"Come in, Jack... I know the space here is not that big, But it should be adjustable right ?" Serina asked.

"No, No... It's actually really spacious, just a little small if compared to a normal human's home." Anon replied with a smile.

"Really ? Never been there, I don't know how big the human houses are." Serina spoke with a smile as she placed the shopping bag aside on the dinning table and started walking towards the kitchen.

"Please have a seat... Mr. Jack." Kito spoke with a smile as she cleared out a chair for Anon immediately.

"Oh, Thank you... Luv." Anon spoke as he sat down on the chair.

"L-Luv !?" Kito got surprised as soon as she heard this word coming out of Anon's mouth.

"Ah, It's an expression we use in the human kingdom to address our loved ones and those who helped us in a time of need." Anon explained immediately.


"Ah, I thought... You meant something else, hehe." Kito spoke with a shy expression as she immediately went to the kitchen to help her mother.

'Don't worry, Luv. I will fuck you... But first, I will play with your minds to my heart's content and then I will break you and once you break.... I will re-build you according to my own use.' Anon thought as an evil expression appeared over his face.

He then looked at the asses of the dwarf mother and daughter cooking dinner in the kitchen, and licked his lips like a pervert.

'This is fun knowing that I can fuck both of them right now and turn them into my own Cum-Dumps, but still... I am waiting for my dinner to be cooked properly and only eat it once it's done.' Anon thought with a perverted smile.

"So, Mr. Jack... Why don't you tell us something about yourself ? Are you married or still searching for a Human female ?" Serina asked.

"Well, I am single ma'am and I don't have much interest in Human females. I mean, there are so many girls around the world... Why marry in your own race ?" Anon spoke with a smile as he wanted to test out Serina's thinking process.


"Wow... That's a good thinking and-" Kito started speaking but Serina interrupted her immediately.

"That's not a very good thought, Mr. Jack. A man should always marry the woman from his own race and have physical relationships with only his wife.

You are young and handsome, you should find a good Human Female and get married." Serina spoke up.

'Hahahah... A good MILF, who is not sexually frustrated. Guess, I will enjoy breaking this bitch.' Anon thought as he looked at Serina.

But, Kito wasn't very happy, when she heard this. She knew that her mother won't let her get married to Anon.

"Go and place these plates over that table, Girl." Serina spoke as she handed some utensils to Kito.

"Yes, Mom..." Kito spoke as she immediately walked upto the dinning table and started arranging the plates.

She slowly looked at Anon and saw him smiling at her.

Anon's charm was too much for her. Her heart was already melting for Anon and she couldn't do anything about it.

Kito arranged the plates and smiled towards Anon, slowly.

Anon immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

"Ah... What are you doing, Mr. Jack ?" Kito asked in a very low voice with a smile as she felt Anon's breath directly on her lips.

"I am doing, what your heart wants me to do." Anon spoke as he slowly touched her lips with his fingers and kissed her tightly.

Anon grabbed the back of her neck and didn't let it go, he was really rough with her lips.Anon's tongue licked over her lips as he slowly placed his hand over her right boob and started groping it.


Kito didn't mind it, instead she was enjoying it.

"So, Mr. Jack... What buisness do you do ? If you don't mind me asking." Serina asked.

"Haaa..." Anon finally let go of Kito's lips and only then she was able to inhale some air.

"I have a wood supplying factory, Ma'am." Anon replied with a smile as he slowly touched Kito's lips with his fingers and she smiled towards him.

"Ah, Woods huh ? You must be rich then." Kito asked.

"I don't make that much..." Anon spoke with a smile as he took out a jade coin and showed it to Kito.

"Wow..." Kito was surprised to see this.


Suddenly, a loud knock was heard on the front door.

"Kito, Your father and brother is back. Open the door." Serina spoke.

"Y-Yes, Mom." Kito immediately stood up and moved towards the gate.


She opened the door and saw that Her father and brother were standing on the door's entrance.

"Welcome back, Dad. Welcome back, Brother." Kito spoke with a smile.

