First Glossary  


[Land Owner - Silver] - You become a true Noble, owning Land. You receive certain benefits when you are on it. Your Title of Nobility is linked to it. Losing your Land will affect your Title. Increasing the size of your Land will improve your Title.When you are on your Land:Allows manipulation of specific specialized infrastructures.Bonus (Baron): POT cost -10%Bonus (Viscount): Aether regeneration x2Bonus (Earl): Knowledge about your land

[Brainless] evolves into [Tenacious Spirit ]...[Tenacious Spirit - Silver] - You had a mission, and your unfailing willpower enabled you to accomplish it. Even in the face of death, you continue to fight. You won’t let your body be a burden any longer.Never forget: more than your body, your will makes you who you are.You can begin to manipulate and train your mind. Your mind becomes more resistant to environmental erosion.WILL +20%

[Double Heart - Silver] becomes [Tribulation Wyvern Heart - Silver(Gold)].[Tribulation Wyvern Heart] - Your second heart has the power of a wyvern, a distant descendant of the Dragons. That alone would be impressive, but it also possesses a [Tribulation Dragon] affinity. While not unique, this affinity is exceedingly rare and creates a mighty heart. Only your body's extreme adaptability allows you to accommodate this organ without perishing.The power of the Dragons now flows through your veins.Their bloodline awakens in you. Their power strengthens you.Be careful to remain the master of this power.The Dragons' first gift is an innate instinct for destruction and creation.The Dragons' second gift... Delayed until compatibility exceeds 90%.VIT +20% (30%)Attribute evolution... Delayed until compatibility reaches 100%

[Primogenitor - Gold] - You are the pioneer of a new race. It's your job to keep improving it.Your charisma doubles when you talk to a member of your own or your original race.CHAR+30%

[Horseman of the Apocalypse - Legendary] - You're already a legend. Take control of your destiny. Choose one of the proposals and chart your course:Conquest.You are an artificial force. As such, you refuse to bow to Fate and Nature.Conquest is a force that gains in power until it is stopped. Become the unstoppable Juggernaut. In this merciless world, you're charting your course.Long may it be.In battle, every enemy you defeat temporarily increases your momentum.STR +20%CHAR +10%VIVA +10%


[Pseudo Immortal Slayer - Silver] - There are many ways to escape natural death. One of them is to turn into a ghost. It is not enough to escape from you.After refusing Death's kiss, you send it new prey. Will this be enough to make amends?You have put an end to the pseudo-immortality of some beings. Keep up the good work.When fighting immortals, your instincts can whisper to you their weaknesses.The longer the fight goes on, the more distinct this whisper becomes.

[The Reaper - Bronze] - You have directly slaughtered over 50,000 beings of the same race. If they weren't responsible for the death of your parents, perhaps they were fundamentally evil? If not, you're a psychopath.Fortunately for you, the System will never judge you!(That’s a lie.)As you sense fear and doubt in your enemies, your instincts sharpen, allowing you to discover their every weakness.When the prey fears the hunter, it's already dead.

[Champion - Humanity (Tier 0) - Bronze] - You are the First of your race. Guiding all of your kin in this new universe, you strive to avoid traps. The task is arduous, but you have the power to save many lives. So many of your people are counting on you. Poor things...You detect the presence of humans close to you. CHAR +10%

Trees of Merit:

[Tribulation Wyvern Heart - Silver(Gold)]

Tier 0: Once a day, one heart can regenerate instantly. ACQUIRED


Tier 1: Your blood modifies your heart. ACQUIRED

Tier 2: Your heart changes your blood. ACQUIRED

Tier 3: Dragon atavism changes you. Your throat transforms, and your spiritual body welcomes a third lung. You are now able to create a Breath. ACQUIRED

Tier 4: Requires a Gold Title.

