Chapter 1590  : Gossiping Mathematicians

The library of Jin Ling University.

A blond woman was sitting at the table by the window, looking intently at the book in her hand.

Her fluffy hair looked particularly dazzling in the sun, and her soft facial contour and slightly petite figure made people want to protect her.

In the Pan-Asian Cooperation during the 22nd century, foreign faces were no longer rare, but people walking in the library still cast inquisitive glances here from time to time.

There was only one reason.

Although foreigners were not rare, old popsicles were different.


Especially since this old popsicle’s status was a bit unusual...

“Compared to a century ago, both mathematics and physics have advanced too much in this era...”

Closing the book in her hand, Vera showed an ashamed expression on her face and continued, “Sorry... I may need a period of study before I can help you.”

Sitting on the opposite side of Vera, Lu Zhou smiled slightly and comforted her.

“Don’t apologize. I was the one who troubled you. Besides, I don’t expect this problem to be solved in a short time. For now, you focus on integrating into this era.”

Vera nodded nervously.


To be honest, she felt strange and terrified about everything in this era.

She still remembered the first time she took a maglev car, she was so scared that she stuck to the seat and did not dare to move, let alone look out the window.

There were also those robots, as well as the aerospace shuttles that she heard about...

Whether it was academic or life, there were too many things she didn’t understand in this era.

“Aside from the physics part, do you have any good ideas about this Z particle wave equation?”

Faced with the question thrown by Lu Zhou, the little girl pondered for a while and answered seriously, “This is a high-dimensional topology problem, which reminds me of the proof of Poincaré’s conjecture. If some special differential manifolds are introduced as an auxiliary, maybe it will make the proposition itself easier?”

Lu Zhou nodded approvingly. “It’s a very good idea, can you be more specific?”

Perhaps because it had been too long since she last heard Lu Zhou’s praise, Vera showed a somewhat embarrassed expression on her face as she continued to say awkwardly, “Can you give me a piece of draft paper...? I’m still not used to the holographic screen.”

Lu Zhou nodded and got up from the chair.

“No problem.”

Although the 22nd century had entered a paperless era, it was still possible to find paper.

For example, in the library where they were, although most students downloaded electronic versions of the materials and read them on their personal terminals, each book also had a corresponding paper version.

In addition, the library also had a printing room dedicated to printing. Although the cost was not cheap, it was still affordable for the students studying here.

Lu Zhou brought a stack of white paper from the printing room. He placed it in front of Vera, looked at her curious eyes, and waited for her to speak her thoughts.

Without hesitating for too long, Vera took a pen from Lu Zhou’s hand and wrote on the paper carefully.

[... (Ihδ/δt)·ψ(r,t)=(-thca·▽+βmc^2)ψ(r,t)]


Because she was not familiar with physics, Vera wrote very slowly; every step was carefully considered, even to a cumbersome level.

However, as the step-by-step process continued to advance, Lu Zhou understood what she wanted to express with the help of these calculations.

“Dirac equation?”

“Yeah.” Vera nodded lightly with a smile on her face as she continued, “The Dirac equation is the most basic formula in relativistic quantum mechanics. It is the first time in the history of physics that quantum mechanics and special relativity were combined together.”

Lu Zhou nodded.

“It’s a basic concept... then?”

“Like you always say, many profound things are often hidden in simple and basic truths and have expressions that are so concise that they are unimaginable. I don’t know the deep concepts of physics, but just like how the Dirac equation reveals the antiparticle and spin properties of microphysics, through a simple and easy-to-understand method, we can also add this bridge between the Z particle and the curvature of space.”

Vera moved the pen in her hand as she continued to write a few lines of calculation.

Looking at the line-by-line calculations presented on the paper, an expression of interest appeared on Lu Zhou’s face.

“I didn’t expect you to have done research on the Kármán-Howarth equation.”

“It’s only just because you have researched turbulence problems.” Vera smiled shyly and said softly, “And it happens that I am very interested in the differential manifold method you used to solve turbulence problems, so I tried to understand them.”

Lu Zhou: “I was right, you are brilliant!”

The white cheeks were stained with red. Vera did not speak; she silently accepted the compliment.

After she filled two pages of the draft paper, she stopped writing and looked at Lu Zhou.

“These are all my thoughts... Although I feel that it may not be comprehensive, and many new-generation mathematical tools and theories weren’t used—”

“It’s pretty good already!” Interrupting Vera, Lu Zhou gave her an encouraging look and said with an excited smile on his face, “5 minutes ago, when you wrote the 20th line, I suddenly had an idea.”

Hearing these words, Vera showed a smile on her face, as if she was happier than solving the problem herself. She whispered, “Really? That’s great!”

Although from her position, she still couldn’t see the solution to this proposition...

But based on what she knew about Lu Zhou, every time he had such a smile on his face, he was close to completing the research project...

In the seat not far away, the two students were looking over at this side. One of them broke the silence in a low voice.

“Is that Academician Lu?” Pointing to the direction, Sun Tao gulped and said, “Looks like it.”

Without answering his question, Xu Teli, who was sitting next to him, was stunned. He muttered to himself in a low voice, “Amazing...”

Sun Tao: “What’s amazing?”

Moving his neck stiffly, Xu Teli gave his roommate a strange look and said solemnly, “Have you seen him work with other people in the library before?”

Sun Tao was stunned. He shook his head.

“I don’t stalk him every day... How would I know?”

“Oh yeah.” Xu Teli sighed and patted his forehead lightly. “I forgot that you’re a bad student.”

When he heard these words, Sun Tao was immediately unhappy, and he yelled in a low voice so that he wouldn’t affect the others.

“Hey, why are you attacking me?!”

Ignoring his roommate, Xu Teli looked at the two figures not far away as he continued to speak with a very professional appearance.

“I come to the library every day to check in, and I have seen Academician Lu here many times. Every time, he would be here alone as he read some books, or by the windowsill, and he would have a cup of black coffee without sugar.”

Sun Tao: “You’re quite observant... But what does that mean?”

Xu Teli: “Are you stupid? Do you want me to explain it more?”

Sun Tao reacted instantly. He suddenly exclaimed in his heart.

Although I don’t like gossip...

But this is Academician Lu!

The ancestor of the Jinling Institute for Advanced Study!

The “scientific research machine”!

In an instant, he finally understood why his roommate was so shocked...
