We’ve encountered some orcs and goblins since then, but we mysteriously didn’t meet any superior types.

I’ve gotten used to hunting both orcs and goblins, but by using paste at the same time, we were able to easily hunt them as if it was work.

At first, Aisha was cautious when fighting them, but now, she efficiently defeated them with considerable calmness.

Name: Aisha Lorelle

LV:29 (28→29) LevelUp!

Race: Hume

Gender: Female


Age: 26 years

Occupation: Archery Master Change!

Her level increased from 28 to 29.

“We defeated quite a lot including the first floor boss, isn’t this quite the good pace?” I thought.

There wasn’t particularly any monsters who possessed different Skills, I repeated the work of pasting the Skills on pebbles.

About an hour passed since we descended to the basement.


Suddenly, we heard a different cry from an orc.

......That’s an Ogre, no doubt.

Orcs are referred to as demon race which has its origin as “pigs”.

An orc is said to humes, beastmen, elf, dwarf, etc., which mutated by absorbing the so-called 「Evil Air」, evil influence into their body.

Incidentally, miasma contains thick magical power.

Because of that, orc meat has a taste similar to that of high quality pork.

Different from pigs, if an adventurer or knight does not have a certain amount of strength, they can’t defeat it. That’s why not much of it is circulated, and it fetches a high price.

I also profited quite a lot thanks to orc meat.

The ogre we are aiming for is troublingly said to have its origins as a “oni”.

Oni here means something which is originally classified as the oni race, who built a favourable relationship with roughly us humes, elves, beastmen races.

If a part of the oni race absorbs miasma, and their figure changes, they will become monsters called ogres.

One theory states that the demon race secretly manouvered and captured the oni race when the dungeon was made and made them absorb miasma against their will.

An ogre’s traits are that they are extremely strong, quick-witted, agile, and burly, a triple threat.

The Skills they have specialise in attack, and their battle style seems to be triumphing with a one-hit knockout.

Putting it simply, something like an upgraded version of an orc,

......That ogre appeared in front of us while letting out a terrifying roar.

Name: Power・Ogre


Race: Demon race




Strong Arm・Extreme



As expected, it’s fairly strong.

......Eh? The ogre swung its right hand greatly, and threw something towards us from that hand!

「Aisha look out!」

I hugged Aisha tightly and flopped to the side, evading the object that came flying.

The object that came flying passed above us at a high speed, and directly hit the rock wall behind us, spreading out a loud destruction noise to the surroundings and smashing it.

......I think the thing that came flying was probably a gigantic boulder

When it appeared, such a gigantic boulder wasn’t in its hand.

It might have appeared when it swung its right hand.

Perhaps, the attack just now was the Rock Smash it had.

Using it before I had examined it...... that was seriously dangerous.

「Aisha, that guy’s mine. I think it’d be disadvantageous fighting from a distance」

Well, since I’ve cut its Skill, there’s no need to becautious about it anymore.

Thinking about its physical strength, it’ll be a wonder if it could throw the boulders which fell around that area.

After I confirmed that Aisha nodded and fell back, I equipped Lightning Edge on my right hand and ran towards the ogre.

It probably recognised me as a target, and started swinging its right hand greatly like before.

「Too bad for you! You can’t use that anymore!」

While casting self-enhancements and running towards the ogre, I announced that, and as I did, the ogre who realised that it can’t use the Skill let out a terrifying roar.

Slipping through the fist unleashed by the ogre with a violent force, I brandished Lightning Edge.

Although the steel dagger also had a tremendous sharpness, I can feel that this Lightning Edge was even sharper than that.

I planned to give it a fairly severe wound, but the ogre is still alive.

It didn’t seem to care about it’s wound, it waved both of its hands around in hopes of catching me.

The attack would probably be a fatal wound for an orc, but this guy has a fearsome vitality.

From the looks of it, I judged that half-hearted attacks won’t stop it, and I executed my next hand.

Yes, it’s 【Martial Art: Shark Glow】!

