The man approached them. He looked young, but Kenzo didn't want to think that way. The Baron was dangerous - Kenzo could feel it when the man was more than fifty meters away. To call him young would have reduced the man's level of danger in his mind. That would have been a big mistake. Looking at the man, his spear, the passive mist that left a path in his wake, and his fluid movements, it was evident that the Baron was very dangerous. So, despite the young age of their interlocutor, Kenzo was on the lookout for any sign of attack.

The Mercenaries had gathered all available information about the Baron. Kenzo regretted the money wasted on hazardous divinations - he seemed to have already developed a resistance to it. The best approaches had been more direct, and they had paid a fortune to an information salesman named Tjay to find out the contents of their conversation. But it was worth it. According to their research, Baron Priam Azura was a human with a good head on his shoulders. Power didn't seem to have gone to his head - yet. More importantly, he was free. No faction appeared to have any connection with him.

The Mercenaries had three hypotheses about this supposed freedom. First, Priam was really free. It was unlikely, given his results, titles, achievement, and the fact that he had just passed the twentieth wave of the Colosseum - which confirmed his place as a champion of humanity. They had no information on the Baron from before the Tutorial, but it seemed unlikely that a human, no matter how well-trained and knowledgeable, could have outdone the rest of humanity so much. Despite being one of the best human Mercenaries, Kenzo barely defeated the tenth wave.

Second, the Baron was linked to a powerful faction that forbade Priam from taking advantage of their notoriety. It was possible that a Tier 7 or 8 monster was interested in the Baron. Unlikely, but possible. Priam could be put to the test by his master. Without outside help, he had to prove himself worthy of that interest by performing at this Reunion.

Third, the Baron had joined a forbidden faction. That was a terrible possibility, but it should not be dismissed. If that was the case, he was probably hiding his membership in such a cult to avoid being shot by an alliance.

Some factions drew power from dark acts and rituals. Their moral compasses mattered little to the Concepts. They were very neutral entities and accepted all paths and ambitions. But some factions had been banned and banished by others after they had angered too many powerhouses.

However, the limits of acceptability were wide. Sacrificing entire planets was accepted. However, they belonged to a faction, and to target the wrong one was to insult a faction. Wars broke out, and the losers had to flee or die. Other actions were more dangerous. Depleting the aether density of a supercontinent by siphoning off its sources could greatly annoy that continent's kingdoms, guilds, and clans. Finally, certain acts were taboo. To reveal the secrets of a faction was complicated, but some tried. A few million years earlier, a Tier 9 had caught another spirit in the body of her newborn child. An entire galaxy disappeared within minutes, and this Tier 9 had since vowed to hunt down anyone stupid enough to try that kind of experiment. To the Mercenaries' knowledge, no one has done it since. Escaping from a determined Tier 9 was simply impossible. Since then, reincarnating members of one faction into the fetuses of future children of another faction was an example of a forbidden act.


"No one speaks but me." Kenzo straightened up as he heard Maya's announcement. The Mercenary captain took her role seriously and was respected. Less than a week after the end of their Tutorial had passed, but the Mercenary had already formed his opinion. His captain had a keen eye, and he could trust her judgment. He was now focusing on his duty: to protect her. Even if against this monster, I would only win her a few moments.

[Erosion Resistance - Rare] - The passage of aether through the meridians - the channels that carry energy through your body - strengthens them over time. But like anything else, too much aether flow can damage your meridians. This phenomenon, called erosion, can be irreversible if repeated. Your titles, perks, and merits synergize to create this rare resistance. Your channels strengthen faster and are more resistant to erosion. Continue to use your aether to increase your reserves and channeling abilities.


Priam smiled as he read his notification. [Axolotl or Hydra?] was truly amazing. Priam had to keep 100 Potential for [Mask] and in case of emergency for his tribulation, but he was looking forward to modifying the Tier 2 Merit.