[Tenacious Spirit - Silver]Tier 0: Your mind is no longer confined to your brain but to your entire body. ACQUIREDTier 1: Your mind is bound to your body. Any external manipulation on your mind must first pass the protection of your physical envelope. ACQUIREDTier 2: Your mind opens up to the world. You begin to use part of it to interact with your environment. ACQUIREDTier 3: Your spirit begins to break free from your bodily limitations. It can now travel for a few moments outside your body. ACQUIRED.Tier 4: Locked. Requires a Gold Title.[Quester - Silver] - Tier 0: Your instincts are sharpening.[Infantile Phoenix - Silver] - Tier 0: Your flame affinity allows you to manipulate fires.[Three-headed Hydra - Silver]Tier 0: Following a regeneration, your body becomes more resistant to what has damaged it. ACQUIREDTier 1: The Tier 0 Merit synergizes with all resurrections, recreations, regenerations, and other means of restoring your body to its optimal state. ACQUIREDTier 2: When your body is in perfect health, your Vitality accumulates. The subsequent injury you receive will be healed all the faster because your Vitality has accumulated.[Hermes' Apprentice] - Tier 0: Future messenger, you are temporarily accepted when traveling to other worlds than Elysium.[Moon Earl - Gold]Tier 0: You are getting familiar with the mist. ACQUIREDTier 1: The Mist hides you. You are one of its own, Mistwalker. ACQUIREDTier 2: The Mist helps you. You begin your adventure, Mist Rider. ACQUIREDTier 3: The mist protects you. You're not alone, Mistchild. ACQUIREDTier 4: The mist becomes a part of you. You are the mist, Mist Adept. ACQUIREDTier 5: Locked. Requires a Legendary Title.[Upgrader] - Tier 0: You begin to feel the aethereal workings of your skills[Forerunner - Silver] - Tier 0: Your META (chance) increases temporarily when you work on a project capable of improving humanity's standing.[To the Moon] - Tier 0: Time stops for one second within a ten-meter radius when you are in mortal danger. [Admirer of Atlas] - Tier 0: Your power works miracles. You can temporarily double your strength.[Veteran] - Tier 0: Your resistance is even more effective.[Threat Killer] - Tier 0: You feel people's hostile thoughts toward you.[Iconoclast - Gold] - Tier 0: You're beginning to feel your soul.[Fighter of the Depths] - Tier 0: You are more resistant to the corruption of the Depths.[Supersonic Boy - Silver] - Tier 0: Passively modifies your aethereal code to make you more aerodynamic.[Land Owner - Silver] - Tier 0: You can instantly create a building (Tier 1) on your Land - from a list provided by the System.[Primogenitor - Gold] - Tier 0: You can tax one-thousandth of the Potential gain of your hundred most powerful descendants. Limited to 100 POT per decade.[Horseman of the Apocalypse - Legendary] - Tier 0: Your aura is tinged with Conquest's spirit.[Pseudo Immortal Slayer - Silver] - Tier 0: Double your life expectancy.[The Reaper - Bronze] - Tier 0: The Reaper is a Tracker. Place a mark on an afraid enemy and follow them to the ends of the earth.

[Champion - Humanity (Tier 0) - Bronze] - Tier 0: Share your burden - increases the power of your race's Tribulations by 5%. Decreases the power of your Tribulations by 20%.8 Unused Merit Points.


[Draconic Instinct] - Your instinct can detect your enemies' mistakes. Your talent for manipulating aether increases.New Title obtained!

[Dr... Insufficient compatibility.

[Humanity adapts - Silver] becomes [High Human adaptation - Gold].[High Human adaptation - Gold] - The wearer adapts physically and mentally to situations and environments.The more hostile the environment or situation, the faster the adaptation.

[Spectral Familiarity - Bronze] - Increases your familiarity with immaterial creatures.

[Blessing of Viracocha - Bronze] - The minor god Viracocha has entrusted you with a small part of his affinity for death. Increases your charisma with the souls of the departed.Warning: this may provoke the wrath of their master if these souls are already controlled.

Congratulations! [Mirror of the Soul - Bronze] has evolved into [Space Island - Silver(Growth)].

[Space Island - Silver(Growth)] has evolved into [Concepts Archipelago - Gold(Growth)].

[Concepts Archipelago - Gold(Growth)] - A world now lies within you. Its initial parameters of gravity, space and time allow for life. Its aether structure is exceptional, capable of using any concept fragment to grow and evolve.You have the perfect seed. It's up to you to transform it into Yggdrasil.If you find this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the infringement.A world attached to your soul.You can open a portal into or out of your inner world.When your body is in your inner world, an anchor is placed in the outer world. Opening an exit portal depends on this anchor.


