「...... Mmn, this place is......」

While shaking my dazed head, I sat up and observed the surroundings.

It seems to be my house, why had I been sleeping, I wonder.......

「Myne-kun!! Thank goodness you came to!!」

I heard Aisha’s shout.

「I...... Ah, I remembered. I lost...... to Ouji-sama...... huh」

It appears that Aisha used recovery magic.


Although my head is still dizzy, the pain all over my body has nearly came off.

When I thanked Aisha and looked at her face, her eyes were really red, she probably cried her eyes out.

It seems I had made her worried.

As I apologised to Aisha, the perpetrator who had beaten me black and blue entered the room.

「Oh, you’ve woken up?」

「Aniue, our conversation is not finished yet!」


While Slyphy is being mad at him, Ouji-sama call out to me with a strange grin.

However, the enraged Slyphy came chasing after him, so the atmosphere didn’t become calm at all.......

「How is your body? Since Holy Bow-dono had applied Recovery on you, I suppose most of the damage is gone?」

Ouji-sama who doesn’t care about Sylphy’s scoldings at all, is worrying about my condition.

The damage is certainly gone, I guess.

It’s impossible if you tell me to “Go all out!”, but normal movement does not seem to be a problem for me.

「Only a little, I’m still a little dazed, but I’m alright.」

「Is that so, I went too far...... Sorry.」

No, I’m the one trouble if the heir to the throne lowers his head.

In the first place, I agreed to accept the sham battle, so I don’t have the right to accept the apology.

「No no no, please raise your head! There is no reason to apologize!!」

While waving my hands violently, I called out desperately to get him to raise his head.

Then, while looking at me strangely, he raised hs head.

「......You’re a strange one......」

After that, Aisha and Slyphy who calmed down a little joined us to engage in a lively conversation of four people.

Ouji-sama wanted to hear about the fight with Orc・King but, I cannot explain it in detail without mentioning my Skills, so I could only answer his questions vaguely from the start until the end.

「By the way, Myne, it is already this late, do you mind letting me stay here?」

「No, of course not. It is a messy place but as long as Ouji-sama is willing, please do stay」

「...... Can you stop calling me Ouji-sama? You’re getting married with Sylphy, then we are going to be brothers-in-law.

I will just call you Myne.」

U~n, what should I call him......

As expected, should I take the safe route and call him 「Brother-in-law-san」?

「Eeh, ee~to...... Brother-in-law-san?」 (TLCN: Spare me.)

「...... Why the question form...... Well, that’s fine.

We’ll become a famly, don’t be so reserved.」

Somehow, it feels terribly out of place but...... sooner or later I’ll have to get use to it right?

Aisha and Slyphy’s way of calling also felt terribly out of place at first.

After settling Brother-in-law’s staying, Aisha moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

I decided to help, but my two fiancées strongly opposed me and told me 「Please take a break」, so I decided to be obedient.

「Come to think of it, just now I heard from Holy Bow-sama, this house has a considerably splendid bath right?

Since I’m all the way here, do you mind me getting in? 」

Ah, that’s right.

Since he’s all the way here, Brother-in-law-san should get in.

Yosh, let’s heat it immediately.

「I understand, let me heat it up first!」

Saying that, I decided to head to the bathroom quickly.

Since I had boiled it in the morning, I can roughly grasp the balance of pebbles.

It should be a little bit hot.

It will be nice to enter after eating the meal.

After that, slightly hot water accumulated in the bathtub in about five minutes.

Five 【Continuous: Water】, four 【Continuous: Heat】 should heat up the water until it’s slightly hot.

After retrieving the pebbles, as I told ani-san that the bath is boiled, the meal seems to be ready and the four of us immediately sat down at the dining table.

There’s quite a lot of topics we couldn’t talk about, so although it was fun, it’s a little regrettable that the dinner became one that we had to pay attention to.

......And then, it was the bath but...... Why in the world??

