Chapter 214 Game: VS Redwood High School 2  

Coach announced the lineup:

SS Noah Atkins

2B Jake Hollander

CF Mahki Holstrom

P Garret Knudsen

1B Julian Wilson


C Jordan Sanders

3B Daniel Myers

LF Antonio Perkola

RF Sean Isner

"Even if I didn’t call your name, I want you to warmup just like you would if you were starting. You boys know me and my system. I have no problem switching things around in the middle of the game and using pinch hitters. Pitchers too. I know Garret is the ace and is starting, but we can’t make him work the whole game." Coach clapped his hands a few times. "Get moving!"

We hustled just like it was practice. We went through batting practice and fielding, working up a sweat. At 1:55pm the coaches exchanged the lineup information with each other and with the head umpire.


Since school was still in session, almost no students were present in the stands unless they skipped class or had a short day and got off at lunch. There wasn’t that many adults either. Noah said it was because most parents worked in the afternoon and didn’t have flexible schedules like his parents.

Zeke didn’t send us off with a speech this time. He merely stated, "Win."

The team yelled, "Win!" And off we went. The nine of us starters took the field as an announcer called out our names and positions over the broadcast system.

Garret stood on the mound with pride as the announcer called his name last. He finished his practice pitches and waited for the first batter to step up to the plate. The leadoff hitter for Redwood High School waited for the umpire to wave him on before stepping in the box.

Garret started with a fastball right down the middle for a called strike one. Then another. On an 0-2 count, he went head on, trying to get the batter on three pitches. But the batter didn’t just take it. He completed his swing, connected with the ball and sent it to right field. Sean sprinted back, eyeing the ball. He easily caught it before the warning track for the first out of the game.

The second batter almost followed the same pattern, yet he smacked a line drive to right field. Sean had to sprint forward and dive forward, just barely snatching the ball before rolling in the grass. He quickly jumped to his feet and showed that he caught the ball in his glove. The first base ump called the second out of the game.

Garret was throwing nothing but strikes, letting the balls be put into play, yet he didn’t seem worried. Even after giving up a single to the third batter, he just turned it around by striking out their cleanup hitter with ease.

We jogged back to the dugout in high spirits. Noah, me, and Mahki switched out our gear and moved to the appropriate spots so we could start our offense.

I stood in the on deck circle, with Noah nearby, waiting to be beckoned to the batter’s box by the ump. Noah looked past me, into the stands. He found what he was looking for and lifted his hand to wave. I peeked behind me and found his parents easily since they were front and center. They were both smiling and waving just as happy as Noah.

"They’re waiting for you to wave too!" Noah smiled at me. I peeked behind me again to see them still moving their hands. I sighed and lifted my free hand before facing the field and Noah again. "Don’t look so anxious. They wouldn’t have gotten mad if you didn’t wave. Just maybe a little hurt. On the inside."

Somehow that sounded worse. Luckily I did wave and didn’t cause them any sadness or even accidentally make them angry.

Soon, Noah was called to the plate and the game resumed. This was supposedly their ace that they chose to start with, but he was off to a rough start thanks to back-to-back singles by Noah and I.

Mahki left us hanging by striking out, but Garret didn’t let us down. He also hit a single, by sending a hard grounder down the first baseline. I took off to second, stopping safely at the bag before looking for the ball. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blurry figure headed to home. It only took a millisecond before I came to the conclusion it was Noah.

The relay throw came just a second after Noah slid into home. The ump called safe, and the cheers started as we took the lead, 1-0. He headed back to the dugout and Julian moved to the plate.

The pitcher on the mound looked rattled as he just gave up his third single in the first four batters. He ended up walking Julian, loading up the bases. Garret moved to second, and I jogged to third.

"Hey, kid, this is a tricky situation so stay aware." Mr. Miller told me as Jordan stepped up to bat. "There’s a forceout at any base so if it’s a grounder, you need to take off for home plate immediately. If it’s fly to the outfield, be ready to tag up and score."

I nodded to show that I understood.

Unfortunately, Jordan didn’t do either and had, instead, popped out to the first baseman, leaving everyone as they were. Daniel was up next. He worked the count into his favor with a 3-1 count aka ’the batter’s count." It didn’t matter to Daniel as the pitcher continued to throw some wild pitches, walking Daniel. With the bases loaded!

I jogged to home plate, touching it without anything to worry about, making the score 2-0. Garret moved to third, Julian to second, and Daniel took over first. Tony stepped up to bat and ended our inning with a grounder to the shortstop, who threw the ball to his second baseman covering the bag.

Bummer. We could have had more, I thought to myself, still trying to get to my bag.magic