[Iron Marathon - Rare] - You run without stopping. Over hill and dale, you use your body as a means of transport.Keep running, and you'll catch the wind.Seriously, keep running. Locusts don't feel tired.AGI +3

[Broad-spectrum vision - Common] - The human eye can detect electromagnetic wavelengths between 380 nm and 780 nm. Not all animals have the same capabilities; some can see in the infrared or ultraviolet. It is now the case for you.How will your human brain decode X-rays or gamma rays?By the way, don't try to look through clothes, an X-ray of your crush isn't sexy.PERC +1

[Light Resistance] - Light is a phenomenon that has enabled the birth of most civilizations. It has a strong symbolic value and is associated with knowledge. However, you know that light, as electromagnetic radiation, constitutes only a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum.Source of life, hope... and sometimes destruction. By approaching the sun, you've burnt your wings. Will you continue your journey, or will the intensity of your dreams blind you?The architecture of your cells changes to better resist the effects of intense light. Your molecules vibrate rapidly and remain in excited states to not absorb most photons.You have the green light to face your enemies.CONST +1

[Tribulation Hunter - Unique - Epic] - Message from administrator Thaal:You owe me one.Each Tribulation is powered by a Concept fragment or a treasure.You may spot the Tribulations' weaknesses.You may temporarily hide your connection with the Concepts to become invisible to the Tribulations. Use this power to the fullest, but don't talk about it. [Identification] will show [Tribulation Resistance]. META (Chance) +9

[Acid Resistance] - Acids are dangerous, especially from a wyvern's stomach. There are several acid types, but you should know that this one has a really high acid dissociation constant. Useful for digesting humans.In the future, remember to avoid acid baths. It's a pretty basic rule.CONST +1

[Parry - common] - When attacked, you can either take, block or dodge. Dodging is often the best solution, but if that's impossible, knowing how to parry an attack can be useful. A good parry can enable a counterattack or help you reposition yourself. Blocking isn't just about stopping an attack. A fight must be fluid, don't forget that.There is a block skill, too, but it's for social network fights.STR +1

[Mask - Epic] - To wear a mask is to disguise your identity. Conceal your face to change roles and transgress the forbidden. Each user has a different intention when donning a mask. What's yours? Do you really know?Remember, a mask is a mask, so don't be fooled.WILL + 3CHAR +3META(AUTH) + 3

[Virus Resistance] - A virus is an infectious agent that parasitizes the body. Some, like rabies or Ebola, are extremely dangerous, while others do not affect the body.A virus attaches itself to a host - often a cell - and uses it to replicate. Your high level of Vitality makes you naturally resistant to viruses. Unfortunately, viruses that surpass your resistance use this same Vitality to multiply all the faster.This resistance modifies your cells to fight more effectively against the parasites of this threat. This resistance adjusts your aethereal code to prevent magical viruses from penetrating your cells.VIT +1

[Human Anatomy] - Anatomy is the study of the structure and form of an organism. The organs and tissues that make up the body have relationships that anatomy analyzes. This skill enables its user to glean knowledge about humans and, to a lesser extent, the superior races based on humanity.Observing, analyzing, dissecting and studying your body will provide invaluable knowledge.After a thorough analysis of your anatomy, here's a piece of information: the size of your reproductive system is about average. Congratulations!MEM +1

Fusion of [Bullet Time - Rare] - lvl 17 and [Meditation - Rare] - lvl 14...[Frozen Meditation] lvl 0 - Your meditation is so deep that it changes your perception of the world. Your thoughts calm down and, paradoxically, speed up. Your body slows down and your sensitivity increases.You are an iceberg; those who neglect the submerged part will suffer the Titanic's fate.PERC +1WILL +2


Silver: You are the second human to unlock the Supremacy - Domain.In your Domain, you're a god.The Seven Concepts congratulate you. Potential +300, Mist Affinity, [Moon Mist] lvl up!Gold: You are the first human to approach a minor Concept.This Concept will change you as much as you change it. Tame it. Shape yourself.The Seven Concepts congratulate you. Potential +1000, Mist Harmony!

Legendary: You have withstood a quadruple Tribulation at Tier 0. Your exceptional performance during this Tribulation has earned you first place in the annual ranking. This year, among the countless Tier 0s enduring a Tribulation in Sector Hope, you are the one who has most impressed the System.

Message for Sector Hope:Priam Azura withstood a quadruple Tribulation at Tier 0.Final rank: Sector - year: 1Humanity will be rewarded for this feat.The Seven Concepts congratulate you.Potential + 5000. Fusion Token. Evolution Token - Legendary skill. Opportunity (Elysium).


[Mist - Concept] - You have touched on a minor Concept.Affinity - Your connection now allows you to capture certain truths about Mist.Harmony - The source of aether is infinite. Allows you to use Aether Mist while expending more energy. Cost [Moon Mist] x10.

[Supremacy - Domain] - A Domain allows its user to control his environment through his mind and one or more concepts. Operating in Stages, Domains are used in every Universe.You've managed to dominate your environment with your mind - stage 0.You've successfully aligned your domain with a concept. The Mist permeates your Domain. Your Domain's characteristics evolve. - stage 1.Current stage: 1 - Concept ImprintedBonus: WILL +10 / META (Affinity) +10 / META (Focus) +20 / META (Perception) +20

[High-Human - Tier 1] - The origins of the Homo genus date back some three million years. Three hundred thousand years ago, successive evolutions finally created the first Homo sapiens. Those primates succeeded in colonizing their native planet.