「Fuuu, this bath is really splendid. The fragrance of wood is nice, the hotness of the bath is good..... it may even be better than the bath in royal palace.」

「......Haa, as long as you are happy with it」

Somehow, as soon as we finished the meal, I was caught by Brother-in-law-san, and the result was us getting into the bath together.

Un, this is outside my expectations.

「By the way, Myne, the match just now...... do you understnad why you lost?」

...... That’s right, if we think about the Skills and levels, it’s unthinkable for me to lose.

Even if I lose, it’s difficult to think that I would lose so one-sidedly.

I don’t understand why I lost that one-sidedly.

「...... I don’t understand at all......」

「Well, that’s understandable. The previous fight...... how many Skills did you use? I feel like it’s four or five, but...... well, am I right?」

...... He noticed, huh.......

I planned to finish it with just the self-strengthening in the beginning so that I can dodge the questions after that, but it was too one-sided, so I used too many in the end.


「Aah, don’t misunderstand, I honestly don’t care nor have any interest on what kind of secrets you have at all.

Chichiue seems to quite care about it, but...... in the end, Sylphy didn’t say anything about your Skills in the royal palace.

After she said that she didn’t know because she didn’t ask at all, Chichiue persuaded her by saying that it’ll be fine if she tells him once she knows, but she firmly said that she will absolutely not talk about it while shaking her head, you know.

Well, it’s something you don’t want to talk about, right? I don’t mind that.

What I know is that you have some kind of power other than the Skills you were bestowed with. I don’t care about the details」

Eh? He doesn’t care at all...... is he okay with that?

I wonder if it’s okay to trust me.......

......Also...... Sylphy kept her promise with me and didn’t say anything.

I see, she didn’t say anything...... she didn’t say it, huh.

I feel really happy.......

Huh? Then why did he ask me about the Skills I used in the fight earlier?

「Hahaha, you look like you’re wondering about something. Right now, are you thinking “Why did he ask about my Skills, even though he said he didn’t care?”?」

I reflexively nodded.

「Let me see, first of all, you didn’t come at me seriously, rather, at full strength because you don’t want to kill me, right?

One more thing, though you made a conviction to try fighting, you probably don’t have much experiencing fighting with a person, right?

The reason you lost in the previous fight...... is that your fighting style relies too much on Skills.

You don’t have enough of the experience in the so-called battle sense, or the way to move your body.

That doesn’t matter if you’re up against a monster, but if your opponent’s another person, that’s a different story」

......I see, now that he mentioned it, the only battle I had with a person was with Lyle.

In addition to that, it was a battle in which I had the first move, and he was probably careless because he underestimated me.

An enemy with a brain......, and one which is antagonistic, I absolutely don’t have any experience with that.

「That being the case, I’ll train you from now on」


「Did you not hear me? I said that I’ll train you so that I can fight with you」

W, what does he mean!? So suddenly!?

「We’ll become a family, after all.

You must protect my important little sister from now on, so become stronger for that.

Next time, you must certainly win! You hear me, Myne」

H, he...... approved of me?

Me? Ouji-sama approved of me, a commoner?

「That said, the difficult talk’s over!

Look, I’ll wash your back for you! Sit over there!」

Like this, Brother-in-law-san officially approved of me as Sylphid’s fiance, and I obtained a master. (TLN: Shishou, as in the teacher type of master, not the S&M ones)

...... I who had my back scrubbed at full strength could only endure nothing but the pain.

Has he still not approved of me by any chance!?

......I might as well get Aisha to rinse my back.


I’ve decided, I’ll talk about my Skills.

After I came out of the bath together with Brother-in-law-san, Aisha and Sylphy entered the bath.

While they were in the bath, I thought about many things.

Brother-in-law-san told me that Ou-sama (TLN: King) said to Sylphy that she should tell him once she knows about my Skills, but Sylphy declared she will absolutely not tell him.

That she said she will never do anything that Danna-sama hates since she is marrying.

In the end, it all comes down to whether she talks about my Skills or not, whether I trust my partner or my partner trusts me. (TLN: kms)

I’ve decided to trust in Aisha and Sylphy.

