The structure of the talks had become strange.

This place is a righteous frontline risking lives for the world. Those who do not participate here are seen as cowards blinded by gold and vested interests.

I was the one who had flipped this frame.

'Well, it's not exactly wrong.'

Here, it is possible to scatter gold and vested interests to the kings. It's not difficult to empty the national treasury and pay the world's nations for their participation.

But, however.

Is that all right?


It's a year where the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Wealth can be a motivation, but it should not be the purpose of joining this frontline.

Material purposes eventually evaporate.

Those drawn by money will flee the moment it loses its value.

I prefer to firmly establish an unwavering flag first, instead of fleeting pieces of gold.

That what we do is noble, great, and right - such a belief.

'The moral high ground should be the purpose, not the means.'


I was trying to firmly establish this dynamic so it wouldn't be reversed.



When the kings glanced at each other and the meeting hall fell into an awkward silence, that's when it happened.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Suddenly, there was the sound of applause.

Everyone looked in that direction, and slowly, a middle-aged man with black hair and golden eyes rose from his seat.

Without a doubt, it was the Emperor. A smile of pleasure hung on the Emperor's lips.

"How splendid."

Which part?

The banner I advocated? Or this whole framing game?

Either way, pleased with it, the Emperor raised his voice.

"To Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack, the commander of the Independent Frontline Crossroad, I, Traha 'Peacemaker' Everblack of the Everblack Empire, have a question."

"Please speak."

"To summarize the banner you have raised, it defines 'people' as beings who can understand each other regardless of origin and race, and this Monster Frontline is to protect such people. Is that correct?"

"That's right."

"In other words, setting aside all previous favors and obligations, in this frontline, we unite to combat the monsters."

"That's right."

The smile on the Emperor's lips grew even wider, almost looking like a ferocious beast.

"Truly, it's the vaguest banner I've ever seen. I've seen countless princes' banners in my life, but I've never seen one as naïve and buried in ideals as this."


"But because of that, it suits the Frontline that will last for only one more year."

The Emperor turned his gaze away from me and looked at the other kings again. And he declared.

"I agree with the philosophy of Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack, the commander of the Independent Frontline Crossroad."


"The Everblack Empire will formally join the World Guardian Front. We will also provide full support."

The Emperor reaffirmed that the Monster Frontline is an independent line separate from the Empire.

Meaning, the command here is with me, the current lord of Crossroad, and the Empire is not the subject of the World Guardian Front, but merely a member nation,

And at the same time, expressing the intention to stand at the forefront of this line.

With just a few words, the Emperor played several political moves and then smiled slyly.

"Ah, those worried about the cost of participation can rest easy. We, the Everblack Empire, the world's foremost hegemon, will bear that burden. I also want to improve relations with everyone."

At those words, a moment of silence followed.

Then, several kings, their faces flushed, stood up abruptly.

"What are you saying, Traha!"

"We can't let Everblack bear everything! The World Guardian Front is an alliance of all nations in the world!"

"Each should bear the cost of participation!"

"No! Now that it has come to this, let's just make a joint investment!"

Despite the Empire offering to finance, there was a reason why they were so vehemently opposed.

If the Empire were to cover the costs of running the World Guardian Front, then inevitably, this alliance would become subordinate to the Empire.

After all, it is inevitable for any organization to be consumed by its source of funding.

- I'll pay the money. But in exchange, I'll take over this alliance in a year, okay?

...This was essentially a threat from the Emperor.With the world order already revolving around Everblack, if the Empire were to completely dominate this World Guardian Front as well.

No one knew what would become of the world's political landscape.

As was mentioned yesterday, the Empire might effectively unify this continent.

Feeling threatened, the kings reluctantly declared they too would contribute financially.

Watching the kings argue over who would pay, the Emperor chuckled. I broke out in a cold sweat internally.

‘Is he a mastermind, or just a thug...’

...Wait a minute. Isn't what I'm doing similar?

Anyway, once the Emperor took the initiative to sort things out, everything proceeded smoothly.

"Eastern lands will join the World Guardian Front!"

"W, we from the West too! We'll lend our strength!"

"We from the South have been with Crossroads for a long time. We'll continue to do so!"

The kings rushed to declare their affiliation.

Humans are, after all, social animals. The same goes for countries and organizations.

If only part of the world participates in an alliance, the other countries need to be lobbied to join.

But if the entire world is part of the alliance.

Those left out feel anxious and beg to be included.

"...Can't help it. We from the North will join as well."

Even the kings of the North, who initially boasted they would stay out, inevitably signed the affiliation document.


