curtains suggested that it was now the middle of the night. How long had I actually been asleep?My mom, younger sister, dad, and everyone else must have been shocked to find me in this situation… Once again, I have inconvenienced the manager and Takenaka…


In cases like this, I supposed they usually let a person face their relatives at once when they regained consciousness. I wasn’t sure if this was truly the case, though. The doctor remained seated in his chair with his smile unwavering. He showed no sign of panic, nor did he appear to be calling for anyone.

If only I had questioned it… Still sitting, the doctor stretched out his neck and brought his face close to mine.

“Hakamada, there is in fact one thing I need to inform you about.”


“It’s of great significance.”


My throat croaked and saliva fell out of my mouth.

What was he going to say to me… No way, it couldn’t be that I would spend the rest of my life in bed… Imagining the ill-omen, I responded briefly, narrowing my eyes.

When I was approached, a flat, large face, with two fish-like eyes glistened.

“Unfortunately, you’re already dead.”
