Majestic mountains loomed in place of the black void, their peaks piercing the sky. Towering trees stretched as far as the eye could see, transforming the landscape into an imposing forest. Strange birds and creatures roamed the area, adding an air of mystery to the surroundings.

Anon surveyed the scene, his gaze drawn to the colossal trees that dwarfed any he had encountered before. "Where are we?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"This, Anon, is where I fought the first battle of my life," the counselor replied, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Believe me, it was a close call. A mere mistake could have spelled certain death for me."

Anon's interest deepened. "What trial do i have to give here ?" he asked, his eagerness evident.

"Patience, my friend. I will reveal all in due time. Here, we have an eternity at our disposal. Only a fragment of your subconscious mind resides here, while time in the outside world nearly comes to a standstill for you. One second out there is equivalent to a hundred years within these bounds."

Anon's astonishment grew as he absorbed the magnitude of the temporal disparity. He regarded the counselor with a mix of admiration and surprise.


"Anon, your path has been far smoother than mine because you possess a greater strength of mind, I don't know how you had the right skills at the right time, but you played your cards right everytime.

No matter the situation you always overcome it with your mind and skills.

Your mastery of your powers has been impeccable, never faltering, proving your worth to the demon gods."

The weight of impending revelation settled on Anon's shoulders, causing a sense of foreboding to creep into his thoughts. "What do you mean?" he inquired cautiously.

"Here, your magical abilities shall be sealed, leaving you to rely solely on brute strength. You must navigate this trial through your own ingenuity, discovering the way forward without the crutch of magic. Good luck, Anon. I shall rejoin you once you have overcome this trial," the counselor conveyed before fading from sight.

What the hell? What am I supposed to do here? At least explain it to me..." Before Anon could utter another word, a spear tore through his chest, leaving a gaping hole and ending his life in an instant.


"Fuck... I'm dead," he muttered as darkness consumed his vision.

[Trial Restarting]

Suddenly, a resounding echo reverberated within his mind.

[System Plugged In]

[System Syncing with Trial]

[System Connection Established... 100%]

[Host Revived in 3... 2... 1]

"Haaaaa..." Anon rose from the ground, inhaling deeply as life surged back into his lungs.

"Hmm... it feels damn good to be alive again," Anon declared, his gaze fixating on his chest where the once-piercing wound had completely healed.

[Map Scan Complete]

[Trial Quest Identified]

Anon glanced at the screen before him and burst into boisterous laughter.


"So, you wondered how I always had the right skill at the right time, huh? This is the reason. Who would've thought I had a golden spoon in my hands all along? The system," Anon pondered, chuckling to himself.

"Show me the quest," Anon commanded the system.

[Main Quest: Trial of the Counsellor]

[First Sub-Quest: Eliminate the Witch of the Forest, a master of black magic residing atop the highest peak of the mountains. However, each death will incur the [Debuff of Reduced Damage], gradually diminishing your offensive capabilities against the main boss.]

[Rewards: Unknown]

"What's this debuff, System?"

[Debuff of Reduced Damage]magic

[Every time you perish within the trial, your damage output against the main boss will decrease by 1%, with the potential to stack up to 99,999 times.]

"Whoa, that's valuable information. Why didn't the counselor disclose this to me? He truly desires to test my mettle. If it weren't for the system, I would've perished countless times, oblivious to my imminent demise," Anon contemplated, a sly smile adorning his face.

"System, can you tell me about my previous death?"

[Record of Previous Death]

[Occurred 3 minutes and 45 seconds ago due to a high-velocity spear throw.]

"I died only ten minutes after entering the trial. Meaning, if everything unfolds similarly, the same attack should take place in the next seven minutes," Anon speculated, his mind brimming with countless possibilities.

[One Action Recorded]

A notification materialized before him.

"What's this?"

[Killed by a tribal warrior]

[A tribal warrior, searching for food in the forest, spotted an unknown figure standing alone amidst the trees. Instead of a peaceful encounter, he decided to make the stranger his dinner, swiftly striking him down in a single blow of his spear.]

"Did the Counsellor face a similar attack? Did he dodge it or did he got injured here?" Anon pondered, questioning the circumstances.

[Map scanning completed.]

[Longest peak located.]

"Which one?" Anon inquired.

[The third peak from the left, following the direction of the sunrise.]