Until now, he suspected that his metaphysical attribute Endurance allowed him to increase his aether reserves and use them more freely. Now he had proof of this. In practical terms, this meant that by increasing this attribute, he could absorb the kinetic energy of his enemies faster or create mist more quickly.

He slowed as he came within a few meters of the Mercenary group. Four members faced him: two guards, the group leader, and his assistant.


When he came within three meters of the group, the two guards took a step forward, hands on the handles of their weapons. Their intent was clear, and Priam stopped without taking offense. He had the skills to slaughter the group before him but understood that the guards were doing their job. Priam wanted a cordial relationship with the Mercenaries. The Mercenaries were one of the only neutral factions, and he had to avoid becoming their enemy at all costs. Becoming an ally would be fine, but he had no illusions. Right now, in this vast universe, he was nothing. But he could become something.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Priam, but I'm sure you already know that," Priam said, extending his hand.

The young woman who had been watching his fight shook his hand and smiled. She must have been in her late thirties, but a happy, innocent smile made her look ten years younger. Maybe she was wearing a mask, but the smile put Priam at ease.

"Nice to meet you, Priam. Or do you prefer Baron Priam? I say this without judgment, as some are offended when their Title is forgotten. Did you know that some cultures would be offended by what they would take as false modesty if you didn't put your Titles forward?”

"Hm," coughed her assistant.

"But it's true! If you're not arrogant, they don't respect you. I almost had to fight a Hoplite when I said I wasn't a bad warrior. Those idiots don't understand the principle of an understatement," Maya barreled forward.

"Hm Hmm!"

"Bah, you're boring! Anyway, I tend to digress. I have been given a talent that allows me to have parallel thoughts, and I always train it. It allows me to approach problems in many ways and give many orders simultaneously telepathically. That's why the Mercenaries recruited me. But it is difficult to say several things at once with only one mouth," the young woman continued. "But excuse me, I'll start again. My name is Maya, captain of the Mercenaries!"

Maya spoke very quickly, and Priam found himself sympathizing. With his Vivacity, he was thinking much faster than he was talking, and speaking now seemed like a slow exercise in communication. Even so, he had no intention of suggesting to Maya that she use telepathy. The memory of Anne's manipulation was still too vivid, and he didn't want anyone in his head until he increased his mental resistances.

Analyzing Maya's words, Priam wondered. Did she mention telepathy on purpose to check my attitude to it? If she doesn't lie about her ability, she will analyze our conversation in real time. I'll have to be careful.

"No worries, I often get lost in my thoughts too. Between humans, I think we can forget the Title," Priam smiled. He wanted to get closer to the Mercenaries, and forcing them to talk to him like he was a Noble wouldn’t help. "By the way, thanks for the Baron core. I hope my performance wasn't disappointing."

"Not at all. Quite the opposite, I was impressed by your skills and the power of your last attack! I was originally interested in a spar but changed my mind," laughed Maya.

She praises my skills, but that's it. The rest is barely acceptable. I have some progress to make, using my body and fighting techniques.

"I'll be happy to accept if you change your mind," Priam replied politely. "By the way, I heard the Mercenaries have a base in the Colosseum?"

Maya took a step to the side. "Indeed, it will be more comfortable than talking in the hall. If you'll follow me, Priam."

Lvl Up : [Divination Resistance] lvl 5


The Colosseum was larger on the inside than on the outside. The Mercenaries had escorted Priam to an elevator. They had waited a few seconds before the door opened, opening the way to the Mercenary HQ. Priam hadn't felt the elevator move and suspected the cabin hadn't moved. The door must have been a portal that automatically connected to the occupant's suite. If so, breaking into an apartment in the Colosseum was impossible, unless you had space skills. Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

The Mercenary HQ was a large suite decorated in the Mercenary theme - red and gold, for blood and riches. Their coat of arms was a sword with two cores set. Each Mercenary wore this crest, and the cores' color symbolized the warrior's military rank and Tier. The suite was free, which interested Priam. Apparently, being a Lunar Baron offered the possibility to get one without paying. Bechar had forgotten to tell him about this detail. But this implied that one of the Mercenaries was a Baron.