Evading the swing of its somewhat large arm, I rushed into its bosom, and I struck it with a fatal blow.

A violent explosion sound resounded all around, and the ogre finally fell down on the spot.


「Myne-kun, thank you for your hard work. Are you alright? Any injuries?」

Aisha ran over here worriedly.

「Un, I’m fine」

I replied with a smile, and threw the ogre’s corpse into my storage bag.

「It was quite strong, huh」

As I said that, she smiled wryly and replied “It isn’t ‘quite’, but a really strong monster, though”.

While speaking about our thoughts on the first time fighting an ogre, as we advanced, we discovered the B1’s boss room.

Huh? That’s quite a lot of people in front of the boss room.

Are they going to fight the boss, I wonder?

While we slowly got closer, the people in front of the boss room also seemed to have noticed us.

「You guys, are you perhaps here to fight the boss?」

A man in his prime who was wearing an extravagant armour called out to us.

Aisha who saw his figure raised her voice as she said 「Ara」.

「Hm? ......Sacred Bow, huh. I heard you’ve quit being an adventurer, so what are you doing in such a place?」

It seems that he’s an acquaintance of Aisha.

「There’s an errand......I guess. Since you’re here, that means these people are the “Soaring Sandstorm”, am I right?」

Hm? “Soaring Sandstorm” ...... I think I’ve heard it somewhere before.

And it seems quite recent...... what was it again.......

「Yeah, a request came in for the Clan.

We came to get Speed Shoes dropped by the rare monster from this boss room, Cocka・Grice.

At any rate, it is a rare monster...... it’s not coming out at all.

We shouldn’t have accepted such a request, good grief」 (TLN: Seems like a pun on cockatrice)

Aah, I remember.

The Clan a former A-rank adventurer formed.

If I remember correctly, the leader’s someone by the name Cass or something.

I wonder if it’s this guy?

Name: Cass

Race: Hume


Gender: Male

Age: 32 years

Occupation: Commander


One-handed Sword・Sacred Lv7

Trap Production Lv5

Direct Penetration LV6

Aah, as I expected, this man is the leader Cass.

At any rate, he’s amazing.

As expected of a former A-rank adventurer.

He even has three strong-looking Skills.

「That aside, Aisha. Are there only the two of you? You coming here means that you’re after the boss, right?

With just two people, rather than harsh, it’ll be impossible, you know」

He seems to be worried about us.

He’s making a stern face, but he’s quite the nice person, huh?

「Well, we’ll somehow manage. By the way, what’s the situation right now?」

As Aisha asked that, Cass-san sighed and explained the situation.

Since a week ago, they’ve fought the boss and it seems that they’re gradually getting tired.

Well, that’s understandable. After all, it’ll be tiring secluding yourself in a dungeon for a week and continuing to hunt the same monster over and over.

That’s why, they’re taking a break right now.

「Well then, it won’t be a problem for us to enter the boss room, right?」

「......Well, I don’t mind, but...... Are you seriously planning on enter with two people? You’ll die」

Cass-san then shrugged his shoulders after understanding that we are serious.

「Okay, I know I know. Well then, let’s go in together. Since if you die it’ll leave a bad aftertaste」

No, that’ll be a problem.

I appreciate his feelings, but I’ll have to firmly reject it.

「......No thank you, it’ll be alright with just the two of us, so......」

I interrupted their conversation here.

Since I suddenly interupted them, he were surprised.

He looked at me with eyes as if saying “What’s with this guy?”.

「Although I don’t know who you are, don’t you look down on the boss.

Aisha here’s my acquaintance from way back.

I can’t just let her go knowing she’ll die, can I?」

Cass-san answered me with a tone as if shocked and a little angry.

「Cass, it’s not that we’re going without any chances of success.

I appreciate your sentiments, but won’t you please pull back?

Since it’ll be a waste of time conversing」

Being told that by Aisha after me, Cass reluctantly withdrew.

Since it seemed like he had something else to say, we immediately entered the boss room.

