Thefollowingday atmy part-time job, I left myhouse at theusual time andheaded for theconvenience store lateatnight. Iwas reasonably prepared topass throughthe tunnel on theway there, butstill in the sameplace as yesterdaywas the carcassof that cat, its intestines andorgans driedout, and attracting multitudesof flies.Translator: MadHatter

Eventhough it hadonly taken mea couple of secondsto stare directlyat it andgo beyondit, thedreadful odorof decay prickled mynostrils unrelentingly. AsI hadsurmised, the decomposition wouldaccelerate in notime at all if itwas exposed to thesummer sun in such aplace. Thatbeing said, itwas unlikely thatanyone would bury it in the groundin a placelikethis. Inthe firstplace, who woulddispose of such awrecked, dried-out, andhideouscarcass?gewgmagic

ShouldIcontact an animal welfare organization and askthem to dosomething about thissituation… Thecat being left alonewas miserable, but seeing this everytime I came andwent wasrather unbearable.wfqg

Nevertheless, therewas nothing in particularthat I coulddo about it…Not shared on

Justto besure, I looked behindme briefly, onlyto discover that thecat with themottled patterned, ominous purrwas notpresent.