"If I understand correctly, one of your members killed a Baron alone?" asked Priam.

"That's right. It wasn't easy, but I did it," Maya confirmed. "Even though it took me almost six hours longer than it took you."

"What?!" Priam quickly turned to the young woman, who began to laugh.

"Priam, we are the Mercenaries. I lead because I am the strongest and the fittest. If I were just the strongest, I would be the champion. If I were just the smartest, I would be the assistant. But I am the Captain because I am both," she explained.

Priam took a second to compose himself and nodded. The Mercenaries were a super faction, and their captain had to be in the top ten of humanity. With preparation, choosing the right Baron, and rigorous training, it was possible she could have defeated a Baron a few hours after him. But that meant his lead was not so comfortable...

"Congratulations then, Baron Maya," he smiled.

"Just Maya for now. I mentioned cultures that advocated arrogance, but it's the opposite for Mercenaries. In our culture, asserting yourself as a Baron requires surviving against a Viscount. I saw your fight. Right now, I wouldn't survive more than thirty seconds against a Viscount," Maya explained as she headed to the kitchen. "Perhaps you are hungry? The Colosseum has a sizable amount of refreshments included with the suite, so you might as well take advantage of it!"

Priam's eyes lit up. The proposal tempted him. For a Frenchman, talking over a meal was a habit.

Walking through the suite - which, given its size, could have been considered royal - Priam met three other Mercenaries who greeted them. There were undoubtedly many more on the Moon, but those who were here had crossed over with the help of the portal. Even a faction as powerful as the Mercenaries could not carry so many men and women.

When Priam entered the kitchen, he found a long table covered with food. Meats in sauce, fruit salads, pastries, and a selection of cheese were there to delight his taste buds.

"There's also a full fridge. Handy for absorbing calories, but it’s impossible to order a dish made of rare resources," Maya clarified. "I've heard of dishes that allow you to gain characteristic points, can you believe it?!"

The captain had eyes full of stars, and Priam understood why. If it were possible to become strong just by eating, humans would have a chance to dethrone the Concepts.

"Even without that, the unlimited choice is still amazing," she resumed. "Please, make yourself at home."

Priam thanked her before taking a plate and sitting down. He hadn't eaten in a long time, and this activity reminded him he was human. The pleasure of eating was one of the only things he still had from his old life, and he intended to keep it.

A few minutes later, Priam and the four mercenaries had finished devouring several dishes each. Their new metabolism required large amounts of energy. If Priam could cheat by resurrecting with full batteries, not everyone could. Eventually, he put down his cutlery.

"Thank you so much for the meal. It was delicious. Well, let’s get to the heart of the matter. As you probably know, I recently arrived in the Dome and was told you were looking for me. How can I help you?" asked Priam.

He had many questions and certainly needed them more than the other way around. But he preferred to offer his help first, to appear friendly. It was harder to refuse to assist an altruist. Then it would be rude of them to refuse to answer his questions. Priam was sure that Maya would see through his ploy, but she could do nothing about it.

The captain smiled. "Not really. I was mostly curious about what the champion of humanity looked like," she said, downplaying Priam's proposal.

"You must have been very curious to spend a veritable fortune transporting so many Mercenary members into this Dome," Priam smiled. Maya seemed unwilling to give him too much bargaining power.

"Let's just say it wouldn't be the first time a bad champion ruined his civilization," Maya grimaced.

The information alerted Priam.

"Really? I suppose my role is major if my decisions can impact all of humanity," Priam pretended to be concerned. If his role was necessary, he may have had more negotiating power than he thought. Priam was happy because Maya had just given him essential information. She couldn't know what he knew or didn't know, and it was complicated for her not to reveal information unknown to Priam.

"Not for the moment. However, if you survive long enough while keeping your lead…" Maya smiled.

