Four kilometers from the portal, standing on a rooftop, Mercury put away his spyglass. Priam had left the Dome. Mercury hoped the Baron would put a spoke in Anatole's wheel. According to his sources, the Cult of the Revenants was prepared for Priam's arrival, but were they really ready? Trained by the Colosseum Supervisor and accompanied by the Lord of the Dome, the Baron was no simple man.

"I don't think anyone was ready for you Priam..." he said. The merchant turned and stared at his guest.

"Especially not you, right Claire?"

The young woman gave him an annoyed look. Mercury too, would have been annoyed if a dozen over-equipped Mercenaries had captured him as he tried to leave the Dome. "What can I do to please Mercury, God of Thieves?" she asked in a neutral voice."Not yet," smiled Mercury. "You can start by answering a few questions about the Revenants."

Lvl Up: [Moon Mist] lvl 14,15PERC +8CHAR + 4META (AFFI) +6Lvl Up: [Bullet time] lvl 7,8,9


Lvl Up: [Divination Resistance] lvl 7


META (AFFI) +3Lvl Up: [Stealth] lvl 8,9,10,11,12AGI +5Lvl Up: [Identification] lvl 4,5MEM +2Lvl Up: [Focus] lvl 16,17,18



DEXT +3Lvl Up: [Art of Movement] lvl 14,15,16

AGI +3




Baron, welcome to Viracocha.

Imperious buildings encircled the gate square. The colors were red and black. A hint of gold enhanced the visible flags and standards.Priam took a breath and his blood began to boil. If the Dome was the city of wealth, Viracocha was the city of war. Sphinx grunted on his shoulder. She had managed to create a miniaturization skill and currently resembled an adorable stuffed animal the size of an adult cat. Viracocha's air seemed to disturb her and she instinctively clawed at Priam's flesh."I don't like this city," she muttered. Priam shrugged. The atmosphere of the city was not cruel but rather merciless. After spending almost a day pacing the Dome, stealing from factions and honing his skills, Priam understood. His enemies would know neither his hatred nor his mercy.Perhaps that was why he found Viracocha just as beautiful as the Dome, despite the colors and the martial atmosphere. The System had created the Domes for humanity, and each city was grandiose. Some were just warmer and more pleasant than others."Viracocha is beautiful, but I wouldn't want to live there," Priam confessed. The dome could have been built by an authoritarian regime in the twentieth century. Clean, imperial and inhuman. The Concepts had created domes of various kinds, but Priam preferred the 'Gold, dunes and oases' ambiance of the Dome.Stroking Sphinx mechanically, Priam realized that her golden coat was tinged with red. In the sky, a blood eclipse had replaced the sun. The dark red light gave a scarlet tint to the young man's skin. What a charming scene.

Priam looked around quickly before noticing a strange detail. Not a single man or woman was visible. However, Priam's keen senses detected the presence of life. To his right, the unmistakable sound of trade could be heard.This might have sounded reassuring, but Priam frowned. He was outside Viracocha's only portal - a strategic resource and gateway to other cities.Yet Priam saw no guards, which was strange because Mercury had assured him that Viracocha was in the hands of the Cult of the Revenants. Only fools wouldn't think of protecting a portal that could teleport their enemies into the heart of their base. Priam didn't want to overestimate his enemies, but the Cult couldn't just be full of idiots.Priam carefully scanned his surroundings for an ambush. He took the opportunity to let out thin threads of mist. If there was to be a massive attack, he intended to dodge it.The portal sat at the center of an immense square. It was obvious that the System had planned for this to be one of the city's commercial centers - perhaps in a future Reunion. However, few people currently had the means - or the interest - to use it.

The portal was a means of moving quickly from one point to another. Five minutes ago, when Priam had approached the Dome portal, guards belonging to different factions approached him. Unable to disguise his Titles, Priam had simply given his identity and the guards had easily let him pass.

Welcome Baron.

Where would you like to travel?

The cost of travel is free for this first Reunion, given your exceptional performance.

After mentally indicating Viracocha, the portal was activated. Reality beneath the arches blurred, and Priam caught a glimpse of Viracocha's black and red. A dimensional opening had opened - a wormhole? With a single step, Priam had arrived in a new dome."What a marvel," Priam enthused, looking back at the portal. "If only I could build one between Elysium and the Moon...""Only the System can afford such ridiculous expenses," declared Sphinx."What do you mean?""Building a portal requires extremely complex calculations and rare resources," explained Sphinx. "The portals that cross the Universe of Concepts often use resources not found in our Universe. Only factions capable of invading and plundering other Universes can build them."Priam was interested in the explanation. Knowing the motivations of the most powerful empires could give clues as to what the System wanted."If the Concepts are almost omnipotent, can't they create as many portals as they need?" asked Priam."Only in this Universe. Creating a portal to another Universe is complicated for the Concepts because they are limited to it. That's why they push civilizations to create their own hybrid portal technology in order to invade other worlds and then other Universes. Among the technologies used are quantum entanglement to find the right arrival portal and the deformation of dimensional fabric to create the passage."Priam knew that humanity had begun to address these subjects, but often in a theoretical way. So the sciences of this new universe were very advanced. An infinite number of near-immortal scientists with supercomputers' calculating power helped develop the sciences.The Baron's eyes crinkled as he looked at the passageway. "I suppose a portal must sell for a lot then," he said innocently."They're priceless,” Sphinx confirmed. “To protect this device and its advanced technology, a special alloy, alchemical treatments, and runic and ritual protections are added at the end. A single portal costs more than the whole of humanity. For the time being, the moon is equipped with one portal per dome because these portals don't belong to you. Anyone stupid enough to try and steal them will be severely punished," laughed the adorable creature.

