The arrival of Apollo's followers changed the tides of war instantly as the students and staff took the chance and started retreating in a corner. The monsters chasing them, were all evaporated under the holy spell casted by Andreas, turning into dust and disappearing in air.

The Banshee which was one of the biggest reliance for Shiva and team, went nuts and started attacking everyone.

'Moloch, handle her.' Shiva said to her God, as he held his ears in pain to block the crying screams but streaks of blood constantly trickled down his neck.

[You shouldn't have played with gods kid, you failed.] Nyx's message came to his ears, followed by a wave of weakness that swept over his entire body due to the curse of Yarikh.

"You okay?" Ryan came near him after noticing his abnormality, to shield him from the followers of light.

Shiva bit his tongue heavily until he could taste the iron of his blood in his mouth, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming his senses for better thought. His mana spread to the entirety of temple and the boundary barrier, his senses following the steps of students who were starting to run or fight back now, to the chants of praises spoken for Apollo as one by one holy spells attacked the mad priestess, to the staff who were forcing his partners to retreat, and lastly, Andreas, the high priest of Apollo, who was just standing there, looking at him.

"Boss, this was not a part of the plan."


"That bastard's strong. S rank at least."

"Damn it. Oyee emo guy, can you handle him?"

"He's S+...The best I can do is hold him off for a minute."

"That's all. We can't even escape in that little time."

"How'd they find this place so fast anyway?"

"Probably some God. Seeing how these bastards are boasting about it, bets on Apollo."


"I swear, I'll trample his temple when I get outta here."

"If, we get out of here. With the barrier gone, it won't be long before all of Zenith and world association is here."

"Chances are looking slim boss, if anyone got any hole cards, play them now."

Shiva heard what every one of his partners were saying and his expression only turned more grim every passing second.

'Hela, Nyx, will you help?'



'Fuck..' Shiva cursed and breathed out. (Phew)

"Fall back." He opened his eyes and spoke up, his voice echoing in every member of Eclipse through their link. The core members all retreated and circled around Shiva, waiting for his next orders.

"Zero, take this pill and hold him off." Shiva said, throwing a small red medicine bottle at a masked man, the one who replied to Cersei about holding Andreas off for a minute. "Aegon, you'll cover him. Go berserk, the best you can."

"Freya, Jellal, Henry, lay the greenwitch formation, with rain of runic illusions as the base." Shiva said, looking at the next 3 members.

"Rain of what now?"


Henry, who had turned back to ask his question, instantly felt a rush of information pouring into his brain after Shiva's reply. He looked at the girl beside him whose eyes shone in golden and nodded his head.

"Cersei, Desalter, Nirdayi, Urahime, handle the staff members. If you can't kill them, try to drag out this battle as much as you can."

"Noted." Cersei replied and looked at a staff member with a lean body and hunched back, who flipped his long braid of hairs as a whip, at a speed that caused sparks to fly in the air. "I like his hair." She said with a killer smile and directly ran towards him, her partners following behind her.

As soon as Cersei and others blocked the high ranking staff members back, Freya and others also left. Their figures flying in different directions.

"Killian, Jonah, make sure the kill count doesn't stop." He said and watched as the two of them nodded their heads and started walking towards the students who were running away through a teleportation gate one of Apollo's churchists opened.

Once he finished giving out orders to everyone he brought the moonstone out. The pearl instantly started to shine, pulling everyone's attention back to him. Even Andreas, who was just standing like a statue till now, raised his eyebrow and looked at him.lightsnovel

But before anyone could make a move to snatch it, Shiva just clenched his fists and shoved it down his throat.

The silver pearl tried to escape his control, causing havoc inside his body, trying to rip his veins open and fly towards the small statue of Yarikh outside, but next second, an insatiable hunger creeped in Shiva's stomach as he started channeling the blessing of gluttony.

The power of an original sin's blessing was no joke that a small moon God who already died and disappeared could handle. And moments later, the silver pearl calmed down, and stopped moving near his heart.

Though even now the shine of it was visible through his dark clothes.

"Boss, what about me?" A man with a chubby figure who was still left behind asked.

"Can you heal?" Shiva said, looking at the gruesome cut on his shoulder. Courtesy of the light magic.

"Don't think so. The bastard's magic has some kind of corrosion effect. Potions are useless." The fat man called Iroh Costana replied.

Shiva sighed and patted him on the shoulder. "Kill the Banshee."

"But in this condition, I'm no match for her?"

"I'll distract her, you just have to break her neck." Shiva replied.

The chubby man nodded and started running towards the Banshee, who was surrounded by the followers of Apollo from all sides. The ground thumped in response to his heavy steps. His speed started slow, but as he got a little momentum, his figure turned into a big ball-like shape, which started rolling towards the crowd. Crushing all obstacles in his path under his heavy weight.

"Boss, you should leave this place." Ryan, who was still near him said. Knowing if the real identity of Shiva got out, the chaos it could cause would burn the whole Damascus, engulfing even Schilla empire.

"Wait," Shiva said, his eyes kept fixed on Iroh, the moment he broke through all the crowd and reached the Banshee, Shiva brought a music player from his ring and placed it on the ground.

A loud melodic song started echoing in the surrounding, confusing everyone about what he was doing.

But soon everyone got the answer, as the moment the Banshee heard the song, she froze and stopped screaming. Her madness filled eyes got a little clarity as she started looking around with a smile.

It was the music of her tribe, a song their whole clan sang together at every celebrations and weddings.

Her eyes frowned in confusion when she found the music's source, but before her brain could process what was happening, Iroh took the chance and grabbed her by the neck.

She tried to scream a few times, but Iroh increased his grip, breaking all the bones in her slender neck.

[Moloch sneers at you for ruining his puppet's play button.]

[Baal says the curse on her isn't so easy to solve.]

Shiva ignored the notifications from these two bastard gods and opened his fist. A yellow talisman paper appeared on his hands, which slowly started burning.

Iroh, who was about to rip the heart of Banshee to completely kill her, stopped his movements as he felt a burning sensation on his back. He looked back in Shiva's direction and seeing the burning talisman, he realized everything.

"What? Motherfuc…" He shouted and dropped the Banshee to the ground and started looking everywhere on his body, but before his hands found the marked talisman on his back, a loud explosion halted his curses.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm A big kaboom, like someone set a freaking nuclear bomb on the horizon, happened all of a sudden, blasting everything within half a few hundred meters to sky high. The banshee, the followers of Apollo, all of them who were close to the range, didn't even have their shadows and ashes remained as they directly evaporated.


That's the only word everyone could mutter seeing the explosion.

The heat wave caused by the nether blast spread in circles knocking back everyone a few steps. The mana for a few miles all started acting weird, spells lost control and artifacts failed and fell down. Many students suffered from the backlash and spewed out blood. Their bodies melting under the nether's chain reaction.

Even the teleportation gate which Apollo's minions had created crashed and the students who had just stepped into it died instantly. Their bodies getting spaghettified in the turbulent space tunnel.

Shiva looked up at Andreas and saw him perfectly fine, still fighting with Zero. Motherfucker used the body of Aegon to block the wave of nether.

"I WILL KILL YOU." Shiva mouthed the words as their eyes met for a second, before turning around as a new portal opened behind him and he stepped into it and left the place.


A/N - and this is how our mc's carefully crafted plan crumbled down and failed due to our dear Apollo and his minions.
