Brin followed Hogg down the streets of Hammon’s Bog, ignoring his attempts to send him home. There was no way he was going to sit around at home when there was an attack going on. The worst was the stab through his foot. His steps left bloody footprints behind, and while he’d been awkwardly applying Hogg’s wound-sealing cream to his other cuts, he wasn’t able to get to his foot without sitting down. If he sat down, he wasn’t sure whether he would ever get back up.The only reason he was moving at all was probably because [Battle Fury] was doubling all his stats. He never had the time to think about it in the heat of the moment, and the gains were incremental enough at first that he didn’t notice them right away. Did they apply as soon as he got hurt, or as soon as he entered combat after getting hurt? He thought it was the latter. He hadn’t noticed anything during playtime with Basil.“I wish there was some way to tell when [Battle Fury] was going to run out. When did we leave combat? Ten minutes ago? Fifteen?”“The System will give you a timer if you ask for it,” said Hogg. “Figure it out on your way home.”Brin didn’t respond to that. Just tell the System he wanted a timer? How did that work? Oh, there it was. A small notification appeared at the edge of his vision.

Battle Fury

Amount activated


Time Remaining

.43 minutes.