Reluctantly unhooking his gaze from the technological marvel, Priam turned back to Viracocha. If no guards were there to stop him, he wasn't going to wait for them. His Tribulations were coming, and he had much to do.

"Let's go.”

Seconds later, Priam stood at the intersection of a dark alley and a busy street. Stalls had been set up all along the avenue, and merchants were selling their wares. The current economy was very fluid. A scarce resource in one corner of the universe could be sold at a premium. However, if too many merchants supplied this resource, its price quickly collapsed. Buy, sell, speculate and wait. Good merchants would make a fortune with what they had been lent. The merchants who had made their faction lose money on the other hand…Sphinx was looking around, excited by the hustle and bustle of the market. A few children pointed at her and she stared at them."They are so small. Are they dwarves?" she asked.Priam burst out laughing. "Usually, your riddles are harder!"Sphinx frowned as Priam smiled. "No, they're children," he explained, scratching his friend. He couldn't wait to show her the wonders that could be bought in this Dome. But first, I need a stronger tunic.The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

"Good morning," said Priam, approaching a merchant bragging about his fabrics. "Is it possible to buy high-quality clothing around here?"

The man raised his head and grumbled. His expression changed when he saw the core rolling through the young man's fingers. Priam was running out of normal cores, but fortunately, Sphinx was sponsoring this expedition. The Ducal Palace had a rather massive treasure trove, and Priam intended to find Viracocha's.

"But of course, young man, I have quality clothing available. What are you looking for?"

Priam smiled as he looked into the merchant's avaricious eyes. The more the man concentrated on his earnings, the less he would focus on the Baron before him. He hadn't yet learned Anne's stolen skill, so anyone could identify him.

"High-quality clothing. My master wants to outfit his champion. Working in textiles, I thought you might have the address of a good tailor?" Priam accompanied his question with another core roll and a big smile.

The question was not insignificant. Mercury had told him that Master Boss, humanity's best tailor, was indeed in Viracocha, but had been requisitioned by the Cult of the Revenants. Finding the tailor would enable him to find some hard-wearing clothes, as well as one of the Revenants' hideouts. Two birds with one stone.The trick was not to arouse too many suspicions. Priam wanted to remain in the shadows until the last moment so the Revenants wouldn't have time to set traps.

The merchant hesitated, but Priam sensed he wasn't on his guard. He wondered whether the transaction was profitable or whether the young man could pay even more for a rare piece of information. Priam conjured up a second core. It's time to hook the fish.

"So you can take me straight to the right place. I'm looking for the best," Priam winked. "I've wasted enough time already, and my master isn't very patient." On his flattened palm, the two cores gleamed next to each other.

The merchant nodded and grabbed them. "Of course, Sir," he replied before turning to a young boy beside him. "Jacques, watch the stand! If you'll follow me."

On the way, the merchant began chatting with Priam. Apart from the supposed quality of his wares, his main interest was who the famous master was. Priam played along and invented a mysterious master capable of traveling from dome to dome at the head of a private army of elite men. When the merchant learned that this famous master was related to the champion of humanity, the famous Priam, who had managed to kill a Baron with his own hands, his eyes began to shine. He was on the verge of skipping the rest of the way.

As they drew closer to the center of Viracocha, the merchant's exclamations became rarer. A few hundred meters from a massive cathedral, the previously voluble merchant was no longer uttering a word. With a serious look on his face, Priam imitated him.

On his guard, Priam observed his surroundings. Sphinx wasn't too worried since her constitution allowed her to survive a missile. Priam was more fragile. At first glance, Priam noticed a distinction in the way passers-by dressed.Where most of the clothes on the shopping avenue had been motley, passers-by now wore red capes over black suits. Their outfits were more sober, and conversations almost whispered. No longer did anyone shout or harangue the crowd to sell a product or promote their services. Here, people kept their heads down, made little noise and walked quickly. Priam understood that those who ventured here came for a good reason, not out of envy.

Looking up, Priam saw the building crystallizing the fear of passers-by. The immense cathedral would have made Notre Dame de Paris look like a chapel. It towered high into the sky, its tallest tower sometimes lost in the clouds. Although the Ducal Palace in the background was taller and larger, it only gave off a vague impression of majesty. The cathedral, half Gothic, half futuristic, inspired awe.

The merchant continued, heading for a workshop lining the cathedral square. As he approached, he finally gave Priam some interesting information.