That they will not tell anyone about my Skills.

And that they will stay with me as a family and trust in me even if they know my secret.

Although I feel somehow Brother-in-law-san won’t care if I tell him, I’ve only just met him, and since he will be training me from now on, I think I can judge whether I can trust him or not soon.


「Phew~, that was wonderful....... When did you guys build such an amazing thing?」

While submerging myself till my shoulders, I asked Aisha who entered with me.

It wasn’t here when we visited this house before, so they built it when I returned to the capital.

「Actually, after Hime-sama departed, the both of us soon went to Adol.

We then stayed in a high-class inn, and Myne-kun...... seem to like the bath and said that he will build it once we returned home.

He kept saying that it would probably make Hime-sama happy and he wanted to do something before Hime-sama comes back」

I see, he said something like that, huh...... No good, my face is slackening by itself.

Probably because I don’t have any experience associating with the opposite sex up until now, I’m happy with such a trivial thing.

「B, by the way, has anything changed while I was absent?」

I asked such a question to hide my embarrassment.

As I did that, Aisha’s expression clouded a little, and as I called out “You alright?”, she suddenly bowed her head.

「......I am very sorry, I have disregarded Hime-sama, and made love with Myne-kun」


Made love?


「......Explain to me in detail」

My tone naturally became stern while I wasn’t aware.

Aisha said that Danna-sama said that he wanted to hunt trolls, so they went to the town of labyrinth, Adol.

When they stayed at the inn, some trouble occured, originally they planned to take separate rooms, but they could only get one room.

That night, asked by Danna-sama, they then had sex.

......Requested by Danna-sama, that means, I can’t say anything about that, huh.

In the first place, it’s not that like he had a relationship with a passing woman.

Since he made love with Aisha, who like me, will also become Danna-sama’s wife, there isn’t any problem ............ That’s right, there isn’t any.

However, there’s this gloomy something coming out from my heart.

「......I see, if the partner’s none other than Aisha, it’s inevitable, I guess.

Instead, tonight I will get him to love me. No objections?」

Yosh, I’ve gotten Aisha’s approval.

I’m quite nervous, but at any rate, it’s necessary to make a baby.

Let’s do this.

「......Ah, Hime-sama...... didn’t His Highness Alto said that he will sleep in Myne-kun’s room?」


Aah, come to think of it...... he did say that, didn’t he!?

D, Dammit, this older brother of mine!!!

How far do you plan on being a hindrance to me, huh, I’ll never forgive you!!!

「Huh? Brother-in-law-san, what’s wrong?」

「No, for some reason I suddenly felt a chill down my back......」

「...... I see」


Thank you for reading as always.

*syosetu stuff*

Please take care of me from now on as well.

TL: HC & Izzy

ED/TLC: Izzy

Morning, as soon as I woke up, Alto-san who had been sleeping on the floor wasn’t here. (TLN: Alto is the furigana. The kanji is brother-in-law. Finally.)

「......I wonder where he went?」

Since the inside of his futon is still warm, it shouldn’t have been that long since he exited the room.

By the way, when he heard that he would be sleeping in my room, I told Alto-san, “Please use the bed I always sleep in”.

「I don’t mind sleeping on the floor, I won’t ask for anything luxurious, since I suddenly came here」

Saying that, he firmly refused.

Good grief, it’s unsettling since his attitude is considerably different compared to when we first met yesterday.

“He’s a brother who normally can be looked up to, but......” said Sylphy as she let out a strained laugh, so this is probably his true appearance, huh.

Appearing all of a sudden and battling...... I was thinking what in the world is wrong, but well, that’s how it is, I guess?

While thinking such things, I stretched my body.

Hearing the cracking sounds of the bones from my back truly feels good.

「......Yosh, let’s work hard today as well!」

While saying that, I jumped out from my bed and headed towards the well to wash my face.

The peculiar fresh morning air feels great, and I can feel it revitalising my half-awake body little by little.

