After personally seeing Shen Yin into the banquet hall, Zhong Xin thoughtfully found a quiet spot for her. “Miss Shen, please wait here patiently. The President will be done very soon. I still have matters to attend to at the office and I have to go now. The President will arrive soon.”
Shen Yin smiled and nodded. “Go ahead. I can manage.”
When they saw Zhong Xin leave, the other people at the party sized up her even more brazenly. They deliberately discussed her loudly enough for her to overhear. “Who is this woman? Why haven’t I seen her before? She even got out of President Lian’s car. Could she be President Lian’s lover?”
“Look at her seductive appearance. Can’t you tell who she is? I didn’t expect even President Lian to fancy a shady woman like that.”
“I thought President Lian was abstinent and cold. But he’s as bad as all the other men!”
The women gathered together and deliberately allowed their offensive talk reach Shen Yin’s ears, waiting to see her reaction.
They were gathered in groups of twos and threes. She was the only one sitting alone in the corner.
It seemed that she had been excluded.
Shen Yin shook her head helplessly. At least this spot was quiet.
She summoned a waiter and asked for a slice of cake. She sat in the corner and nibbled on it.
“Hello, may I sit here?”
She heard a low and charming voice coming from above. Shen Yin looked up and suddenly met a pair of charming eyes.
“If you like.” Shen Yin stepped back uncomfortably. Anyone could tell that she was not welcome here, but he still wanted squeeze into the same corner with her. He must have a motive.
That person sat opposite her, his lovely eyes shining. “My name is Cheng Huo. Miss, may I know your name?”
“Shen Yin.” She put down her fork. Now that she had finished the cake, she was not so hungry anymore. She now had the energy to deal with this unwelcome man.
Cheng Huo narrowed his eyes and smiled politely. “Miss Shen, are you a doctor?”
Shen Yin raised her eyebrows with interest. “How did you know?”
Cheng Huo shrugged flippantly. “I have an excellent sense of smell. I can smell the disinfectant on Miss Shen, although there’s only a trace of it.”
Lian’e walked over gracefully with a glass of wine and smiled politely at Cheng Huo. “President Cheng, why aren’t you sitting over there? The banquet will officially begin once Little Jing arrives.”
Cheng Huo raised his chin and pointed at Shen Yin. “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Miss Lian?”
“Her?” Lian’e knew that although everyone was maintaining their distance, they were all secretly paying attention to what was happening here. She deliberately raised her voice to ensure that everyone present could hear her. “There’s nothing to introduce. I don’t really know her. I don’t know why Little Jing asked her to come.”
When they heard Lian’e’s words, the people at the banquet who were already looking at Shen Yin with disdain grew even more scornful.
Lian’e was Lian Jing’s aunt. When they saw her attitude towards Shen Yin, everyone grew even more certain that Shen Yin’s relationship to Lian Jing was a disreputable one.
The ladies at the banquet looked at Shen Yin with hostility, while the men drooled over her beauty.
They also wanted to see what kind of woman would pique President Lian’s interest. When President Lian got tired of her, they hoped he would give them a chance to enjoy her.
The looks that the surrounding crowd were giving her were openly malicious. Shen Yin frowned and felt a little annoyed. Just as she was about to retort, she heard the man opposite her gently shake the wine glass in his hand and glance at her meaningfully. “Miss Shen is a doctor. She must be the lady who saved Old Master Lian at the airport not long ago, right? Miss Lian, you don’t even know that?”
Shen Yin looked up in surprise. She wondered why this person was speaking up for her in public.
Lian’e was stumped by his words. Seeing that situation had changed, she hurriedly grabbed Shen Yin’s hand warmly and gratefully. “So it’s Miss Shen. You look so different from the time you first met my father. I didn’t even recognize you. My father always says that we must remember to be grateful to our benefactors and that Little Jing must repay you. My father and I are relieved to see that you’re doing well.”
Lian’e’s speech was very clever. It made it seem as if Shen Yin’s current status was due to the Lian family’s help.
Shen Yin could not be bothered to quibble with her, but she smiled politely. “No wonder Miss Lian didn’t recognize me. Grandpa Lian often tells me that you haven’t visited him since he was discharged. I haven’t seen you at Grandpa Lian’s place and almost didn’t recognize you just now.”