"Hello, Honey." Her father spoke as he entered inside the house.

"Is the dinner, ready ?" Her brother asked as he entered inside the house.lightsnovel

"Yes, Both of you wash your hands with the warm water and sit on the dinning table. I will serve it in a second." Serina shouted from the kitchen.

"What's in the dinner toda- Who are you, Sir ?" Kito's father asked as he looked at Anon with a Confused expression.

"Woah... A Human." Her brother spoke with a shocked expression.

"Hello, Sir... I am Jack." Anon spoke as he raised his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, Jack... I am Loid and may I ask, what are you doing inside my house ?" Loid asked.

"Mom, there is a human in our House." Her brother Shouted.

"Yeah, I know. I brought him here. He missed his last Wagon back to the Kingdom and since the nearest tavern is far away, I invited him to spend the night here and go tomorrow." Serina explained.

"Oh, so you are a guest... Hi, I am Dras Jul... You can call me Dras as well." Dras spoke with a smile as he Shaked hands with Anon.

"Okay, Dras..." Anon spoke with a smile.

"Well, please take a seat Mr. Jack. I will come back and join you in a minute." Loid spoke as he immediately went to the bathroom.

"So, Mr. Jack... When did you miss your wagon ?" Dras asked."Oh, about 30 minutes ago..." Anon replied.

"It's really bad weather outside, it's good you didn't decide to go back to the Tavern." Dras asked.

'Playing games for answers, kid ? You are intresting...' Anon thought with a Smile.

"I did decide to go back, but your mother told me not to go and stay here instead." Anon replied with a smile.

"Ah, So like is it normal to stay at unknown people's house in the Human kingdom ?" Dras taunted with a smile.


Suddenly, A slap came from behind and hitted Dras's head.

"Ouch..." Dras immediately turned around and noticed that the slapper was none other than his mother herself.

"M-Mom... What are you doing ?" He asked with a Confused expression.

"He is our guest, treat him like one or I will give you another slap, Idiot." Serina spoke with an angry expression.

"I-I understand." Dras spoke with a serious expression.

"Dras, I am out... You can use the bathroom." Loid spoke as he came out of the bathroom.

"Yes, Dad..." Dras spoke as he stood up from the chair and started walking towards the bathroom.

Loid came and sat down on the chair that was right in front of Anon's chair.

"Don't mind that kid. He is stupid asshole..." Loid spoke with a smile.

"I didn't..." Anon replied with a smile.

"So, Why did you came to the Dwarf kingdom ? If you don't find it too personal assistant a question." Loid asked.

"I don't, I came here to deal with some business." Anon spoke with a smile.

"Oh, What is your buisness ?" Loid asked.

lightsnοvεl "I deal with Wood transportation and Some other stuffs." Anon replied with a smile.

"Ah, good good... Are you helping your father with the buisness ?" Loid asked.

"No, No... I own the business." Anon replied.

"Oh, at such a young age ? You must be a really hardworking child huh ?" Loid spoke with a smile.

"That, I am." Anon replied with a smile.

"Here is the food..." Serina spoke as she brought the dinner to the table and kito helped her.

"Hey, Jack... If you don't mind me asking. What's the price of Alcohol in the Human kingdom ?" Loid asked.

"Umm... About 15 coppers per bottle and 50 for 100 year old. It increases with the time you know." Anon replied.

"Hahaha... Yes, Yes. But, Still you guys can make a really good profit if you supplied alcohol to us. Because it's about 4 gold for a fresh bottle and 10 for a 100 years old.

That's like a 1000x profit... Right ?" Loid spoke as he looked at Anon with a smile.

"Oh, that's true... Even I deal with alcohol transportation." Anon replied.

"Wait, Really ? You got some ?" Loid asked without any Hesitations.

"I do... Here. Take this as a gift." Anon spoke as he pulled out a bottle of 100 year old wine and gave it to Loid.

'Now, Starts the master plan. heheheh...' Anon thought with an evil smile.