"Sunrise? I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to determine the direction of sunrise accurately in this area," Anon thought, his gaze fixed on the spot from which the spear had been thrown earlier.

[Pathfinder activated.]

A smile played on Anon's face as this notification appeared.

"System, I don't know what I would do without you," Anon remarked with an evil smile.

Suddenly, a realization struck Anon, prompting him to ask the system a question.

"Hey, System, can I use magic here?"

[A temporary seal has restrained your magical powers, but it can be shattered at your will.]

"Can the Counsellor see me?" Anon inquired of the system.

[The Counsellor's soul essence cannot be sensed within the trial grounds.]"Unlock it."

[Magic bindings dissolved.]

[Spells resurrected, ready to be cast anew.]

[Skills reignited, eager to serve.]

[Magic Unlocked: 100%]

"Well, that's what I call cheating," Anon muttered, turning his back towards the direction from which the spear had initially struck him.

With his skills and magic unbound, Anon's five senses returned back to their extraordinary state.


Suddenly, a sound emanated from the bushes behind Anon.

"Food... Die, food," a barely audible whisper emerged, but Anon heard it crystal clear.

<Thunder Javelin>

In an instant, a brilliant fusion of azure and golden radiance enveloped Anon's clenched fist, crackling with the primal power of lightning, shaping into a lethal javelin.

"Food...die." a spear hurtled toward Anon, propelled by unyielding velocity.

"Not this time, you motherfucking bastard." Anon's thunderous roar reverberated, his body pivoting swiftly as he unleashed the Thunder Javelin upon the nefarious assailant who had hurled the wooden spear.

Like a celestial bolt, the Thunder Javelin pierced the mundane weapon, slicing through it with merciless precision, striking the assailant with unstoppable force.

In a cataclysmic instant, the Thunder Javelin obliterated the upper half of the tribal warrior's body, resulting in instant death.

The spear's relentless momentum refused to wane even after toppling the tribal warrior, tearing through towering trees with a resounding crash. As the majestic giants surrendered to its force, they formed an extraordinary path, as though the very essence of nature conspired to pave the way exclusively for Anon.


A piercing whistle, resonating with thunderous intensity, pierced through the forest, stirring the once tranquil bushes into a frenzy of movement. The rustling foliage hinted at an approaching horde of highly skilled warriors, converging upon Anon with relentless determination.

"What in the hell is going on here ?" Anon questioned, his senses acutely attuned to the rapid footsteps echoing through the dense forest. Yet, despite his acute awareness, he found no visual trace of the assailants concealed amidst the labyrinthine greenery.

"These bastards possess mastery in camouflaging," Anon pondered with a mix of awe and frustration, diligently scanning the surrounding woods, hoping to catch the slightest glimpse of their presence amidst the verdant tapestry.

"Oi, I'm not—" Anon's words were abruptly cut short as a wooden arrow hurtled towards him with unparalleled velocity, propelled by deadly intent.

Yet, displaying a remarkable blend of agility and reflexes, Anon intercepted the deadly projectile, seizing it from the air mere moments before it could make contact with his face.

"Oh, how fucking close you were," Anon jeered, a self-assured smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.



Undeterred by their earlier failure, two more arrows were launched with deadly precision, each seeking to find its mark.

Yet, like a wraith dancing amidst the chaos, Anon effortlessly evaded the lethal arrows, his movements fluid and precise, a testament to his unparalleled skill.

"Ah, a game of hide and seek, is it?" Anon's voice boomed through the forest, his steely gaze fixated on a particular tree, where an errant hand had emerged from the concealing foliage.

"Found you," Anon whispered, his leg muscles coiling like a tightly wound spring, primed for action. With explosive power, he catapulted himself into the air, a majestic leap that defied the laws of gravity.

Silently, Anon alighted upon the tree's branches, his presence shrouded in an enigmatic veil. From his elevated vantage point, he observed a figure cowering below, the revelation confirming that it was a young girl.

As the girl turned her head around to survey the area, her eyes widened in fear and uncertainty, Anon swiftly grabbed her mouth. A sinister smile danced upon his lips, his demeanor reminiscent of a malevolent psychopath.

"Hello, Luv." Anon hissed, his voice laced with a blend of dark amusement and chilling menace.

[Editor: How do you like the edited Chapters? Comment Down.]
