“Hey,Hakamada.” Translator: MadHatter

“Thanksforyourhardwork.” wfyyg

“So it’s timefor the shiftchange huh. Bytheway, Hakamada, you arrived earlytoday.”

“Oh,yes, well, a littlebit.” Not shared on aggregator websites

Afterentering the store, I exchanged familiar greetings and bowedas I entered the back room, where Iwas met by Nagase, who glanced at hiswatch.

“It hadbeen a while since my friends and I had gotten together but I figured if I stayedtoo long, I might getreally drunk.”

“Haha, so you leftearly.”



I didn’twant to be the victimon that road’s curve.dwf

“Right, if you disappear, Hakamada, wewill have fewer people to work the nightshift.”

This barcodemanager was a badomen. As if whathe said was on point, Nagase started to laughtoo. Ugh… evenNagase.

With their laughter behind me, I went to the backroom and changed into myuniform.feo

Speakingof which, Takenaka was supposed to be herebut I hadn’t spottedhim yettoday. Ithought hemight be rearranging the shelves again, soI peeked out fromthe back room andchecked around the store, only to find no one who lookedlike Takenaka.


Oh, well…Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

“Takenakaiscoming, isn’the?”fwerg

“Yeah, he’scoming. I mean, he’shere.”43he4

When I asked the manager about it, he respondedwith a meaningfulphrase.

“Takenaka is inthe toilet.”

“Oh.” Not shared on aggregator websites

Hewas cleaning thetoilet huh.

“He’sthrowingup, though.”fcewgv



Atthe same time I said that, Nagase suddenly burst outlaughing excitedly without any warning. It astonished meand a few other customers who had accumulated in the store.

“Hyahahahahahaha! Hahahaha! Ahahahahaha!”fev

“Nagase…?!” Translator: MadHatter

No good, Nagase was twisting his stomachwhile laughing as though he were on fire. Whatspecifically transpired for him to be amused in thisway?

“Buhahahaha! Hahahahi, ihihihihi!!”

Although themanager rubbed Nagase’s back and triedto calm him down, he keptlaughing in an eerie manner, so muchso that one of the customers fled to theexit.

“Nagase, it’s time tosettle down, you’re leading the customersaway…!”

“Ugh, uhi, phew… e-excusebuhaha!!”

Wow, Nagasewas even more destructive thanthose guys whohad an inseparable relationship with mewhen it came to pressure points.magic

Imean, Takenaka throwing up in the toilet… what didthat mean?efwv

“Um…manager.”Not shared on aggregator websites

“Ah, actually, yousee.”fcwebgvr

When Iasked him about it, this waswhat happened.

“In otherwords, Takenaka got grossed out when he saw thecarcass of a cat thathad beenrun over onthe road.”

He was apparently pukingin the toilet of the convenience storewhere he worked.


No, no, no, we weretalking about that Takenaka.


TheTakenaka that was the guardian deity of this convenience store.

He drove away themalevolent spirits that flockedto the convenience store and single-handedlyattempted to protect the newcomers who swept in here time and timeagain.

We were talkingabout Takenaka, with his sternguardian spirit in armorand helmet, you know. Such a cool, adversary-free, and seamless (in my image) Takenaka was… at themere sight of a cat carcass…

As I was mulling thisover, the door to the toilet in the back of the storeopened. Takenakastaggered out of the door, his body swaying.

“Hakamada, hi… Goodevening.”

Takenaka’s whiteface turned pallid immediately after meetingme and greeted me. He wasevidently out of his element. Never before had I seen Takenaka looking sovulnerable.

“A-Are you alright?”grhnjt

When I inadvertently rushedto him and said so, Takenaka showed me a look thatsaid, “About what?”

“Oh, you see. The manager told methat you were in the back. Hesaid that you got sick atthe sight of the cat carcass onthe road, but Takenaka, you would never…”

, I addedwith a wry smile and at the moment I did so, Takenaka’s facetightened up.


Heput one hand overhis mouth and leaned forward when I thought a strange voice was emitting from histhroat.

His complexionwas extremely poor. Ontop of that, both of his shoulders werequivering and the corners of his eyes were incredibly moist.

“Um…” Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

“…”Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

“Takenaka… the catcarcass on the road…”

“Ugh!!”Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

“…”Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

“…”Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

“Takenaka, didyouperhaps… thecat.”

“Ugggghhhh!!”Not shared on lightnovelreader.me