The old king with the long white beard, who had been sharp with me throughout the meeting, did the same.

"I personally want to storm out right now, but I too am a leader of my people. I have to make this decision for them."

The old king signed with an elegant quill he pulled out.

"We will participate."

The world's greatest magic academy, and the smallest independent country.

The signature of 'Ivory Tower' was written on the white paper.

And finally.

"We will gladly fight together in the World Guardian Front."

The four kings representing the major different races signed.

Among them, the Elven Queen Skuld, who was at the forefront, looked intently at me.

"Not just our four major races, but many from other races also wish to fight here. Will you accept them too?"

"I have only one standard to set."

As I received their signatures, I smiled slightly.

"As long as they follow that standard, anyone is welcome."

The Elven Queen smiled back.

"So, you've decided to raise that flag again, Prince Ash."

"Ha ha. I made a fool of myself before... I tried to break it, but it didn’t work out."

I scratched the back of my head.

"This flag is no longer just mine, but belongs to everyone who follows me."

As a standard-bearer, my duty is to wave this flag higher and bigger.

"We will follow that flag."

The Elven Queen bowed to me. The three other kings did the same.

I too bowed back and then said with emphasis,

"Let's all go together."

To the future.

To the ending.

And, to the world beyond.


The meeting was adjourned.

Almost all the countries and organizations in attendance joined the World Guardian Front. Those already members re-signed the new affiliation document.

Those who did not sign also said they would return to their countries for discussions and respond promptly.

Once caught in a major current, it's not easy to go against the trend, especially in international relations.

The kings, after shaking hands and greeting me, left the conference room. It took a while before the room finally quieted down.


Somehow, another issue resolved.

I exhaled a long breath and started loosening my collar when a familiar baritone voice came from beside me."Pretending to pursue a noble cause, yet using that very cause to intimidate other kings."

Turning around, it was, of course, the Emperor.

"You’re more skilled than I thought, my son."

"...Just as you said, Father. It's impossible to do politics with just ideals."

I chuckled lightly.magic

"So, I framed the ideals, and when I swung it around, it turned out to be quite heavy and useful."

"Impudent child."

The Emperor grinned, showing his teeth.

"Not bad at all."

Standing next to me, the Emperor looked around the now-empty conference room with me.

"However, as I said earlier, your flag is too soft."


"Didn't I tell you before? The more you pursue an untarnished goodness, the more you yourself will suffer."

I listened quietly. The Emperor continued.

"Like everything in the world, forming an alliance is easy, but maintaining it is much harder. It's easy to gather people, but ruling them is a complex task."


"Your ideals are beautiful, but enforcing them is a different and difficult challenge."

Bringing together people from different walks of life to focus on a single front.

Blending people who have hated, despised, and fought each other into one army.

This is not something that gets resolved just because the kings dipped their pens in ink and wrote their names.

Certainly, in its third year, Crossroads will face even more challenging trials.


"There's a greater difficulty ahead. And people tend to unite in the face of greater crises."


And survival.

I have seen it over the past two years. The process of small, selfish, and disorganized individuals relying on each other, fighting together, and becoming heroes.

Realizing the noble value of life in the face of imminent death. The great will of ordinary people fighting together for one another.

The miracle of hatred turning into understanding.

I have seen it countless times on this front.

Therefore, I believe. The people, boiling inside like a furnace, will come together again to face the external monsters.

We will survive.

"I am aware, Father. Ideals alone cannot save the world."


"But without ideals, it's equally impossible to save the world."

I smirked at the Emperor.

"I will wield power and conviction along with my ideals. And I will show you, I can save the world."

"...Really, whose son are you? Such an impressive talker."

The Emperor patted my shoulder and then slowly walked out of the conference room.

"Just remember this. The structure you devised today will not function merely as a frame for your ideals."


"The name of the frame you defined today according to your tastes, and reshaped with your will, is exactly."

Standing at the entrance of the conference room, his face shadowed by the bright lights outside, the Emperor whispered.

"'The World.'"


"You've come this far, Ash."

With a sly smile, the Emperor's golden eyes gleamed eerily in the shadows.

"Go on and do well. There's no toy more fun to play with than the world itself."

The Emperor walked away, his broad back soon disappearing from view.

"...He speaks frightening words so casually."

Now alone in the completely empty conference room, I took a deep breath.

It's an obvious truth.

To save the world, one must first be able to grasp it.

Slowly, I raised my hand and gathered the empty air into my grasp, as if holding something very small and precious, carefully.

In my third year at Crossroads.

The alliance is formed. The ingredients are sufficient.

The final showdown with the monsters is just around the corner.

--TL Notes--

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