Chapter 202 Game Three: University Preparatory H.S. 1  

"Kid, did you stay up too late watching tv or something?" Mr. Miller asked me as I placed my bag on the bench in our dugout.

"Nope." Noah answered before I could even think of how to reply. "We both went to bed no later than 10pm. Mom and Dad can attest to that. Jake was already dressed before I woke up though." We organized our bags and started to put on our cleats. "Has coach came out with a lineup yet?"

Mr. Miller glanced at me, seeing that I had nothing to add, he answered Noah. "He’s still making adjustments. He’ll finalize it by the middle of warmups."

"Has he decided on a pitcher yet?" Noah finished tying his shoes. "I mean, someone’s gotta start warming up, right?"

"Worry about yourself." Garret came over and pushed Noah down to sit on the bench. "Let the coaches worry about that. We, as players, should be trying to focus on getting to peak condition for the game." He caught sight of me. "Jake is a prime example of not being in peak condition. He doesn’t even look like he’s in good condition." He reached for me and I dodged, taking a few giant steps back.

I bumped into a body, causing more panic from within. I hopped out of the way, grabbing onto the dugout fence, trying to get my heart to settle back down. A few stares were directed at me, however they kept their distance. Except for one. Noah. He got up, concern written all over his face.


"Jake? You feeling okay? It’s one thing to look nervous, but you’re acting extra skittish today." Noah approached me carefully, like I would run if he got too close. Which, not gonna lie, sounded like a great idea. Running would relieve some of this pent us anxiety.

"I just had some trouble sleeping so I’m a little on edge." I mumbled as I avoided eye contact.

"I would be too, if I had to play University Prep." Kyle said from nearby. He wore his uniform to be like the team, but he was able to stay bundled up under a sweatshirt and a jacket AND a blanket. Lucky.

"You’re such a pessimist." Mahki said from beside him, also under the same blanket. It was really cold this morning. "Have some more faith. Last year we couldn’t even get past game one with Zeke and now we’re in game three, trying to make it to the finals."

Noah grinned. "All thanks to me."

A round of ’boo’s’ and ’yea, rights’ broke out in the dugout, loosening up the atmosphere.


"Okay, go warmup you goofs." Mr. Miller waved us out.

I was the first one to exit. I sprinted to the outfield, where we would usually start our warmups. Of course, that doesn’t mean I was the first one out there. Almost everyone on the team was faster than me and easily caught up and then beat me to the line. I didn’t mind. It’s not like I was trying to race them. I just wanted to exert some of my nervousness.

With Zeke sitting out, Mahki took over and led us in our warmup routine. We followed the same pattern before every game, however it felt a little different without hearing Zeke’s commands. He always demanded attention to detail and more intensity. Not that Mahki didn’t do the same...he just wasn’t on Zeke’s level.

After stretching and tossing the ball around, Coach called for James and Kelvin. Noah told me that James has been tapped to start, probably because he showed something good at the end of yesterday’s game. I thought that was baseless since James did give up a home run...if he’s the best we have to start with, then we really need to come out swinging.

Warmups finished and we moved to the dugout to find out the lineup for the game. Coach had taped it to the fence before he went to meet with the opposing coach and umpire at home plate to exchange lineups.

SS Noah Atkins

2B Jake Hollander

CF Mahki Holstrom

LF Garret Knudsen

1B Julian Wilson

RF Sean Isner

3B Daniel Myers

C Kelvin Bender

P James Lohr

Ah. So Mahki would be taking over Zeke’s spot on the field, and Garret would be taking over his spot in the batting order. The two of them still don’t equal a Zeke, but I guess that’s the best lineup Coach could come up with.

Noah excitedly got his helmet on, tugged on his batting gloves, and held his bat with pride. If he moved twice as fast, I moved twice as slow. I set my helmet and bat on the bench, trying to see if they were any different from yesterday.

"What are you looking at?" Noah peered down at me. "It’s almost game time, get the helmet on."

I did as I was told, then picked up my wooden bat.

"You’re acting really weird." Noah stated bluntly.

"I’m feeling pretty weird." I muttered.

Noah raised an eyebrow, but didn’t make any other remarks.