The “Soaring Sandstorm”‘s members also seemed to look at us with inquisitive eyes.

Well, challenging an enemy which they needed a whole Clan to fight against with just two people is normally insane, after all.

I wonder if I can understand their feelings.

Looking at their inquisitive looks from the corner of my eyes, the both of us stepped into the boss room.

By the way, once a battle starts in a boss room, the door won’t open.

Until the boss or the challenger dies, the door will stay closed.

Now then, what’s the boss?

Name: Cocka・Grice


Race: Bird Family

Gender: –




Flying Feather


Ugh, the rare boss Cass-san and the others are after.

It seems to have a dangerous ability named petrifaction.......

Let’s steal them for now.

If not, we’ll be scared and can’t get close to it.

「......Myne-kun, that rare boss...... as expected, isn’t it too strong?」

Aisha asked me worriedly.

「It’ll be alright. It’s a cockatrice-type monster, isn’t it?

If that’s the case, it might have a petrifaction attack, so let’s defeat it by focusing on long range attacks」

As I said that, I activated 【Sorcery Extremity LV2】.

「Well then, I’m going in」

I then fired 【Magic・Fire】 rapidly just like I did when I defeated the Orc・Generals.

I chose Magic・Fire because I somehow have a feeling that bird’s feathers will burn well.

For a short while, a thunderous roar resounded, and after I stopped attacking, what was left was a scorched, staggering Cocka Grice.

I used 【Strong Arm・Extreme LV2】 【Body Enhancement・Large LV2】 【Physical Strength Enhancement・Extreme LV2】 to finish it off, and charged in instantly.

I then aimed at the Cocka Grice’s base of the throat, and brandished Lightning Edge.

That blow strengthened by Skills quickly sent the Cocka Grice’s neck flying.

「......Myne-kun, you overdid it......」

Aisha’s muttering resounded through the boss room.


Thank you for reading as always.

Please take care of me too after this m(_ _)m

So that I can receive pointing out from impressions, I borrowed skill, weapon names, etc. from the netgame FF11 I’ve played before.

I thought what should I do, but decided to change the names and a part of the Skill contents.

There is no effect on the story.

Also, to those who unpleasant thoughts was sent to, I apologise from the bottom of my heart.

I am very sorry.

I also thank those who pointed out from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you very much.


Although we were surprised by the unexpected appearance of the rare boss, we were able to defeat the B1 boss.

I was told off by Aisha for overdoing it, but since it was completely better than dying or getting injured, I didn’t regret it.

I smiled and dodged Aisha’s question.

Now’s the long awaited drops.

Although the “Speed Shoes” Cass-san was talking about seem like it will drop, I have the drop increasing Skills 【Probability】.

I’ll be happy with anything good, though.

Name: Speed Shoes

Agility: +12

Grade: High


Special effects: Movement Speed 2 Up

Name: Ciel Sourie (TLN: I have no idea what this even is: シエルスーリエ

Agility: +25

Grade: Ultra

Attribute: Wind

Special Effects: Movement Speed 3 Up

Air Walk

These two are the drops.

Both of them are shoes. One of them is the Speed Shoes we heard before entering.

I wonder if movement speed increase is something like the 【Swift Feet】 Skill?

I see, Skills don’t raise the ability, but equipment can.

And the other one, I think it’s probably a rare drop, but I wonder if it’s a superior version of Speed Shoes?

Eh? ......”Air Walk”? ......that means, I can walk on air with this!?

......This is amazing.

For now, let’s put this into the storage bag.

Letting Aisha and Sylphy use them sounds good.

「I feel a little bad for Cass-san and the others」

As I said that, Aisha shook her head and told me 「This is how dungeon exploring’s like」.

Certainly, there’ll be no end to it if we start talking about it.

I’ll be troubling if he said since we lined up beforehand, that is ours.

Pulling myself together, we decided to head to the next level.

The level containing the trolls we are aiming for.

Touching the transfer stone, we headed to the next level.


