Chapter 227 Stanford University: Friday 4  

With the five of us reunited, the parents decided it was time for lunch before we headed to the university. The outdoor mall had an assortment of restaurants to choose from. We settled on a family diner and had hamburgers with fries.

On our way to the university, Dave asked a question that even I wanted an answer to. "Why did Zeke not want us there for lunch?"

"So he could bond with the team?" Noah shrugged.

"More like, so we wouldn’t embarrass him." Kyle muttered. "He’s obviously ashamed that his family followed him for a college visit."

"What’s there to be embarrassed about?" Dave shot back. "We’re baseball players too. He should have let us joined him."

"He probably didn’t want us to distract him." Mrs. Atkins tried to soothe her boys. "This is an important life decision that needs to be scrutinized closely. You boys would take away the college atmosphere. Not because you’re immature, but because Zeke is older."


Um. Isn’t that the same thing? The other boys seem to have the similar thoughts as me, yet no one dared to correct Mrs. Atkins.

Mr. Atkins smiled at us, using the rear view mirror. "I’m sure Zeke just didn’t want us hovering. It’s good to be on your own sometimes." He found a visitors parking spot and pulled the car in. "Okay, I shouldn’t have to remind you boys, but be on your best behavior. No fighting. No running around and causing trouble. No gambling of any sort."

I think the last line was specifically for Noah. I grinned at him and he nudged me away.

Mr. Atkins turned off the car and we started to pile out. Him and his wife led the way through the parking lot and onto the actual campus. The school reminded me of a garden or a nature preserve with all its flowers, trees, and bushes everywhere. There was a mix of historic buildings and modern complexes scattered to my left and right. Students walked around, rode bicycles and skateboarded throughout the school as we walked to the main offices.

"What a nice place!" Dave looked around, excited.

"Right?! I can’t wait to go to college and be free." Kyle sighed.


"Be free? Excuse me." Mrs. Atkins looked back at her twins. "I’ll have you two know, that I’ll be expecting daily updates when you go to college. If not, I’ll visit every weekend."

Noah laughed. "That’s if they can even get to college, Mom."

"Little rascal!" Dave was the closest and quickest twin to react, pulling Noah into a headlock. "I’ll definitely get into a college with my baseball skills."

"Yea, a community college." Noah snorted.

We ended up stopping in the middle of the walkway as Dave and Noah continued to mess around. Noah was able to tickle Dave under the arm, making him release his grip on Noah. Then it became a cat and mouse game as they ran around, Dave trying to catch Noah. They weaved through the crowd, ran around bushes and sprinted across the nice green lawn.

Kyle made a sneak attack and was able to catch Noah off guard. He held him up, merciless, and Dave started his attack. Of tickles.

"They’re so lively." A loud voice said from behind me, making me jump. "Are you sure you’re related?"

I didn’t waste any time getting out of the way, standing behind Mr. Atkins.

"I like to think I’m adopted." A familiar voice replied, deadpanned. Zeke! I peeked and saw him standing next to a big-bellied man as tall as Zeke.

The big-bellied man laughed, shaking with his whole body, reminding me of a Santa Claus. Minus the beard and white hair. But he was definitely red in the face. The maroon-red shirt didn’t help his complexion any. "It’s good to see children so lively. These must be your parents! Hello, I’m Leroy Fairynaz. The head coach of the baseball team."

Mrs. Atkins stepped up and shook his hand. "Hello, I’m Mary and this is Wayne, my husband. We’ve heard a lot about you and your program."

Meanwhile, Mr. Atkins faced the trio of troublemakers. "Boys! Come!" Mr. Atkins sounded like a dog owner, disciplining his pups, making me smile.

The twins stood on either side of their mom, while Noah approached me, where I stood behind his dad. "Why does it look like you’re hiding?"

I nervously put my hands together and tapped my thumbs. "I was startled. But, only for a minute. Zeke’s Coach was loud and it was sudden-"

"Okay, okay. No need to go any further." He tugged me from out behind his dad. "Your minute is up. Time to face him." We stood in front of his dad, who gave me a reassuring smile.

Mrs. Atkins just finished introducing the twins and moved on to us. "And these are my youngest boys, Noah and Jake. They’re both freshmen in high school." She rambled on how we were also part of the varsity team at school, but I zoned out.

’My youngest boys.’ Noah and me. Me and Noah. I’m one of her youngest boys? She claimed me as one of her own. Even if mothers and women near my own moms age made me scared, Mrs. Atkins wasn’t really one of them anymore. Ever since she picked me up from the police station, I’ve stopped being so on edge around her. Last week at the tournament, we even stood together and shared some words.

The question is...what would I call her? My foster mom? That’d be a weird way to introduce someone. Plus, it would put me in awkward position to explain where my original parents were.

A nudge on my right drew me out of my thoughts. Noah eyed me and whispered, "Sounds like that Coach is going to take Mom, Dad, and Zeke to the meetings now. Are you sure you’re okay?"

I nodded, feeling good. I even gave him a thumbs up.

"First up, we’ll sit down with the financial aid director and the dean of student life." The coach said, still loud, but it hardly bothered me now.

Mrs. Atkins looked at the four of us. "Maybe one of us should supervise them?"

"Mommm." Kyle groaned.

"We’re not kids anymore." Dave huffed.

"Correct me if I’m wrong, but you three were just running around without a care." She shook his head. "I think it’s best if I stay with you while your dad goes with Zeke."

"Oh, this is an easy fix." Coach Leroy cut in, hands on his belly. "I’ll text a few of those boys to come on over. They can do a tour of their own. Maybe even go to the fields."

"Yes!" Noah exclaimed.

"Perfect!" Dave fist pumped.

"Bye, Mom!" Kyle pushed her and Mr. Atkins closer to Zeke.

Mrs. Atkins looked unsure.

"There." Coach Leroy held up his phone. "Already sent the text. A couple of them will be here in no time." So decisive! He didn’t even let Mrs. Atkins make the decision. "Let’s head to the offices before we’re late. I really want to go over some numbers with you both regarding financial aid." He spoke with Mr. Atkins as he led the way to one of the big buildings.

Mrs. Atkins gave us a tight smile. "Okay, be good for reals this time. He said a few minutes so don’t go anywhere. Just wait for some of the players to find you." She followed her husband and the Stanford coach.

Zeke lingered for a moment, eyeing each and everyone of us. "Try not to embarrass yourselves too much. It’ll reflect poorly on me." And with that, he turned and hurried alto catch up to his parents.

My jaw dropped. They just left us. Without even a second glance. "Shouldn’t they at least wait until a player gets here? What if they can’t recognize us?"

Kyle laughed. "We’re four high schoolers surrounded by young me...we stick out. They’ll have no problem seeing us."
