"Now all of you may take your leave because the final test will be held tonight, and the rules will be declared on the field," Letti announced as she descended from the stage.

"All of you, come with me," she immediately instructed the Commoner section upon reaching the ground.

"Ms. Letti, you seem to be in a hurry," Seti mocked Letti from behind.

"Ahaha, you see, I have to explain the basics to my students here," Letti replied, forcing a fake laugh.

"Good, good. You should explain it all to them. Maybe it's their last chance for an explanation," Seti sneered with arrogance.

'This bitch, I want to kill her.'


"Best of luck to your students too, ma'am. All of the Commoners will follow me now. Come," Letti said as she walked towards the other side.

"My students won't need luck, yours will, hehehe," Seti taunted.

Letti remained silent and continued walking forward.

After a short walk, they entered a large room filled with ancient books.

"Wow... what's this place?"

"It's ancient. Seems like old creatures used to live here."


"Search for books on the Kingdom's Night Run and read about it silently, all of you. Anon, come with me," Letti commanded.

"Yes, ma'am," all the students replied in unison as they began selecting books from the shelves and started reading.

Anon followed Letti silently to a bookshelf at the back of the room.

Letti approached a large green book and tilted it forward slightly.

Suddenly, the shelf started moving, revealing the entrance to a small hidden room.

"Wow, a hidden passage, huh?" Anon admired.

"Come inside," Letti commanded.

"Oh, a dominating play, huh?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Just come in."

"Yes, yes."Anon entered and saw two chairs and a large wooden table in the middle of the room. A bookshelf was attached to the right wall, and a detailed map of the kingdom adorned the left wall.

"What do you use this place for? Don't tell me you plan to take over the world here," Anon joked.

"Don't joke with me and look here," she said, pointing to the map of the kingdom.

"What's this?" Anon asked.magic

"This is the map of our kingdom. Judging by the fact that you don't even know about it, I can assume that your knowledge is weak as fuck."

"Well, that's one accurate guess."

"Good, now pay attention. Our kingdom consists of seven cities, four seas, twelve forests, and five deserts. Our continent alone has one sea, two deserts, and three forests."

"Okay, and...?"

"In tonight's race, seven students will be chosen from both sides, nobles and commoners. Each one will run through one continent. One thing I like about this test is that it provides equal grounds. Regardless of whether you are a commoner or a noble, you are allowed to use magic at any time."

"For what?" Anon inquired.

"To run and kill each other, obviously. The noble bastards will use every means at their disposal to stop our students and achieve victory. You will be their main target during the event, which is why you will intentionally take last place in the race. You will be relatively safe in the final continent, and I will arrange for someone to help you as well."

"Oh, who is this someone, if I may ask?" Anon asked, his smile filled with mockery.

"She is a friend of mine."

"A 'she'? This is going to be fun."

"Don't get too excited now. You will run last to maintain our pace. If we were to be losing, I believe you will be the only one who can turn the tables."

"Don't worry about it. What else?"

"Nothing in particular. The students will use their magic powers to kill your teammates. They will utilize artifacts to boost their speed and even enhance their bodies with dopes to achieve victory. The final challenge of the race will be in our kingdom, inside the 'Forest of Nightmares.'"

"That's all the information you need to know for now."

"What about the rules?" Anon asked, confused by the fact that Letti explained everything about the event but hadn't mentioned a single rule during their conversation.

"What rules? There are no rules in this race. That's why it was banned years ago. The nobles annihilated the commoners in this test. The king prohibited it and granted the director special rights to conduct this test only under critical circumstances," Letti explained with a smile.

"What sort of critical circumstances are these?" Anon inquired curiously.

"Are you kidding me? You shattered their egos, crushed their self-respect, and undermined their grand reputations."

"Haha, the nobles really take pride in their reputation, huh?"

"That's the only thing they love the most, even more than their own lives. And when a motherfucking commoner starts taking that away too, they will rage, obviously," Letti explained."Hahaha, this will be fun to watch," Anon laughed.

"There's one more thing I'd like to explain."

"What is it?"

"Because this test is so dangerous, the rewards will be even greater."

"Oh, there are rewards for this test?"

"Yes. Now go and do whatever you want. I'll be here if you need help with anything."

"Okay," Anon said as he exited the secret room.

'No.300,' Anon called out mentally using the psychic connection.

'Your Highness, your slave is ready to serve.'

'Prepare everyone. I'll need all of you tonight.'

'As you command, my lord.'

'Recall Mike from his journey and instruct Sephie to abandon everything she's doing in her lab. Also, update me on the zombie situation in the Forest of Nightmares.'

'As you command, Your Highness.'


Ten minutes later.

'Your Highness.'


'Madam Sephie informed me that there have been no activities related to zombies in the forest. No sightings have been reported for the past week.'

"Good, that's one less problem for me."

'I have ordered 35,000 men to prepare their weapons. Is that enough, master?'

'More than enough. But how many Ogres do we have in total?'

'I'm sorry, master, but I don't know the exact numbers. I can tell you that we have over 50,000 now, with 40,000 of them trained for combat.'

'Wow, we've grown so much, huh?'

'Good. I'll see you tonight in the Forest of Nightmares.'

'As you command, Your Highness. There's one more piece of news, Your Highness.'

'What is it?'

'Kole is ready to talk.'