As expected, I should have stopped them with all my might.

Even if Aisha is strong and called the Sacred Bow, it’s been several years since she retired as an adventurer.

Moreover, she specialises in archery as her nickname suggests.

No matter what, due to a bow’s nature, there’s no choice but to take a distance from the target.

To make use of that ability, she will need an excellent tank. That is absolute.

Even so, the person in the same party as Aisha was a young lad who may or may not have come of age.

No matter how I think, I can’t imagine him being a tank.

Even if he has a tank’s Skill and can play his part as one, the boss which appears here is the superior type of Power Ogre, the Strong Ogre.

A monster which possesses atrocious physical strength and defence.

It’s a formidable enemy that even our twenty people can only somehow defeat it.

It is by no means an enemy two people can challenge.

However, Aisha and that lad said that they completely don’t need backup.

If they declared as that, I don’t have the right nor qualification to hinder their actions.

Challenging a dungeon is one’s own responsibility, after all.

However, seeing them off into the boss room, I succumbed to the regret.

Putting that lad aside, I’ve only met him for a short while, but Aisha is a friend from way back.

I cannot help the aftertaste of watching over her going to her death and regretting while doing nothing.

A few minutes after they entered the boss room, I heard a thunderous roar similar to something exploding from inside the room.

......I wonder if that was the sound of a magic explosion?

I’ve never heard of Aisha using offensive magic.

If that’s the case...... it’s reasonable to assume that the lad uses magic.

I see, that lad isn’t a tank, but a damage dealer, huh.

That means, their strategy is probably a short decisive battle with Aisha’s archery and the boy’s magic.

Then, as expected, five minutes after thethunderous roar resounded, silence returned to the surroundings.

The boss room’s door’s rock then cleared, and as I peeked inside it, their figure was nowhere to be found.

If the challenger loses to the floor boss, their corpse will remaind in the room for a while, and will be absorbed by the dungeon for a fixed period.

Them not being inside means that they obtained victory without problems.

Instead of thinking that it was good that an acquaintance didn’t die, I felt fear towards their strength that could suppress a boss with just two people.


#Dungeon of Strength, B2

「We’ve somehow arrived at the level we were aiming for, that’s good」

We don’t particularly need to capture this floor.

In the end, our target is the trolls.

By the way, trolls are generally huge.

Orcs and ogres are also big, and are generally around 2~3 metres.

Orc Kings are around 5 metres.

Smaller trolls are of approximately the same size as Orc Kings.

However, trolls instead have extremely dull movements and have considerably low defence compared to orcs.

Despite that, they are said to be higher rank monsters compared to orcs. There are reasons for that.

One of the reasons is that they have a high regeneration ability, they can quickly recovery even if they receive damage.

Also, they can release a strong shock wave from the one large eye which takes up not less than 1/3 of its face.

These two abilities raises the difficulty level for subjugating trolls.

In reality, trolls cannot be defeated by half-baked firepower.

There are also many parties which could not defeat it after a long, continuous battle, and have gotten themselves wiped out.

Therefore, they are recognised as higher rank monsters than orcs.

By the way, this floor’s boss seems to be “Troll Gazer”.

Normal trolls already have troubling damage regeneration ability, but this guy seems to have even an even stronger regeneration ability.

It is common sense that rare monsters are usually stronger than a dungeon boss, but rare monsters seem to be easier to defeat than this guy.

Actually, there are almost no parties which broke through this floor.

Practically all who managed to break through had coincidentally encountered rare monsters, and there is only a small number who managed to defeat the Troll Gazer and break through.

While we carefully observed the surroundings, we advanced to the second floor.

Since I am using 【Presence Detection・Moderate】, there’s no way for us to be struck by a surprise attack.

We wandered about the floor for about 10 minutes, and finally managed to encounter our target, a troll.

Name: Power・Troll


Race: Demon race




Magic Eye of Shock

Strong Arm・Extreme




I accidentally shouted.

Eh? What’s shock...... and magic eye!?

