Chapter 261 Collecting the Winnings 1  

Monday morning, all of us were sluggish in our movements to get going for the day. None of us got to bed before midnight, which was more true for me than them. After staying up and talking about the game, and what to do about my lack of nutrition, I still had to do my homework and shower before sleeping.

"Did you get to the math homework last night?" Dave whispered as we walked down the stairs for breakfast.

I nodded and let out a yawn.

"Okay, we’ll find you at lunch so we could see it." He sped up and beat me to the table.

"See it?" Noah snorted from beside me. "More like to copy. One of these days, we’re gonna have to cash in on your hard work."

If it was my hard work, then why is it a ’we’ cashing in? But I let it go. I wasn’t one to blackmail others. That was obviously Noah’s expertise. I’m pretty sure he could get a bigger reward than I ever could too.


At breakfast, we usually picked what we wanted to eat out of the choices given. Today, however, was different. But only for me. At my usual spot, two plates were already there, piled up with waffles, pancakes, fruits, a bagel, bacon, and scrambled eggs. I looked around the table to see if it belonged to someone else.

"It’s yours, Jake." Zeke confirmed, nodding at my spot. "Sit and eat. We can’t be late for school."

I slowly sat down, and Noah plopped in his seat next to mine. Noah took his empty plate and filled it up with his favorites, yet it didn’t amount to half of what was in front of me.

"Time to fatten you up!" Kyle laughed as I studied my plate, trying to figure out where to begin.

I grabbed a piece of bacon and started to eat. Then the scrambled eggs. And then the waffle. After that, I looked to Noah for help. I was stuffed. There was no way I could eat anymore unless I wanted to throw up which would be counterproductive.

Noah understood right away, and smiled at me before hollering for his mom. "Mom! Come here for a second!"


Mrs. Atkins, who had been in the office all morning, came out and took a look at Noah. "What is it honey?"

"Jake’s full. He doesn’t have to eat everything you put on his plate, does he?" Noah explained, gesturing to my leftover food.

Mrs. Atkins let out a short laugh. "No, he doesn’t have to finish. I just want him to eat as much as possible." She moved to the kitchen and came back with Noah’s lunch bag and mine. "I packed more food too so don’t hold back. Noah, I want to ask you if you could make sure he eats a snack between classes?"

Noah raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Dr. Walker suggested he eat more frequently. So I packed a few easy to eat snacks for when you guys change classes. There’s almonds, a banana, a granola bar, some grapes. Plenty of items to choose from."

"Uh, if he eats all that during the morning, will he even be hungry for lunch?" Noah asked.

"Nope. I’ve looked over some of the information that was given and it’ll actually keep his metabolism going. I also picked snacks that aren’t too fulfilling so it should be fine." She looked at me with a smile. "If you have any favorites or dislikes in today’s food, just leave it in there so I know you won’t eat it in the future."

I nodded and put the bag of food in my backpack.

We followed the normal routine and Zeke rushing us to get in the car so we could get to school. Noah and I waited for Mr. Miller like usual, and caught a ride up to the school building. It wasn’t the only thing I caught though. I caught grief from Mr. Miller for making them worry and stress over my wellbeing. The whole ride up to the school he lectured me on taking care of myself and knowing when not to overdo it. It’s important to go all out and give your complete effort, but health and safety come first.

Noah was quick to inform him of my diagnosis: malnutrition was holding me back. He quickly told him of his parents plan to combat this to help me get better.

Mr. Miller nodded in agreement and told Noah to make sure I ate properly.

I pouted. Why is everyone telling Noah to make sure I eat? We were the same age and it’s not like I’m more irresponsible than he is. I also didn’t have an eating disorder. I ate three meals a day, all with the Atkins so they should know I wasn’t skipping out.

"Hey, why do you look so depressed? We aren’t even in class yet." Noah joked as we walked to his locker.

I shrugged. "I just feel like everyone is treating you as my babysitter. We’re the same age."

Noah laughed. "It’s not like I’m your babysitter. It’s because I’m with you 95% of the day. Mom will probably ask me what you liked most for a snack or something after practice. She doesn’t want to hover over you and make you uncomfortable so she’s using me to take notes." He thought for a minute. "As for Mr. Miller? He probably thinks you’ll forget or zone out like you do sometimes. Nothing too in-depth to look at there."

"I don’t zone out." I replied.

"You do. All the time." Noah laughed and hurried me from his locker to our class, after we had changed our books. "But that’s okay. I’m sure there’s a lot on your mind."

"Hm." Maybe. Kind of. I guess. Crazy mom will do that I guess. I should bring this up to Dr. Moore when I see him this week.

"Oh, right! Did I tell you that there’ll be a surprise at lunch?" Noah asked as we sat in our seats of our first class of the day. I shook my head. "We’ll be collecting our winnings!"
