“Time to bind this armor and—Fuck.”

It was at that moment, of course, when Leonidas realized he had no idea how to use Psi. More than that, he had still not claimed his experience reward, nor looked at himself post-Class acquisition. It seemed like a massive oversight, and one he knew he’d need to correct immediately.

“I want to claim my 5,000 experience points,” he said immediately, “and then open my Character sheet!”

The moment he said the words, a sudden tension gripped him, and Leonidas felt his body momentarily stiffen. A surge of heat rolled through him from his nascent Core, and he shivered at the feeling of incomparable power that washed over every nerve in his body in a tide. It felt as if his senses were coming alive in a way he’d never known, and he was standing under a perfect-temperature shower. He could almost picture golden light threading through his veins, and he felt himself shiver in pleasure at the torrent of energy coursing through him.

One wave, then a second in quick succession, and it was done.

“What the hell was that?” he asked after several deep and steadying breaths.

As if in answer, a System screen popped up helpfully.

“That was two level-ups?” he said incredulously. “Fuck me, does that mean that every time I—oh god, does that mean that Kairi and the others—? Nope! Nope! Not thinking about that at all.”

Leonidas swiped his hand to banish the System screen, and when he did, his character sheet appeared in front of him.
