Between the appearance of the new still and the temporary battle arena that Luna had made for them, the Crushing Mountain Sect was in high spirits that afternoon when a distinguished visitor from the coastal region showed up to bring them their new batch of trial attendees.

The Sects had an agreement. Every four years, each of them would have an acceptance test, with hopeful applicants spending an entire season at the Sect they hoped to join, going through trials and assessments. The tests were staggered two years apart, so students who failed one due to lack of compatibility with either earth or water could try the other during their next intake, and the Elders would bring them over with a Portal.

This time the Seaside Sect had a much higher than usual failure rate and had brought fifty failed applicants to the Crushing Mountain Sect to attempt to pass their entrance exams. The Sect had brought most of their applicants back from the City of Knowledge with them already, but they were waiting a few more days for the last to arrive either on foot or hand-picked by the Elders still in the city.

It was a very important time to the Sect, and the gathered Elders intended to do their very best to keep Cain around until the end of the trial so that they could take advantage of his skills, and especially his Sect's specialty training arena, for the initiation process.

The great question for them was how.magic

Cain had revealed to them last night that his wife was waiting in a world full of Ancients for him to arrive and that he couldn't delay too long, thanks to the impending birth of his twins.

Until they knew how long he had in relative terms, he would always want to be on his way.


"Divine Elder Mariel, do you know where the Ancients went? I know that they have a pact with the Gods not to interfere or appear here, but since the Forbidden Treasures Sect Master is searching for them and we want him to stay, it would help if we could give him assurance that he won't miss the birth of his children." The Sect Master of the Crushing Mountain asked the newly arrived Elder from the Seaside Sect, giving her his best smile while not quite begging for her help.

"In fact, I do know. The portal to their world is in our Sect Compound, safely guarded by two of the Human Gods, including our Sect Master. I don't think it would be a problem for him to leave if he never planned to return, but he could never come back through that entrance." Mariel told him while looking down at all the fun the Disciples and Elders were having in the Arena.

"Could we prevail upon you to get permission for him to leave to that world with his Disciples if an emergency comes up on his end? I am told that his wife is totally human, and the Ancients only took a liking to her.I read his memories while he was building the still for the Sect last night, and he is a truly unique existence. As he grows up, he will become a force to be reckoned with across a number of planes, and it would do us well to get on good terms with him. Perhaps we could finally end this cold war between the two pantheons?

Half of the Creators are humans, to begin with. Having them antagonistic to the Human Gods' pantheon for so many eons is absolutely ridiculous. Most of the Gods have forgotten what the original insult was already, and they are simply holding a grudge." The Crushing Mountain Sect Master grumbled.

"Don't let Divine Empress Mila hear you say that. You know how personal her grudge is." Mariel laughed.

"But the daughters that she had with the Dark Librarian are so cute, and they're Gods themselves already and on good terms with their biological father." The Sect Master sighed.


"That's the only reason she's not still in open war with him for getting her pregnant on her wedding night and leaving before she realized she had been tricked."

The Sect Master shook his head with a slight smile. "Enough of the old times. Let's look to the future. I suspect that Sect Master Cain has tricks up his sleeve that he will share with the initiates if we can convince him to stay.

I watched much of his interactions in the City, and he did something strange to a number of Elders. It's more than just teaching them a single skill or changing their appearance. Something else changed, and even I can't see through it, and I am an Ascended Deity already."

"I heard something about that from our friends at the Shadowed Blade Sect. He did something to Elder Dragon Fang, and she has been having the time of her life bullying the other Elders ever since. If he does something similar to help other humans grow, I don't think it matters that he is a World Dragon Hatchling. He could still be a good friend to the Pantheon." She agreed.

"Do you think it will be hard to convince him? We might have gotten off on the wrong foot after he attacked one of the Sects I protect." A new voice asked, stepping out of a portal.

"Guardian Wu, it is good to see you. I don't think he will hold a grudge. He is petty but seems to value personal amusement over most other things, and doesn't hold long-term grudges over little things like chasing him away without hurting anyone he cares about." The Sect Master greeted their new arrival, the very same Deity that showed up to protect the Dragon Lords' Sect.

"If he were really mad at you, it would have come to a fight. He killed a half dozen Demigods in an instant, and despite the disguise, that is a Divine Realm Dragon body hidden under his suit." Elder Mariel chuckled.

"Do you have any idea how annoying it was to dig them all back out of the bedrock afterward? The Death God didn't want to give their souls back, and the World Dragon from the Dragon Gods Pantheon thought it was too funny to make it easy on me, so they hardened the stone every time I tried to dig it up." Guardian Wu pouted.

"It seems he attracts the attention of the Gods everywhere he goes. All the more reason to keep him here with us for the winter while the Initiates grow into their skills. He might even bless our Disciples if they impress him.

His Cultivation might only be Immortal Realm, but a Divine World Dragon can pass on [Blessings] when they feel like it, and the ones he grants could be especially unique, given the range of skills that he has."

Elder Mariel smiled at the two men. "I will go talk to him and assure him that he has time. Even if he stays here for the entire winter, it will only be a few days in the world where his wife is waiting, and the Ancients would have caused an incident already if she were that close to birth."

With their conversation finished, she flew down to see how Cain and his Disciples were enjoying the matches between the Disciples while the Elders of the Crushing Mountain Sect escorted the initiates down to the grounds outside the main compound where the other hopeful applicants were already waiting in the rickety shacks that were built on the mountainside.

"Sect Master Cain, I am Divine Elder Mariel of the Seaside Sect. It is a pleasure to meet you. Your Disciple has done a wonderful job building this arena, and I simply must congratulate your teaching methods." She greeted him as she landed on an open seat in the row behind the Forbidden Treasure Sect.

Cain patted Luna's head in pride before answering. "Thank you. It is my specialty, you see. I enjoy seeing my Disciples advance on their path, so I do my best to find them the most suitable way forward."

"That is exactly what I would like to talk to you about. I know where the portal you are seeking is. In fact, my Sect Master is the one guarding it. The time flow between the two is a bit strange, though, and a whole winter in this world is only a few days there.

You might not know yet, since I am informed that you were having far too much fun with the Dwarves to think of much else, but the Crushing Mountain Sect has an initiate trial coming up, and they were hoping that you would remain a while and supervise the proceedings with your variety of unique skills.

If there is an emergency, I will take you to the other world through our Sect Compound, but I will warn you in advance once you leave you can never return through that portal. The Human Gods' Pantheon has set wards to crush anything trying to enter this world that way."

"You want me to stay here and assist with the trials instead of leaving immediately to meet with my wife?" Cain asked.

"Oh, the impassioned hurry of youth. Yes, that is what I am asking. We won't let you miss any important days, even if I have to pay the Human Gods to use Time Magic to ensure you arrive on time." She assured him.

"Plus, staying here is bound to be a lot of fun."