"This is Master Boss's workshop. It is said that he has been given a special talent that enhances the quality of his work. His pieces are reputed to be as light as silk and as strong as steel." The merchant's tone had changed, and admiration resounded in his voice.

He continued his tirade with a shrug. "Unfortunately, this kind of piece is impossible to obtain. The Grand Master reserves all quality pieces for himself." The merchant's face contorted in terror as he recalled their location. "With good reason, of course, these pieces must help the Cult's effort!" he added hastily.

Priam's smile cracked as he thought of the misdeeds Anatole must have committed to be so feared in less than three days.

Passing through a small back door, the merchant ushered Priam into the sewing room. Spools of thread, wool, silk and other materials were neatly arranged on shelves. The tailor was apparently also a weaver. It was an advantage for Priam.

In the center of the room stood a large table displaying several masterpieces. An assistant approached them as the young man analyzed the fabrics.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Can I help you?"

"Of course, Miss, my friend here would like to..." As the merchant began to embroider an implausible story, in love with his own voice that he was, Priam strategically positioned himself between the assistant and a complete blood-red outfit. It wouldn't have been out of place if an assassin had worn it from a famous game. Ezio, fashion icon...


[Florentine assassin outfit] - An outfit made entirely by a talented craftsman. Resistant and supple, the tailor has made the most of the material. Lighter and more protective than armor, it's a sure bet if you decide to take on the Templars.The ones from the video game, not the real thing. They'd destroy you.

Grabbing a sleeve of the outfit, Priam decided to pull on it to test its resistance. With his current strength, he should have easily torn any garment. Yet the sleeve of the tunic barely stretched. Satisfied, the young man turned to the saleswoman who couldn't manage the merchant.

"Thanks for bringing me here. I'll manage the rest. Good day to you," said Priam, giving a final core to the man whose name he hadn't even asked. After a few obsequious phrases, the merchant finally took his leave. Priam turned to the saleswoman.

"Miss, I'd like to speak to Master Boss. I have here some rare materials, spider silks impregnated with aether, and I'd like to make myself an outfit out of it." Priam had decided that the best way to tempt the craftsman was to present him with an effective way of increasing his skills. For an artisan, this meant working with rare materials and pushing the boundaries of their craft.

"I'll... I'll tell Master Boss right away, sir," replied the assistant after identifying the glands presented by Priam.

Seconds later, the craftsman arrived. Without even taking the time to greet his customer, he rushed to the spider glands. Priam let him snatch them from his hands and analyze them. A passionate craftsman was exactly what he needed.Priam thought back to the glands he'd brought with him. The Trichonephila Aether clavipes came from Elysium. The second came from a Baron. If Boss was as talented as he was said to be, Priam would soon own the best outfit on the Moon. Of course, he could have found materials from Viscount. However, Mercury had confirmed that no craftsman would be able to work a Viscount's body before the end of the Reunion. The System wanted to see craftsmen push the limits of their skills, not waste scarce materials.

A few minutes later, Master Boss turned to Priam.

"Thank you for bringing me this piece, young man. I'll put it to good use. As payment, you can choose any piece from my store, and my assistant will answer any questions you may have." The craftsman turned on his heel, the stranger already forgotten. Priam laughed inwardly. This old fart thinks he will steal from me and leave me with a few lousy coins?

Priam accelerated instantly to appear in front of the craftsman. His extreme speed caused a displacement of air and clothes and spools of thread went flying. He wasn't yet comfortable enough with [Kinetic Control] to manipulate air molecules. Fortunately, his skill was level 19. It would change at level 20, and Priam hoped to obtain a legendary skill that would push his limits. Despite his speed, he noticed that Sphinx hadn't moved a bit. Priam smiled coldly at the tailor.

"Let me introduce myself, Master Boss. I am Priam, humble Champion of Mankind. I want you to produce an outfit using this silk and all your expertise," he smiled.Master Boss froze for a moment before looking at his assistant. She nodded and pulled out a key. Priam followed her with his eyes as she closed the workshop."You shouldn't stay here," the craftsman warned darkly. "The Cult of Revenants put a bounty on your head this morning. Millions of people are looking for you, and I don't want fights in my workshop."Priam was seized with a mirthless laugh."Don't worry about the Cult, I'm going to pay them a little visit. It seems they've kidnapped you to work for them, right? I'll set you free as soon as I get my tunic if you accept," Priam said.Boss shook his head with a sigh. "You don't understand. Revenants are known for resurrecting their members' loved ones. That's why people keep joining them despite their reputation and actions. Who wouldn't want to reunite with a deceased loved one?" asked the craftsman. "Except for the Cult's enemies, all humanity wants you dead: the Revenants offer to resurrect anyone in exchange for your head."Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)PHYSICAL:Strength 119Constitution 197Agility 140Vitality 212Perception 263MENTAL:Vivacity 165Dexterity 148Memory 38Willpower 98Charisma 105META:Meta-affinity 108Meta-focus 80Meta-endurance 58Meta-chance 46Potential: 184Tier 0[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.[Tribulation]: Tribulations are coming.Time: 27 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds.