Un, though I always felt this way, but waking up in the morning really feels good, doesn’t it!

I drew some well water and splashed my face with it.

Come to think of it, well water can be used to make potions, so does this mean that the magic water from 【Continuous: Water】 can be used to make something??

I wonder if I should try experimenting on it?

While thinking about that, I headed towards the kitchen, and Aisha and Sylphy had already made breakfast.

「Good morning!」

As usual, I cheerfully greeted them.

It’s my family’s important rule that I took over from Otou-san and Okaa-san.

Lively greetings are magic words which can fill me and the people surrounding me with energy.

My two fiancées who heard my ‘Good morning!’, looked at each other and replied with lively greetings.

「Good morning!」


We merely exchanged greetings...... but laughter naturally filled the room.

「Should I help too?」

「No, it’ll be good if Danna-sama takes a sit and wait for us」

「That’s right, even though it Hime-sama’s first time cooking, she was quite fired up in making it!」

First time cooking, if I remember correctly, Sylphy doesn’t have the Cooking Skill, does she?

......I’m a little worried.......

They probably guessed my feeling, Sylphy made a complicated face at being exposed and Aisha giggled.

......Haven’t these two gotten quite close strangely?

There’s also Aisha’s way of calling. Though it hasn’t changed from ‘Hime-sama’, I have a feeling her restraint, sense of distance, or something has changed.

They got into the bath together yesterday, and even slept together in Aisha’s room, surely, that’s okay right?

Un, getting along is a good thing! After all, we’ll become a family after this.

「Don’t worry, Myne-kun. Look forward to Hime-sama’s handmade cooking! Of course, mine too」

Well, if that’s what she says, I won’t lend a hand.

Let’s obediently sit and wait for them.

「......By the way, do you know where Alto-san is?」

「If it’s Aniue, he’s training. It’s his daily routine」

I see, as expected, habitual training is important, isn’t it?

I wonder if it’s okay for me to train together with him? He trained me yesterday, after all.

「Aah, it’s okay even if Danna-sama doesn’t go, there’s still some fatigue and damage from yesterday, right?

Aniue said that it’s okay even if Danna-sama doesn’t come after waking up」

......Perhaps, he cared for me seeing me sleeping like a log?

If that’s the case, it’ll be the correct choice to accept his goodwill, un, let’s sit here quietly.

Therefore, I decided to sit in the living room and quietly wait.

A short time later, an extremely delicious-smelling scent wafted over from the kitchen.

Probably lured by the smell, Alto-san returned from his morning training while wiping his sweat with a towel.

「Good morning! Thank you for the hard work you put in training!」 (TLN: If you think that sounds weird, that’s because I have no idea how to tl otsukare. Help?)

He replied my greeting a little shyly with 「Aah, good mornin’」.

Un, as expected, greetings are magic words.

「Are you okay now? Though it was a sham battle, I went a little too far.

I don’t think there’s much damage left after immediately entering the bath.

If there’s anything you’re worried about, tell Sacred Bow-dono and let her heal you」

Looking at Alto-san awkwardly worrying about my health while scratching his cheek, I unintentionally chuckled.

He seems to have been caught by Sylphy before he went out for training and was lectured as yesterday’s continuation.

I heard from Sylphy that Alto-san is a siscon, but as expected, he’s weak when it comes to being lectured by his little sister.

As we had that conversation, Aisha and Sylphy carried out the breakfast they had just made.

「......Aniue, have you properly apologised to Danna-sama?」

While setting the table, Sylphy glanced at Alto-san and glared at him.

As she did that, he awkwardly turned his head towards me and said 「Sorry」.

Since I didn’t mind it that much, rather, since time passed by as I couldn’t understand the sudden turn of events, I wasn’t aware of what had happened.

That’s why I honestly said 「It’s okay, I don’t mind」, and Alto-san felt relieved while I admired him for some reason. (TLN: Sorry, no idea what this or the prev sentence means)

The apology? for now has ended, and we started having our enjoyable breakfast.

