Chapter 244 Stanford University: Sunday  

Sunday morning, Mr. Atkins woke us up to get dressed, packed up, and to load up the car. We did as he instructed, then we were able to enjoy the free continental breakfast that came with the hotel stay.

After a heavy breakfast, we headed to the school and met with Zeke, who stood with Coach and Bradley Thompson.

Noah lit up, and for once ignored Zeke to focus on someone else. His eyes never left Bradley. "Can I get an autograph? Please?"

Bradley chuckled. "Sure. Do you have paper and a pen?"

Noah came prepared, whipping out a notepad and pen.

"Should I make it out to Noah? Or to the whole Atkins family?" He asked as he received the utensils.


"Just your signature is fine. That way I can sell it if you hit the big time." Noah said innocently.

The twins broke out in laughter and I joined in. Typical Noah, always trying to make a dollar. I guess you could also say this is a bet. A bet that Bradley Thompson would make it big in the MLB.

Zeke rolled his eyes, slapping his youngest brother upside the head. He looked at Bradley. "Just make it out to Noah."

Bradley laughed. "Sure." He signed it and handed the paper and pen back. "I’ll become so good that you’ll want to keep that framed on your wall someday."

Noah smirked. "Nah. That spot is already reserved. For Zeke’s signature."

Zeke shook his head, but I could see a little smile fighting to appear on his face. "You’re ridiculous." He looked to Coach and held out his hand. "Thanks for letting me come on such short notice. I appreciate everything you guys put together for me." They shook hands.


Mrs. Atkins looked surprise at the sudden goodbye. It was then that we noticed his bags were already packed and sat on a bench. "Oh. I didn’t realize we would be leaving so soon."

The coach smiled warmly at all of us, patting Zeke on the shoulder. "I’ve already shared with Zeke what I thought about him and his skill. Stanford is ready to prepare a full ride scholarship to cover all of his tuition for the four year stay."


"That’s great!"

"What’d you expect? It’s Zeke."

"Yea, only he could get a full ride after asking for a last minute visit."

The whole family started talking at the same time, happy with the offer to Zeke.

"We only ask that you let us know as soon as you make a decision." The coach looked at Zeke alone. "That money could help out other players on the team, or even help us recruit another player of the same caliber." He handed Zeke a manila envelope. "This is the paperwork. When you’re ready."

Zeke held the long envelope carefully as if he was scared to fold it. "Thanks Coach. I won’t drag my feet for too long."

"At least say that we would be the number one choice if you decide to go to college." Bradley smiled as he shook Zeke’s hand too. "It was nice meeting you and getting to know one another. I hope you take my experience to heart and really consider my school. I’m positive you would become a starter as a freshman and help me carry this team to the College World Series after these seniors leave."

Zeke raised an eyebrow. "If I became a starter, it would be for center field. Are you willing to move to the corners?"

Bradley turned serious. "For you? I’d consider it. Heck, I would let you have the cleanup spot too. If you could handle it."

Zeke opened his mouth to speak, but Noah cut in.

"Of course Zeke could handle it! He doesn’t even need you to hand him those things. He’ll be able to take it with his own skill." Noah handed me the autograph on the notepad. "Here Jake, you can have this. The only autograph I need is Zeke’s."

There was an awkward pause where no one knew what to say.

Of course the twins attacked first. One grabbed Noah and held him up as the other started to attack him. By tickling him. Noah burst out laughing and started to struggle in their clutches.

"Hey, hey! What do you mean you only need Zeke’s autograph?"

"Yea, what about us??"

"Are we nothing in your eyes?"

"Just who do you think you are?"

"Talking so big like you’re so great!"

"You’re just a little punk!"

"Join in Jake!"

"Yea! He only said Zeke."

I just laughed, hoping not to get involved. I could see where the twins were coming from, being slightly dissed by their younger brother. But, I could see Noah’s perspective a little better. He looked up to Zeke the most like he was his idol. Even if he won’t admit outright, I know he wants to be as good as him. No, even better.

As the twins tortured Noah, the rest of the Atkins expressed gratitude to the coach and Bradley, before waving them off. Soon it was just us. And Noah’s endless laughter. Which almost sounded like he was choking at this point.

"Okay, put him down. He has have enough." Mr. Atkins commanded and the twins complied. He gave a stern look towards Noah. "That was impolite to say."

Noah shrugged, trying to regain his normal breathing. "What can I say? The truth hurts."

I laughed. What a response.

Mr. Atkins just shook his head. "Can’t you be a little more mature now that you’re in high school? You still act like an elementary kid sometimes."

Noah frowned. "Coming from the man who let the twins tickle me as punishment."

Mrs. Atkins let out a giggle. "He’s got you there." She looked at all of us. "Well, overall it was a successful trip. Zeke got an official offer. The twins didn’t start any trouble. Noah didn’t gamble. And Jake was able to see a little of San Francisco. Not bad. Why don’t we head home now?"

Everyone agreed and we headed out. Zeke carried his bags to the car before stuffing them into the trunk. Then we piled on in, and headed home. But sadly, traffic made the short trip a bit longer.

Noah sighed after glancing out the window for the millionth time. We were in dead stop traffic. "Can we stop for lunch?"


"I second the motion."

The twins agreed, also cranky about the traffic.

"Next stop, let’s get off." Mrs. Atkins told her husband. He nodded.

"It’s only been an hour." Zeke said. "We’d be home sooner if we keep driving. This is about the same time we’ll be on the bus tomorrow."

"Exactly why we should take a break now." Noah said. "We’re already going to be in a bus for a long time tomorrow. Might as well give us a break."

"Wait. Tomorrow is going to be two hours too?" Kyle groaned.

"At Porterville." Dave sighed. "Probably have to share the bus with the softball team too." Another groan from Kyle.

Noah leaned forward to the middle seat, closer to the other three. "Wait. We take the bus with the softball team??"

"Yes." The twins groaned in unison, seemingly both upset about the fact.

"For away games, we’ll travel with varsity softball team." Zeke confirmed. "Our school is too small to afford two different busses for no reason. We go to the same place. The freshman and junior varsity will play the same school, but at our school. Then when we play at home, they play away. It’s called timing and budgeting."

"Why can’t we travel with the JV team then?" Kyle complained.

"Why are you so opposed to traveling with the girls?" Noah asked. "Are you not interested in getting a girlfriend?"

Kyle rolled his eyes. "A normal girlfriend preferably. The softball team is just filled with a bunch of brutes. I want someone more girly."

"Are you just mad that they’re more fierce than you?" Noah asked, skeptical of his brother’s behavior.

Dave burst out laughing. He shot Noah a thumbs up before Kyle could say anything. Kyle smacked Dave. "Don’t laugh. You’re not any better."

"Okay, we’re here. Let’s go eat!" Mrs. Atkins declared once the car stopped. The conversation died as we focused on getting food.
