A little earlier.

In front of Hotel Crossroad.

"This is madness, Lady White Night."

The lich lieutenant walking behind White Night spoke.

"The very idea of an alliance between undead and humans is unheard of, and you're attending a party celebrating that alliance?"

Following White Night were ten liches.

Their faces hidden behind long talismans on their foreheads, all of them were using sturdy Jiangshi bodies.


When resurrected in the Lake Kingdom, they were like any other undead liches, nothing but weak skeletons, but after White Night became the leader of the Lich Legion, she transferred them into these bodies.

The Jiangshi created through Eastern magic were the strongest bodies an undead entity could use.

In other words, these ten were White Night's most trusted and favored personal guard within the Lich Legion.

In fact, they were the top ten magicians selected from within the legion.

"Isn't the possibility of it being a trap too high? Even now, it would be better to turn back..."

White Night smiled at her continuously opposing lieutenant.


"I've considered the possibility of a trap. But if so, I'll just sweep them away and leave, right?"

"There have been more than a few monster legions annihilated by them. You can't predict what outlandish method they might use."


"What alliance with humans anyway! Since they've destroyed the Mage Tower, we don't need humans anymore!"

The lieutenant insisted. White Night just listened quietly.

"Instead of doing this, why not return now, call on the other monster legions you've gathered, and annihilate humanity! And then pledge loyalty again to the King of Kings-"

Annoyed, White Night stretched out her arm irritably and touched the talisman on the lieutenant's forehead.


Immediately, the symbols on the talisman began to change. The lieutenant shut up, shivering, and then assumed a stiff, attention position.

"Now that's better."

White Night, looking at her now quiet subordinate, smiled contentedly.

The liches thought they had gained stronger bodies by transferring their spirits into a Jiangshi, but in reality, they had completely surrendered control of their bodies to White Night, the spellcaster who transferred their spirits.

This talisman was a kind of programming command written in the grammar of Eastern magic. And the Jiangshi liches had to faithfully follow the commands given by the talisman.

This was why White Night could easily control the Lich Legion.

"The world will end someday. Before that, I should enjoy what I can."

White Night looked up at the sky for a moment.

Yes - the end is near.

And when that time comes, she would leave this lower world and ascend.

So, before then, she might as well enjoy these fleeting pleasures.

"Let's go. The protagonist can't be late to the party."

White Night led the way, followed by the ten liches.

As they entered the party hall -

"Lady White Night is entering!"

With the servant's announcement, the atmosphere in the party hall froze cold.

Amused by the expected reaction and hiding her smile with her fan, White Night quickly surveyed the living beings filling the party hall.

Humans with warm skin and hot blood flowing beneath, truly living their lives, the 'real' ones...

'Ah, ah.'

Facing these ordinary humans looking at her with fear, White Night thought.

'How enviable, a rightful life.'

So enviable that...

...she wanted to crush them all.

Barely suppressing that urge, someone approached White Night.

The organizer of this party, dressed in a simple black and white evening gown without any extra decorations, embroidery, or jewelry. It was Ash.

"White Night."


The two generals lightly greeted each other.

Then Ash gave a slight smile with his eyes.

"Looking splendid, aren't you?"

"You look splendid yourself. Planning to use your beauty to charm me?"

"Ha ha. It's strange how monstrous women always fall head over heels for me. My charm is somewhat fatal."

Ash picked up two glasses of wine being carried by a waiter nearby and handed one of them to White Night.

"Sorry, but I'll have to decline. I'm quite picky with my tastes.""Hard to get, huh? A commander who keeps monsters at bay, I suppose?"

Ash and White Night lightly clinked their glasses and drank.

It was an orange-flavored liquor. White Night swirled the empty glass in her hand and shrugged her shoulders.

"So this is what human liquor tastes like."

"Different from the stale stuff you find in dungeons, right?"

"Exactly. It's ordinarily delicious. I thought it might be poisoned, but there's none..."

White Night laughed meaningfully.

"Is this really a celebration of an alliance?"

"It's a very enjoyable gathering. If that's what you want it to be."

Ash smiled back, equally meaningful.

Then, Ash snapped his fingers towards the band. The tense musicians, who had been frozen, slowly began to play a piece.

Leading White Night and her subordinates deeper into the party hall, Ash smiled broadly.

"Come on, it's a great day! Let's all enjoy ourselves!"


Contrary to the initial tension, the party went on peacefully.

Walking around the party hall with Ash, White Night shared drinks and laughs, bursting into laughter at every punchline of Ash's jokes.

With merry music playing and guests laughing and drinking, the atmosphere of the party gradually loosened.

For a start, the heroes on standby as part of Ash's plan were for Plan B.

If Plan A went smoothly, they would just remain on standby and end without any action. Even if Plan B was triggered, they would have to wait for several hours.

Thus, the heroes positioned around also began to relax a bit, loosening their tight neckties, and comfortably awaited Ash's instructions.


However, Kuilan, still leaning against a pillar in the party hall, arms crossed, was glaring sharply at the Lich Legion.

Being naturally tall and bulky, he couldn't find a suitable suit and had to hastily wear a waiter's uniform from the banquet hall. No matter what he wore, his size was conspicuous.

Despite trying to hide behind the pillar and sneak glances at the Lich Legion, it was meaningless as he was too noticeable.


Someone approached Kuilan, holding two glasses of wine.

Startled, Kuilan turned to see a woman in her trademark ivory dress - Princess Yun of the Northern Ariane Kingdom.