Aisha made a puzzled face at my sudden shout.

「What’s wrong? Myne-kun」

While I flusteredly shook my head, I dodged the question by saying “Nothing”.

It’s a secret that I retorted myself by saying “No, there’s no way it’s nothing” in my mind.

Now then, let me see the reason they’re called higher rank monsters compared to orcs, the rumoured regeneration ability and shock wave.

Firstly, before I steal its Skills, I want to confirm that power with my own eyes.

Since it’s called regeneration, it should recover from wounds, I wonder what about the damaged parts?

If it could recover even lost arms or legs, I would understand the wonder compared to orcs.

Even if I experiment after stealing it, as expected, I don’t feel like trying it out on my own body.

Since there’s an “eye” attached to Magic Eye, I want to confirm how it activates.

If it’s a Skill where something rushes out from the eyes, there’s no way I can show it with others present.

「Aisha, let’s go!」

As I said that, I charged at the troll and Aisha drew her bow to the limit and started attacking.

Before I started, the arrows Aisha shot continuous hit the troll.

Un, as I have heard, it’s movements are pretty dull.

If it’s just this, then it could be said that orcs and ogres are stronger than it.


The parts Aisha’s attack wounded visibly recovered.

I see ...... Just as the rumours say, it has an amazing recovery power.

Next, receive my attack!

Lightning Edge in my right hand, and the Dagger of Origin on my left.

I try to favourably hit the dull troll from left and right continuously.

Though the attack was loaded with only 【Twin Swords・Extreme】, because the level difference is big, considerable damage was delivered.

If this attack hits, orcs would have long been defeated, but the troll still held out.

Moreover, at that time, it rushed to deliver damage.

“Something” hit me, and I was blown off. And at the same time a violent pain ran through my whole body.

Put into words, it’s exactly “Shock”.

Something like a mass of invisible power.

It’s a different thing from the similarly invisible wind magic, so this is 【Magic Eye of Shock】.


Aisha rushed over to me and helped me recover using 【Magic・Large Recovery Lv4】.

「......Ow ow ow ow...... Thanks, Aisha」

......This is very troubling, isn’t it.

I feel like it activated without any preparation movements.

「Hey, Aisha. Did you see that guy’s attack just now?」

「I felt like it’s eyes shined for a moment, but...... I couldn’t see it at all」

She probably understood what I wanted to say, and instantly replied with the answer I wanted.

The shine in its eyes was probably its preparation movement, but since it’s an invisible attack, I can’t clearly conclude.

On the contrary, even it’s seen when I am outside where I’m worried about, they won’t know what I did.

It seems to be alright even if I used it in public.

「......It certainly is more troublesome than orcs」

Even though I slashed at it to that extent and drove it until it was almost defeated, I could see that it has considerably recovered with such little time.

Since I was sent flying by the Magic Eye, I couldn’t confirm the damaged parts, but it recovered with that much vigour, huh.......

There’s a similar Skill, 【Support Magic・Gradual Recovery Large (Vitality)】, but I think Regeneration has a better effect. (TLN: Previously Restoration not recovery)

......Yosh, with this, I understand the Skills well.

I quickly cut 【Regeneration】 and 【Magic Eye of Shock】 and pasted it on myself.

I pasted 【Strong Arm・Extreme】 onto a pebble as usual and tossed it into my storage bag.

The other party, the troll, seemed to be perplexed as his 【Regeneration】 disappeared before it finished recovering.

Yosh, next is to defeat it in one go!

I piled 【Strong Arm・Extreme】 【Body Enhancement・Large】 【Physical Strength Enhancement・Extreme】 and raised my attack strength.

I also activated 【King’s Intimidation】.

As I did that, the troll started trembling and couldn’t move at all.

I picked up a large stone off the ground, and aimed at its chest where I think its heart is at, and threw it at full strength.

The rock hit it with force incomparable to when I defeated the Slime with a pebble, ...... and the troll fell forwards, defeated.