「Which one did Sylphy make?」

「Aniue, why don’t you restrain yourself a little, it’s my first home cooking, you know. I worked hard to let Danna-sama eat it」

「No, exactly because it’s my little sister’s first home cooking, I......」

Although the meals I ate with Aisha was also fun, the food is even more delicious with four people chatting like this!

Family is such a happy and fun thing, isn’t it!

The meals I ate with Otou-san and Okaa-san were also delicious, but today’s breakfast has a special deliciousness.

We enjoyed chatting for a while, but Alto-san returned to a little serious face, and started talking to me.

「Myne, since you have to conduct the marriage ceremony with Sylphy and Sacred Bow-dono, you’re coming to the capital in a few days, right?

I was thinking about conducting an all-out training there.

I’ll leave the contents for your desired training until you come to the capital, so don’t you skip out on it.

Even with how I look, I am a prince. I also have things I have to do in the capital.

Though I want to train you here the whole time......」

I’ve heard that Alto-san is in charge of the training for the chivalric order.

The schedule for the training is approaching, so he has to return to the capital.

I tried asking him why he trained me even though he’s so busy, and he replied that he took a fancy to me with a hearty laugh, and clapped my back.

Sylphy, Aisha, it hurts, so can you please stop it for me?

Don’t just stand there and laugh.

I heard from Sylphy later that Alto-san was quite against the wedding at the beginning, so his reaction was outside her expectations.

I don’t quite know what in me did he took a liking to, but it’s a good thing that I can get along well with my wife’s family, isn’t it?

Finishing our fun breakfast, Alto-san wrote the training program and the things I need to pay attention in the way I move my body on a memo with small handwriting and handed it over to me, and he then returned to the capital.

The memo he handed me is easy to understand and very carefully written. I could see that he took a considerable amount of time in writing it.

To me, this memo is an important treasure.

I’m grateful to Alto-san from the bottom of my heart.

Now then, Alto-san is gone, and in this house is only me and my two fiancees.

At last, the time to confess my secret has come.

I wonder what kind of response they will have.......

Honestly, the dread is too much.

However, on the other hand, I am also anticipating it.

Now, let’s summon up my courage and confess.


Thank you very much for reading as always.

Please take care of me from here on as well.

TL: Izzy

After Alto-san returned to the capital, called Aisha and Sylphy to the reception room, and began speaking.

「......I have something to talk the two of you」

I think it’s because I am nervous and making a serious face.

The both of them waited for my next words with a serious expression.

「I am thinking of telling the both of you about my Skills」

They probably didn’t expect it.

Both of them suddenly stopped moving.

After that was a moment of silence.

I and the girls continued to not speak.

The first one to break the silence was Sylphy.

「......Is that really okay?」

I nodded silently at that question.

Aisha still couldn’t hide her shocked expression, she moved her mouth to say something but immediately shut it, as she couldn’t find any words.

She repeated that motion.

「The secret Danna-sama can’t tell not just us, but anyone about.

After Aniue just went back, talking to us means that you trust us, is that okay?」

Sylphy asked me once more who gave a sidelong glance at the stiff Aisha.

Even at that question, I returned a nod silently.


Sylphy placed her put her right index finger on her nicely shaped lips, and pondered on something.

Silence then once again flowed between us.

Un, that’s understandable.

I suddenly said that I will talk about the secret which I had kept even when I was erased from the guild.

Their reactions are understandable.

「......There’s something I would like you to confirm one thing before listening about that」

Sylphy had probably collected her thoughts, as she confirmed with me again.

Naturally, my reply was 「Un」.

However, I wonder what she wants to confirm??

「Is it true that the thing Danna-sama is keeping a secret will become something bad if people know about it?」

Un? Why is such a confirmation necessary...... But, since she told me to answer, I have to.

「......Un, that’s right」

「......I understand. In that case, Danna-sama, won’t you wait for a while longer before telling us about it?」

Eh!? Why??

