Chapter 221 Zeke’s Choice  

As the team finished congratulating one another on the win, we started to move to home plate to exchange greetings with Redwood High. They looked bitter about their loss since they had blew their lead. I wonder if my team had the same look when we officially lost to University Prep...

I had to leave early to get checked out and we were even mercy ruled. I bet my teammates faces looked even worse than this. I hope after Zeke starts playing in every game again, they won’t lose. We won’t lose. I don’t want them to look as sad as this.

We held up our hands and Redwood did the same in their own line. As the two lines passed each other, we continuously slapped hands (high fives) and said a simple "Good game." To every player regardless if they took the field today or not. Noah told me before that this was to show good sportsmanship and I can definitely see it. But maybe if we lost...I wouldn’t feel the same way.

Coach gave a wrap up speech after we packed up our bags. He told the others to take tomorrow off and rest well for the weekend to prepare for Monday’s game. "That doesn’t mean to just laze around, boys." He added. "Move a little. Pick up a bat and take some practice swings. Go for a jog. Find a friend and play catch. If we play poorly on Monday, I won’t let a practice be canceled again."

The team agreed wholeheartedly and we started to part ways. Since the game was earlier in the afternoon we were done before dinner. As we met up with the Atkins parents in the stands, they said we’ll go home and showering before meeting everyone for pizza at Gina’s. Apparently Zeke’s parents had no problem with him saying that they would buy everyone pizza for dinner. Instead, they even asked for the team to invite their parents as well to make it a big party before we start our three day weekend.

The twins and Zeke sent texts to the team to spread the word. They also decided on a time to meet everyone and then we went home. At the house, we took turns in our respective showers and Mrs. Atkins collected our dirty uniforms to wash before we go.


Noah and I were both done and ready to go before Zeke and the twins so we waited downstairs in the living room, watching some sports highlights.

"Do you have any interest in other sports, Jake?" Noah asked as we watched NBA and NHL highlights on ESPN.

I shrugged. "Not really." The only interest I even had in baseball was hitting. And playing with Noah. "Do you guys play anything else besides baseball?"

Noah scoffed. "No way. Baseball is life in this house."

"No, family first." Mr. Atkins walked through the living room. "Then school. Baseball is important, but not THE most important. Right, Noah?"

Noah rolled his eyes. "Yes Dad."


"You boys want to watch how Zeke will pick his first official college visit?" His dad asked. "He’s already in the kitchen with a few of the letters spread out on the table."

Noah jumped up excitedly. "Yea, definitely!" He turned and pulled me off the couch too. "Let’s go, Jake!" He let go and sprinted for the kitchen.

Mr. Atkins sighed. "I wish Zeke was as excited about college as Noah." He walked with me to the kitchen. "Jake, do you have any interest in any particular college?"

I shrugged. Another interest question. "I’ve never seen a college before. Honestly, I’ve never thought that far ahead." I always thought it would take a miracle for me to make it out of my mother’s house alive.

We walked into the kitchen and found Zeke sitting at the center of the table on the long side, with ten to fifteen letters spread about. Noah was circling around, reading each one.

Mr. Atkins nodded at his oldest son. "Looks like you’ve narrowed it down quite a bit." I took a glance at the boxes in the corner.

"First, I picked out of the Division one box." Zeke stated calmly. "Since we only have the weekend and you all want to come too, I picked schools within a five hour drive."

"What?! You ruled out UCLA and USC? Those are top baseball programs in California. And CSUF has been in quite a few College World Series!" Noah interrupted. He mentioned a few acronyms of schools that were popular. Even though I never thought about going to college just yet, I was from Southern California and knew of those schools mentioned.

UCLA-> University of California, Los Angeles

USC-> University of Southern California

CSUF-> California State University Fullerton

Zeke rolled his eyes at Noah’s objections. "I don’t want to spend all weekend in a car. Maybe I’ll visit those schools during spring break. For now, my first visit should be local." He waved his arm across the table gesturing at the letters. "So this is it. D1 schools nearby and interested in me."

"Which one will it be?!" Noah asked as he started picking up some of them to read. "Oh! This one wants to discuss a full scholarship opportunity!"

"Money isn’t everything." Mr. Atkins frowned.

Zeke nodded slowly. "I know. That’s why I included non scholarship offers. Especially if they have a good chance to make it to the College World Series." He picked up a maroon envelope and pulled a white letter from it. "I would like to visit this school. They have a good program in place and their academics are top-notch."

Mr. Atkins took the envelope and letter, looking it over. He brightened up instantly, looking a lot like his younger sons. "Really?"

Zeke gave a single nod. "It’s not a bad choice. There’s no scholarship offer in the letter, but maybe after seeing me in person, they’ll have something more to give."

Mr. Atkins beamed. "No, no, don’t even worry about a scholarship for this university. Your mom and I will gladly pay every penny for you to go here and get a degree."

"I will gladly do what?" Mrs. Atkins walked in, with the twins close behind. "Are you all ready to go yet? We’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon."

Mr. Atkins proudly handed her the letter and envelope of Zeke’s chosen school. "Zeke has picked his school for his first visit. Isn’t this great?!"

She took a look at it, then covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my goodness. Zeke, really?"

Zeke stood up and pulled out his phone. "I’m going to call the coach right now to see if he can even fit me in first." He took the letter back and walked into the parents study to have some space from us.

"What was it?" Noah scooted towards his mom who still had the envelope it came in. He peeked and then his eyes widen. "Stanford University?!"

The twins gasped and started to talk a mile a minute. Noah jumped in too.

Mr. Atkins smiled at his wife. "I’ll go to the study as well and start making reservations for the hotel. Why don’t you take the younger four to the pizza place and start dinner with the team. Zeke and I will be late."

Mrs. Atkins nodded, a smile never leaving her face. "Wouldn’t this be great? He would barely be an hour and a half away, he would get a degree at such a good school, and be able to play baseball."

Mr. Atkins smile weakened. "Honey, don’t pressure him too much. He’s only looking so far. He might not pick Stanford at all."

Mrs. Atkins hopes didn’t dwindle. "Or he could fall in love with the campus as soon as he sees it. Maybe after the visit, he’ll decide that this is it."

As they continued their ’what ifs’, I moved closer to Noah and the twins. I tugged on Noah’s sleeve and said in a low voice, "Why is everyone so excited?"

Noah smile was just as wide as his parents. "Stanford University is one of the best colleges in the nation for academics. And their baseball team has more than just a few College World Series appearances. They’ve been to the NCAA tournament 31 times, and appeared in the CWS 16 times. Plus they have a lot of conference championship titles."

"They haven’t won the College World Series since the 1980’s though." Kyle added.

"Zeke could change that though!" Dave said confidently.

After a few more minutes of an energetic discussion, Mrs. Atkins hurried the four of us to the car and to Gina’s Pizzeria, to meet the team for dinner. We left Mr. Atkins and Zeke behind, but they were able to join us just as the pizza was getting devoured. There, Zeke made an announcement about his visit, surprising the whole team.