At the pinnacle of evolution, humanity is characterized by a phenomenal capacity for physical and mental adaptation. This trait is written into its aethereal code.

After extensive testing and using all available samples, the System recompiled the code, retaining the best features.

This new race is called High Human. Their main characteristic is an exceptional adaptation.Non-exhaustive list of race benefits:A malleable genetic code, constantly seeking to mutate. Favorable mutations spread throughout the body.Increased density of improved mitochondria per cell.Reformatting of neuronal and nerve architecture.Rapid correction of genetic anomalies.Improved immune defenses.Increased bone and muscle density.Absolute pitch/Tetrachromacy/Tapetum lucidum/…Caution: Don't confuse High Human with JunkiePHY +20MEN+20

[Heart of Tribulation Wyvern - Seraph]

Hecate's New Moon (Mutation) - ?

Wish: Automatic alert when an individual sponsored by your Patron comes within ten kilometers of you.


[Promesse - Bound Weapon]

[Hearthstone - Mythic] - Link it to a location.Enables the wearer to open a portal once a month at <Hearthstone Location>. The portal lasts for five minutes. The link can be renewed once a month.Currently linked to [Moon].

Fusion Token.

Evolution Token - Legendary skill

[Cocoa seed - Gold] - a perfect cocoa seed.

[Crimson Fruit - Legendary] - A fruit born of the sacrifice of a grand tree. Naturally capable of reaching the rank of Duke, it never fulfilled its full potential. That same potential now pulses within its fruit. The tree originates from another Universe; alien truths are buried within this fruit. Its consumption stimulates the latent potential present in your blood. Planted, it will give rise to a unique tree.

Sequoia Sempervirens Aether - Seed: A high-potential tree seed. Adapts perfectly to the soil in which it is planted. Lives in symbiosis with the flora and fauna of its environment.

Questions and answers:

How do you know if one Supremacy/Concept/Competence can beat another?

The answer is math. An epic-rank skill will defeat a rare-rank skill with equal attributes. Each rank roughly triples the power of a skill.

[Punch - Common] lvl 1 is therefore 27 times less powerful than [One Punch - Legendary] lvl 1.

Attributes are linear multipliers. A warrior using [Punch] must have 2700 Strength to cancel a [One Punch] from an enemy with 100 Strength.

The power of Concepts evolves according to affinity, in the same way as skills (Affinity, Harmony, Unity,...) but with qualitative evolutions. The same applies to Supremacies, depending on their stage (0,1,2...).

Is there a hard cap at Tier 0?

No, but there is a soft cap. Tribulations become more and more powerful, following the law stated by Bechar in chapter 94: "Your attributes increase linearly, but the power of Tribulations follows a square function".

So, even as you improve your skills, concepts and Supremacies, there comes a point when Tribulations become too strong.

One way of pushing back this limit is to change your race. As we saw in chapter 96:

Modification of Tribulation thresholds: To avoid unnecessarily restricting users whose race has the potential for rapid development, the System grants different Tribulation thresholds according to the race’s Tier.High Human is a Tier 1 race. The new thresholds are now every 1(+1) hundred.This adjustment is not retroactive.Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 200 / 3 attributes > 400 / 1 attribute > 600Tribulations on hold: 0

Tribulation thresholds depend on the race's Tier N following the formula 1(+N)*100. Potentially, for a specimen of a Tier 9 race, here are the thresholds for their first Tribulation:

Next thresholds: 3 attributes > 1000 / 1 attributes > 2000

Of course, this only applies to Tribulations in the Universe of Concepts…

With world travel, times are no longer synchronized. How is [He Who Eludes Death]'s cooldown calculated?

This Talent is based on Priam's soul. His body and mind can be destroyed, it doesn't matter.

Its cooldown is 86 400 seconds, or 24 hours. What matters is the passage of time for Priam's soul. Changing worlds can therefore be an interesting way of getting it to reset faster.

Please note: this cooldown is based on midnight (the earth time of Priam's first death at the end of the Tutorial). So, if Priam dies at 23:20 and resurrects at 23:50 (he can delay his resurrection for a maximum of 30 minutes), [He Who Eludes Death] will be primed again at midnight. This midnight is now completely out of sync with travel between worlds, which is why I've included a timer at the end of each chapter.
