Chapter 198 Postgame: Durham Preparatory  

Kyle was the first one to reach me. He lifted me off the ground and spun me around. The rest of the guys circled around us and started beating on my helmet, making me extra dizzy. I couldn’t get a word in as they all talked over one another with such excitement. Eventually my helmet fell off and they started to touch me, making me feel uncomfortable with their proximity.

"HEY!" I heard Noah’s voice but couldn’t find him. "HEY! Put him down! Stop getting so close you guys!"

I was pulled out of Kyle’s grasp and set back on my own two feet. Zeke had saved me from the mob and soon took control of his team. "Backup. That’s enough. Come on, we still have to shake their hands and show some sportsmanship." Zeke waved away the team, giving me some breathing room.

The team slowly moved away and started to line up to shake the opposing team’s hands. I picked my helmet off the ground and started to look around for Noah.

"I grabbed your bat for you." Noah approached me with my wooden bat in his hands. "I didn’t want some idiot to come by and accidentally break it."

I took it, grateful to have a friend like Noah. "Thanks."


"It’s no problem." He threw his arm around my shoulders and guided me to where the team was exchanging hand-slaps with the other team. "I knew you’d be able to do it. A walk-off hit in such a big tournament like this, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of exposure."

I tensed up.

"Don’t worry, I’ll block all the reporters." Noah declared. "Especially since they should be interviewing me for my superior fielding. And I scored a few runs. Plus, I’m an Atkins. That’s gotta count for something."

I relaxed and let out a laugh at Noah’s rambling. We moved with the team and shared ’good game’ with the other team even though they looked reluctant to say it. It’s gotta be hard to blow a six run lead in one inning.

After the exchange, we packed up our bags, cleaned the dugout, and moved to outside the field to a clear bleacher for the team to gather. The team was unrestrained as they shared their favorite moments of the inning and bragged to one another how we pulled off another upset.

"What’s an upset?" I asked Noah as we took off our cleats and switched them for something more comfortable.


Noah grinned. "It’s when a not-so-good team unexpectedly beats a great team. We’re the underdogs of the tournament and now we’re headed to the semifinals for tomorrow. It’s a great feeling."

Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind and lifted out of my seat. A deja vú feeling overcame me as I was swung back and forth like a rag doll.

"You punk!" Dave shouted in my ear as the swinging continued. "What a stud you are! Are you really a freshman?!"

"Dave, put him down." Zeke said from the other end of the bleacher, causing the team laugh at the spectacle Dave was making.

Dave set me back down and patted me on the back a few times. "I couldn’t see well from the other field, but as soon as I saw our team rush out of the dugout, I knew you pulled it off!"

"Hey!" Noah frowned. "I’m the one who scored the winning run. Some credit should go to me!"

Dave rolled his eyes and sat down with us. "Your fast legs is really all you’ve got going for you."

Noah shoved him. "At least I wasn’t ejected and I get to play tomorrow, unlike you." He stuck his tongue out.

"Alright. Shut up and settle down." Coach joined us and motioned for us to be quiet. "I thought since we had the earlier afternoon game, we would be able to watched our potential next opponent. Unfortunately, it’s already been decided. They won both game one and game two by a score of 10-0."

The team as a whole seem to freeze as if someone pushed paused. I poked Noah’s side and whispered, "What does that mean?"

Noah’s face looked grim. "10-0 plus the fact that they’re already done, means those were called games. Mercy rule was put into effect. They scored the 10 runs before the fifth inning and gave up zero for two consecutive games."

Wow. So they’re good at offense and defense.

"Is it University Prep?" Zeke spoke up.

Coach nodded. "It is."

The team stayed deathly silent.

Coach sighed. "Don’t take yourselves out of the game before it even starts. Didn’t we just pull off an incredible comeback?"

"That’s right!l

"In the last inning too!"


The team perked up and slowly came back to life.

Coach smiled. "Good. Alright. Tomorrow’s game will be at 8am, be here at 7am for warmups. I’ve spoken with your parents before coming over and most have agreed to check in a nearby hotel. For the ones who couldn’t, the Atkins said they can take you in. So go to your parents and find out what each of you will be doing. I’ll send out a mass text for dinner plans in an hour or two."

The team started to disperse as they each met up with their respective parents. I obediently followed the Atkins boys to the Atkins couple. Mrs. Atkins smiled at all of us and congratulated each of us individually on something we did well at.

Mr. Atkins, however, remained quiet. His expression was blank, but I felt unsettled even though his gaze was solely directed at Zeke.

Sure enough, after Mrs. Atkins finished her round of compliments, he took over. "Zeke. How’s your back?"

The twins, Noah, and I, all immediately looked to Zeke. Zeke shrugged. "It’s fine."

"Really?" Mr. Atkins didn’t fold. "You wouldn’t mind having the tournament trainer look at it then, would you?"

Noah nudged me. With that nudge, I could tell he was trying to say that he was right and that something was wrong with Zeke. Even Mr. Atkins thought something was off.

Zeke kept his own blank expression, looking almost identical to his father. "I don’t see the need to waste my time or his. Shouldn’t we be heading back to the hotel? We’ll have to shower before dinner and make room for the members of the team that’ll be staying with us."

A deflection! Just like what he did with Noah during the game.

Mr. Atkins refused to give in. "You were hit by a pitch. You either get it checked out here by a professional or we’ll take you to the doctor at the hospital."

Zeke’s facial expression finally changed to a frown. "I wasn’t the only one hit."

Mr. Atkins looked down at Noah. "You too. Athletic trainer here or a hospital visit before bed?"

Noah rolled his eyes. "I’m fine. Maybe just a bruise on the quad."

Mr. Atkins stared him down

Noah straightened up. "But you’re right. I should get checked out before we go. Definitely. Don’t want anything hidden to pop up." He shot a glare at Zeke. "Let’s go together. As a family."

Zeke let out a sigh, but didn’t put up a fight any longer.