「I think it’s natural that Danna-sama has doubts.

Just now, Danna-sama said that you wanted to talk about it because you trust us.

However, putting Aisha aside, I don’t think there has been any actual results for trusting me.

From now on, we will be starting activities as a Clan.

......Actually, Chichiue said that he wants to make a request once the Clan is officially formed.

What do you think, won’t you be able to at least make sure of me and Aisha while receiving the request?」

......Her proposal was too unexpected.

When we met at first, she came to ask me about my Skills.

I never thought that she would reply like this.

However, I realised after Sylphy said that.

......I was surely too impatient.

I have been alone ever since Otou-san and Okaa-san left me.

I had my meals alone, and even if I said “I’m back”, nobody will reply.

I thought that such a life was natural.

......However, things have changed.

Aisha and Sylphy are here.

I’ve gotten a family.

......That is why, I thought that I want to quickly open up about my secret and become a real family with them.

I thought that I would become at ease once I told them about it.

We will certainly be living together from now on, so I have to tell them about it one day.

However, that’s not how you become a real family, is it.

It’s not only a pretense, a family is trusting each other from the bottom of the heart, like how I did with Otou-san and Okaa-san.

Confidence is to believe in someone and make use of them.

Trust is to believe in someone and rely on them. ()

I think, if a family doesn’t have trust, then that isn’t good.

Trust is as Sylphy said, takes time and is slowly built.

「......I understand, is Aisha also okay with that?」

She seemed to have calmed down completely, and Aisha also approved of Sylphy’s proposal.

「It’s okay not to rush it, just take it slowly, okay?」

「Just knowing Danna-sama’s feelings in wanting to talk to us about it is enough for now」

The mood calmed down all of a sudden.

My nervousness was definitely at fault, huh.

Un, it’s surely okay with this.


「By the way, Sylphy, did you hear from Aisha? About the Labyrinth of Strength」

Aisha seemed to have talk about the general details, ......Well, of course, they were together yesterday night, after all.

If she’s already heard about it, that will make things quick.

「Here, Sylphy’s souvenir」

As I said that, I took out the Troll Gazer’s drop, “Linus Sword” from the storage bag.

I feel hat she will definitely be able to use it well since she has 【One-handed sword・Extreme】.

「......This, this is amazing...... is it okay for me to have this? I haven’t done anything, though......」

「Un, of course. It’s useless for me and Aisha to have it, after all」

Looking at Sylphy’s delighted expression, I reflexively broke into a smile.

Un un, this is good.

Then, I took out “Speed Shoes” and “Ciel Soulier”.

It’s a movement speed increasing pair of shoes. I have no need for it since I have 【Swift Feet (Small)】.

The problem is who “Ciel Soulier” should be handed to.

Dropped items are basically attached with a magic which will automatically alter it according to the size of the person equipping it, so any one of us can use it.

By the way, the equipments sold at stores have to be properly chosen so that it fits.

If I think about who will be fighting ahead, then would Sylphy be the better choice?

If someone can walk on air, there will be more freedom in attacking...... though practice will be necessary.

「Well, this will be Sylphy’s and this will be Aisha’s」

By the way, “Speed shoes” are shoes with a simple pattern, black cloth with white lines on it.

“Ciel Soulier” also has a similar pattern, but it has a smarter feel, it is white.

Since I’ve heard that Sylphy puts on a pure white surcoat when fighting, its colour might also fit her.

「Is Aisha’s...... Speed Shoes?

My white one...... looks quite similar, but it’s a little different, huh.

It seems like it’ll match with my surcoat」

She seems to know about “Speed Shoes”.

Well, Cass-san was aiming for it, so it should be quite famous.

Probably since “Ciel Soulier” is a rare drop from a rare monster, nobody knows about it.

That’s good, Aisha and Sylphy both seem to like them.

Now then, after this...... I’ll need to hear about the things at the capital from Sylphy.


Thank you very much for reading as always.

Please take care of me from here on as well.

TL: Izzy