Meaning, if I survive my Tribulations. It's a low blow, but she's right. I'm not in a position of strength here. I have to persuade her to help me.

"I'm pretty hard to kill. We'll have a chance to discuss these decisions again but know that I do not intend to sacrifice humanity for my personal power. I'm not a monster," Priam promised. But I won't sacrifice myself for humanity either. Any Mercenary could potentially detect the truth, so Priam avoided lying. He wanted to convince Maya of the need to help him. But there was nothing to stop him from leaving out some facts.

The Mercenary nodded her head. "I'm glad to hear that. If humanity’s best warriors think as you do, we might have a chance," she added darkly.

"What do you mean?" asked Priam.

Maya sighed and waved to her assistant. The latter put down a thigh - the only surviving piece of a chicken he had swallowed in a few bites - and spoke.

"The Reunion is a joint event of the Concepts. A sort of continuation of the Tutorial, which will allow civilizations to find each other and come out on top. Or fall apart. To test our civilization, the System introduces a threat. Different for each civilization, it aims to destroy humanity. Not necessarily to kill humans, but rather to divide us enough that the remnants of our society are absorbed by other kingdoms, guilds, and factions of all kinds," he explained.

Priam gritted his teeth. The assistant was talking about the Revenants, and the thought of Claire, Anne, and Albin wandering around turned his stomach. If only he could run into them again...

"Do you have any information about this threat?" he asked. That would be perfect if they could trade his information for knowledge about the Tribulations.

"Not enough. By divination, we know that the current threat is human and that you have made contact with it."

Priam turned back to Maya. "And you wanted to make sure the first Baron wouldn't betray humanity by allying himself with the threat," he said.

"Indeed. Otherwise, I would have done everything possible to kill you," Maya confirmed.

He looked at her for a few moments before nodding.

"I understand. I would have done the same. But I can only give you my word that I'm not part of the threat," he said, looking Maya in the eye. The captain stared at him, and Priam returned her gaze. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the slight nod of one of the guards. His peripheral vision was sensitive to movement, and he smiled as he confirmed that one of the guards had the power to detect lies. Of course, Maya might have telepathically communicated the gesture to her guard, knowing Priam would see it. Planting the idea that lying was impossible was still smart, and Priam had no way of knowing if it was true. But that didn't matter because the young man planned to use the truth as a weapon. Getting out of a lie was complicated, and he still had nothing to hide.

"It is true, however, that I have had dealings with them. I suppose they avoid you like the plague, but they were not wary of me until I killed a Baron. After that, it was too late, but I did question them before entering the dome." Priam dangled that tidbit in front of Maya and hoped she would bite.

"Yeah. In exchange, I assume you want information about the Tribulations?" Maya replied with a smile.

Priam carefully kept himself from gritting his teeth this time. He was trapped. By answering yes, he would confirm he had no faction behind him. Maya would know that he would be forced to do anything to get it. She could then ask for a substantial service, and Priam would be forced to accept or ask Mercury. But a merchant might ask him for much more. Unfortunately, Priam could not answer no. He needed to know what the Tribulations had in store for him and how to defeat them. Checkmate. Now it’s time to find out if the Mercenaries are as honest as rumored.

"I'll be honest, my Tribulation is coming up. We all need to destroy this threat to save our loved ones. I know the location of their headquarters. I know some officers, one of whom is in this Dome right now. I can help you defeat them. I offer my help in good faith because I have sworn to destroy them. I want this day to be the beginning of a collaboration between us. Help me today, and I will help you tomorrow," Priam offered.

Faced with Maya's pointed question, he was forced to reveal his cards.

"Do we have a deal?"

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)

PHYSICAL:Strength 86Constitution 103Agility 116Vitality 164Perception 176

MENTAL:Vivacity 132Dexterity 107Memory 33Willpower 69Charisma 84

META:Meta-affinity 80Meta-focus 56Meta-endurance 4Meta-chance 40

Potential: 202Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: 0. Reloaded in 2h 38min 12s.
