Cain goes through his inventory, full of chain and Brigandine pieces, many better than what he's currently wearing. He quickly swaps boots, pants and jacket, but not before removing Elmira's handkerchief nest. magic

The group looks at him a little oddly, changing his gear in the middle of the street, but it only takes a moment, and he's done before Dimnys is finished washing up. This new gear adds a fair bit more reduction to construct damage taken, and increases his attack and movement speed compared to the old set, but looks almost identical. The only real change is that he's now got a belt with many chrome reclining Succubus on it, and a Bandana on his head, giving him a more leather club biker and less aspiring punk rock band vibe.

"Here, put these on, it's all armor I've grown out of, and it's all damaged, but it's still good." he says, handing it over plus a black tunic drop he got this afternoon.

"What's the deal mister? That's a lot of money to be throwing around." Dimnys says suspicious of his intentions.

"Just doing a good deed. It's quality armor, and you're in rags. Call it charity if you like, or Guild courtesy if you choose to join us later."

She didn't hesitate anymore, putting on the armor before he could change his mind. It's not a bad look on the little Dwarf. It's pretty similar to when Cain was wearing it, but with fewer spikes, and the pants fit tighter around the hips. The shirt, having come from an Incubus, has very few buttons, leaving her cleavage widely exposed but other than that it's fairly modest casual wear.

"Looking good Dimnys. We just need to find you a motorcycle and your makeover is complete." Cain smiles, getting a confused look from the Dwarf.


"Sorry, it's a two wheeled vehicle from my past life, the people who ride them like to dress in that fashion, for both style and protection in case of a crash at high speed." Now she understands.

"Up ahead here is the Northwest dungeon, or the Naga dungeon as most call it. It's a great spot for smiths, lots of metals and gems just lying on the ground. If you go in, grab what you can, the shops pay well for it." Everyone nods, committing her advice to memory.

They find five different cloth sellers, plus Tailoring materials dealers, a good smithy supply store, and some hidden gems of restaurants. It's a very productive tour of the city's west end. "So how about it Dimnys, we're right next to the Real Estate Agent now, would you like to join our guild?"

"If I say no, are you taking the armor back?"

Cain smiles softly at her tone, knowing she's likely experienced being conned more than once. "No, it's yours either way."

"Then let's go sign a contract."


The Agent is a bit surprised to see them again so soon, but when she finds out it's to have her write up a guild contract for a crafter, she's all business. It's not until Dimnys says her name that the old elf recognizes the Dwarf in her new outfit.

"So, what are the terms?" The Agent asks.

"25 silver a month plus room and board, forfeit the partial month's unpaid wages if she leaves the Guild." Cain says.

"No dismissal penalty?"

"No, we're taking in a member that can craft, not a bonded servant." Cain shrugs and the Agent fills in the details, handing it to Dimnys to sign. She looks it over closely before signing and handing it back. Cain quicky puts his mark on and a message pops in all their interfaces

[Darklight Host has gained a new member]

[Dimnys has joined the Guild]

"Welcome to the Guild. Let's head home and we'll get you set up with a room and show you around." Misha smiles, while Char and Mythryll welcome her with a big hug.

"Master, my spell is having some sort of interaction with another skill. Would it be possible for you to dismiss and Summon me back?" Vala asks once they get to the Guild House. That shouldn't be a problem, skill use inside your own guild house doesn't raise alarms, so Cain dismisses and calls her back while Dimnys stares in shock.

"Your tank is a Summon?" "Oh, she's not our tank." Char explains "Cain summons Cave Trolls for that. She's more of a support class.

Vala fades back into view, blurred like a Mirage. Slowly two distinct forms coalesce and stretch their arms like they'd been cramped.

"That's so much better." They say in stereo unison.

"Hey, there's 2 of me. And I can hear her think!" They both say together.

"Left first, then right." Cain says. "Tell me what happened."

"I was created after the spell was cast, so I wasn't copied. But every time your skill activated it tried to copy me again, but couldn't because I was already summoned, until it started to make me unstable." Vala says.

"But now the pressure is gone and I'm twice as good as before." The other Vala says.

"Well, this isn't going to be confusing at all." Dimnys says sarcastically.

"We don't have to stay together, if that helps?" Vala shrugs.

"I can't even tell them apart." Misha laughs. "Can the two of you tell each other apart?"

"Sure, I'm the first one summoned."

"And I'm her copy. If you change her equipment it changes mine."

"For now, you're the Vala twins. Let's show Dimnys around before thinking about this gives me an aneurysm." Cain insists.

First up were the main floor amenities, which thoroughly impressed the Dwarf, especially after meeting Tanya and hearing her glowing report of her new employers. A Dwarfs word is always trustworthy, she insisted. The upstairs bedrooms didn't impress her, so she put off picking anything, and they went to inspect the forge where she would be spending a lot of her time.

"Now these are rooms. Good solid stone. Old placement, none of that ridiculous sunlight. I'll take the one nearest the forge." Dimnys declares and the group can hear Tanya laughing from upstairs. Must be a Dwarf thing.

As it happened, the closest to the forge was Tanya's room, so Dimnys had to settle for the one across the hall.

"Look on the bright side, your door faces the forge door. If you leave them open you can see straight in. And likely feel the fires.." Misha consoles the little blacksmith.