"Listen up." Zeke stood in the center of the dugout. "I want everyone to go out there and try your best, no matter what happens. Whether we’re up or down on the scoreboard, that shouldn’t reflect the amount of effort you put in." The team nodded in agreement. "Ok, bring it in. Team on three. One, two-"

"TEAM!" Everyone said together. I hung around the outer edges, still jittery. Coach came back and it was time to go.

Apparently, University Preparatory High School was the number one seed in the tournament so they got to bat in the bottom half of the inning for every game. They also took the third baseline side. Just another reason to feel uncomfortable.

Noah rushed up to the batter’s box, once the ump gave the signal. I dragged my feet to the on deck circle and swung my bat around to loosen up.

The pitcher on the mound was tall, lean, and had a mean fastball. And by that, I mean the speed didn’t dip below 90mph...during his warmup before Noah even got in the box. With our team being in the dugout on the first base side, Noah was able to look my way as he stepped in the box. He smiled. The kind of smile you give when you know there’s nothing to really smile about.

The first pitch was right down the middle, yet Noah didn’t swing. "Strike one!" The umpire’s voice caught me by surprise and made me drop my back. I almost felt like it was similar to my dream. My nightmare. Ugh. That’s not possible. You can’t dream of the future. I picked my bat back up, checking for any chips.

The second pitch came, a screaming fastball over the plate. Noah swung his bat, but it was a complete miss. "Strike two." He wasn’t keeping his eyes on the ball. The pitcher didn’t waste a pitch and came right at him with another blazing fastball down the middle. Noah swung...and missed. "Strike three, you’re out!"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Why did the ump for this game have to be so loud and vocal? I should just swing on the first pitch so I wouldn’t have to hear him. Yea, that sounds like a plan. A good plan.

Noah and I walked past one another, with grim expressions for two different reasons. I got into the lefty’s box, not even willing to look up, just on the off chance that I would make awkward eye contact with someone in the opposing dugout.

The pitcher looked extra tall on the mound, like how Mr. Atkins towers over me. He kicked up his front leg and started his motion. I already decided to swing on the first pitch so his incredibly fast speed didn’t even compare to my bat speed. My swing connected just perfectly at the barrel of the bat, and took off between first and second. I dropped the bat and sprinted to first base. The second baseman dove at my grounder, making an excellent catch robbing me of extra bases, and if that wasn’t enough, he threw a fastball from his knees to the first baseman, beating out my sprint. I grounded out. I didn’t get a hit. I sighed as I slowed down.

I headed back to the dugout, grabbing my bat on the way.

"Tough break." Mahki gave me a tight smile as he headed to the plate from the on deck circle.

"It was hit really well." Garret shrugged as I approached the dugout and he moved to the on deck circle. "Nothing you can do about it."

In the dugout, more comments of the same sentiment came my way. I merely nodded and went straight to my bag, switching to my hat and glove.

"That sucked." Noah expressed my thoughts verbally.

"Yea." I let out a puff of air.

"You were in too much of a hurry." Zeke came over and sat on the other side of me. "Did you feel anxious?"

I looked at the cleats on my feet. "The umpire is really loud today."

A pause stood between the three of us for a minute, before Zeke said anything. "Does loud noises really scare you that much?"

I kicked my feet against each other, letting him think whatever he wanted.

"Jake isn’t feeling normal today." Noah jumped in to offend me. "He’s been extra skittish this morning and even admitted to not feeling the same. Just give him some time to adjust."

"You’re guaranteed five innings." I felt a pat on my head, then watched Zeke’s feet walk away.

I lifted my head up after he left. "Thanks, Noah."

"It’s no biggie." He nudged me. "Just keep calm. Baseball is a pretty long game. And Zeke’s right, we are guaranteed five innings of being on offense. Just one hit from anyone on the team and you’ll be guaranteed two more at-bats. Happy thoughts."

I sighed. That’s not really a happy thought right now. Batting is what I like most about baseball, but with the ump making me jumpy, it just doesn’t feel right today.

A little ’ding’ made us look to the field. We watched as the ball went higher and higher, then it dropped down to the first baseman’s glove for the third and final out of the inning. Three up, three down. Not a good start.
