Chapter 1660  : Towards a New Era

If it weren’t for her witnessing that moment with her own eyes, Anderina could never believe that under the dominance of a certain technology, a human spacecraft could cross 2.6 astronomical units in an instant, going from Mars to Earth’s geosynchronous orbit.

She wasn’t the only one who witnessed all of this since she participated in this historic moment with 100 other passengers.

At this moment, Anderina was speechless. Every inch on her face was filled with surprise.

She swore that she would use her words to make this moment eternal...

Anderina was not the only one surprised.


The space observatory belonging to the North American Space Agency in geosynchronous orbit also observed this amazing scene.

Researcher Field almost poked his nose through the holographic screen as he stared at the starship that appeared almost out of thin air in the observation lens.

Standing behind him, Johnny whispered, “They succeeded...”

Yes, they succeeded.

No matter how unacceptable this reality was and how hopeless it made Field and others feel, facts did not care about feelings.

From this moment onwards, human civilization would have entered a new era.


To celebrate this moment, bright fireworks rose one after another over the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city group at 8 o’clock in the evening.

Not only celebrating in reality but also on the Internet.

From the virtual reality online game of Calan Empire to the academic exchange forums of major universities, at almost every corner of the Internet, everyone was celebrating this great moment in their own way.

As the world’s largest academic exchange forum, the atmosphere on the LSPM forum began to brew as early as yesterday.

As the news of the successful arrival of Torch came, the related discussion posts were like a waterfall, flooding the pages in an instant.

[Academician Lu is insane!]

[Nutty! It takes less than a minute to get from Mars to Earth?! Wouldn’t it be faster to go to Mars than to go to the Moon?!]

[More than just insane! This is crazy, okay! Not just starships, the communication technology is also amazing! Sending a letter to Mars used to take a few minutes at best, and sometimes more than 20 minutes!]

[Haha, in the future, Tiangong City will no longer be a local area network.]

[It’s hard to say. I don’t know how much the communication cost of stargates is. If it is 100 credits per kb of traffic, even if instant messaging can be achieved, it may not be affordable to people.]

[I heard from Academician Lu that maintaining a stable and open hyperspace channel should not cost too much, right?]

[Oh, who knows?]

Not only were netizens hotly discussing this topic, but the academic community had also launched heated discussions around this amazing news.

For example, Academician Wang Chuanzhe from the Pan-Asian Academy of Social Sciences wrote an article with a length of about 10,000 words in his LSPM blog.

He analyzed the possible impact of the technology on the world from a sociological perspective.

[According to the laws of historical development, factors closely related to our lives, such as the scope of human activities and the boundaries of civilization, have always been inseparable from the development of transportation technology and communication technology.]

[Since the beginning of the space age, despite the continuous emergence of numerous and diverse technologies, our area of activity has not expanded as a result and is still confined to the narrow asteroid belt.]

[But now, the birth of hyperspace theory and the emergence of warp speed technology have reversed this situation in a fundamental sense, extending the boundaries of our imagination beyond the solar system.]

[It is foreseeable that this technology will not only change our way of life but will also completely change the political pattern on the planet. Just like the changes that Columbus brought to the European continent, I can boldly speculate that the globalization process that ended in the last century will recover again, and we will also move towards greater alliances and integration to share our future destiny.]

After this article was published, it immediately caused a huge response in academia.

Not only because of Academician Wang Chuanzhe’s vision of this technology but also because his description at the end of the article reminded people of the Federation of Human Alliance from the last century.

In order to respond to the threats from extraterrestrial civilizations, various countries formed an authoritative organization that had more executive power than the United Nations, to speak a voice that belonged to human civilization.

However, because evidence of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization was not found, and the exploration of the Martian civilization ruins remained stagnant, this alliance soon died due to various reasons, and finally was replaced by regional alliances.

Over the past 100 years, the academic community had demonstrated countless times that it was impractical to establish a unified political collective that encompassed hundreds of countries around the world. In contrast, a small-scale regional alliance was more in line with the development needs of human society.

But now, at this specific pivotal moment, Academician Wang Chuanzhe had put forward a point of view that opposed the mainstream opinion in the academic world.

Especially considering the political background of this old man, many people had begun to speculate whether there was a major move brewing in the Pan-Asian Cooperation...


Regardless of what major moves were brewing, the mainstream public of the Pan-Asian Cooperation was in a jubilant mood.

However, in contrast, the mood of other regional alliances was not so joyful.

North American Alliance headquarters.

Inside the chairman’s office.

The chief of staff, who was in a suit, walked into the room quickly. He put his hands on the desk, looked at the chairman sitting behind the desk, and spoke in a hasty tone.

“There are reports that the Pan-Asian Cooperation intends to restart the Human Alliance.”

After hearing this sentence, the chairman of the board was taken aback for a moment. He then sneered, “Human Alliance? The thing that has been swept into the historical grave? Haha, what excuses do they plan to use this time? Jupiter aliens? Or Saturn aliens?”


The chief of staff gulped and placed a Pan-Asian news report on the holographic screen.

With an expression of suspicion, the President cast his gaze on the holographic screen.

However, it was at this moment that his face solidified.

There were no excuses from them.

There was not even a warning or threat.

There was just a chilling understatement—

[According to various rumors, the Pan-Asian executives are researching the expansion of economic cooperation and opening the use of stargate technology to member countries that join the cooperation.]

“I can’t believe they would use the stargates as a bargaining chip...”

The chief of staff lowered his head with a heavy expression and said, “Yes... I never expected that they would be so shameless.”


The chairman of the board gently leaned against the office chair. His index finger was slightly trembling as it gently rested on the bridge of his nose.

The North American Alliance was not a country; it was only a regional alliance.

If the Pan-Asian Cooperation made joining the Human Alliance or similar organizations a prerequisite for using the stargate technology and threw an olive branch to the member states of the North American Alliance, he could foresee the collapse of the entire North American Alliance...

This was an offer that the countries could not refuse.

The chief of staff standing opposite his desk gulped and spoke.


“Get out.” His voice was full of exhaustion, as if he aged ten years old in an instant. The man sitting in the office chair said, “I want to be alone.”