"Found you, Kuilan~"


Though Kuilan had been maintaining a warrior's facade, his face immediately turned to one of fear upon Yun's arrival.

Yun downed her share of champagne and handed the other glass to Kuilan.

"Why so tense? It's a party, you know? Relax a little."

"...We are not at a party, but on a battlefield, Princess Yun."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

Yun tilted her head, puzzled, and sipped from the other glass.

"Whether it's a party or a battlefield, you need to be relaxed enough to jump into action when needed."


"Come on, have a drink. And let's have a heartfelt talk."

Yun leaned in closer. Kuilan let out a fearful gasp again, then seemed to muster some courage and took a sharp breath.

"I will speak frankly here, Princess Yun."magic

Kuilan, grabbing the wrist that Yun was about to wrap around his shoulder, said. Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Huh? About what?"

"Thanks for showing interest in me all this time, but..."

Yun had been aggressively pursuing Kuilan, but he had been steadily pushing her away.

Kuilan was determined to finally reveal his reasons for rejection and completely shake off Yun. So, he mustered the courage and blurted it out.

"You approached me because you were fascinated by my impressive muscles or my abundant body hair, right?"

"That's right. You totally meet our Northern standards of beauty. If you entered Mr. Ariane contest, you'd easily take first place, wouldn't you?"

"That's exactly the problem!"

"Huh? Problem?"

Yun blinked, not understanding. Kuilan shook his head firmly.

"Everyone who has approached me so far... they all came because they were attracted to my body. And when they got tired of my body, they all left."

Kuilan, with a solemn face, held his large hands in front of his chest.

"That's why I decided. I'm waiting for someone who will love my heart and soul, not just my body."


Yun, watching this with an incredulous look, murmured bitterly.

"You're surprisingly pure-hearted, aren't you...""Anyway! So, Princess Yun, who approached me only seeing my body, sorry to say this, but! I can't accept your feelings."

He finally said it!

Kuilan, having firmly rejected Yun, thought she would now back off, but she didn’t.

"You never know."


"Just as you said, I approached you for your body, but so what? What if I come to love your heart and soul afterwards?"

Yun pressed close to Kuilan. Her bright yellow eyes sparkled predatorily beneath her upturned ivory hair.

Kuilan gulped nervously and stammered.

"...And, and. As a vanguard like me, one never knows when they might die. Even today, something might happen with that undead sorcerer..."

"Why hesitate about romance just because something might happen with that undead sorcerer today?"


"The world is on the brink of destruction, and we are front-line warriors who might die in battle any day. So shouldn't we play passionately starting from this very moment?"

Not giving Kuilan a chance to speak, Yun continued her onslaught.

"I don't know if I can come to love your heart or soul. But you don't know when you might come to love my heart or soul either. To find out, we need to clash with each other first."

Yun stepped closer. Kuilan closed his eyes tightly, trembling.

"Why won't you give up on me...?!"

"Sorry, but I'm tired of being rejected. I've decided to bite and not let go."

"St, stop coming closer! A situation might arise any moment!"

"If it arises, we'll just grab our weapons and fight like pros. Until then, let's spend some time together."

"Th, this isn't a party, it's a battlefield against monsters..."

"I know, I know. How many times do I have to say it."

Yun whispered slyly.

"Both are places for playing with fire, right?"


"Oh my, oh my, oh my! Look over there!"

Pointing towards where Kuilan and Yun were closely attached, Evangeline slapped Lucas's shoulder repeatedly.

"After nearly a year of chasing and being pushed away, Kuilan finally got caught! Kyaa, go for it, Sister Yun! Devour him! Rip him apart! Oh my my!"

"...It seems the idiots who forget that we are in a wartime situation are starting to appear."

Lucas clicked his tongue.

Of course, even if the heroes were to be deployed, there was still time, and it might actually be more helpful for maintaining combat readiness to relax appropriately and stay on standby rather than being tensely wound up the whole time.

That's why Lucas did not stop the other heroes from easing their tension.

They were companions capable of exerting their strength when necessary. He trusted them that much.

'...After all, if our lord's strategy works well, we may not even need to step in.'

Lucas slyly turned his eyes to where Ash was.

Ash and White Night were having a separate conversation, leaving behind their escorts like Lucas and Evangeline, as well as the subordinate liches at a distance.

Only the members of the Gambler's Club disguised as waiters were approaching under the pretext of serving drinks and snacks, moving closer and then away again.

'So far, everything is going according to plan...'

But Lucas, who always took it upon himself to point out the blind spots Ash might miss, found himself in a situation where he simply couldn't let his guard down, even if the other heroes were resting.

That's when it happened.


The band began to play a waltz.

Then Ash extended his hand to White Night, who looked slightly surprised and awkwardly took Ash's hand.

The human commander and the monster legion commander walked hand in hand to the center of the ballroom.

The meaning of this scene was clear.

"Oh my, looks like they're going to dance!"

"Good heavens. Are you serious, my lord..."

As much as the purpose of the party was to deceive the other side, dancing with a monster was unthinkable.

His lord Ash was really... To put it irreverently, not your average crazy.

Lucas was quietly astonished (?), when Evangeline suddenly grabbed his arm urgently.


Turning around in surprise, Evangeline, pulling Lucas along, wore a stern expression.

"Huh? What's 'huh'? Come on, let's go!"


"Because when they start dancing, the senior will be moving away! What if something happens then? We need to be close by and pretend to dance as well, to keep guarding!"

Evangeline flashed her buck teeth, smiling broadly at Lucas.

"Hurry up, mister! Oh, you do know how to dance, right?"

--TL Notes--

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