Due to Seth's interruption, Kamrusepa's targeting is off. She doesn't disarm Ptolema.
Rather, she cuts straight through the center of her body, cutting her - and her heart - clean in half. The woman has less than a second to realize what's happened and scream in horror before the sound is replaced by a gurgle of blood the upper part of her torso tumbles to the ground, the jagged, frozen grass piercing through her eyeball.
No one wanted this. Even Kamrusepa reacts with horror, her eyes going wide. But it's already too late.
Seth screams Ptolema's name, and takes advantage of Kamrusepa's moment of hesitation, casting the Biochemical-Trancing Arcana. His reflexes speed to fever pitch, and he throws himself towards where Ptolema lies, quickly dying, his simple force barrier pushing nearby matter aside as he approaches.
Kamrusepa interprets it as an attack. She tries to cast the Time-Decelerating Arcana on Seth, but is interrupted again by Theodoros, who uses the Object-Manipulating Arcana to hurl another chunk of the building at her; she dodges, but it still breaks line of sight. Seth tries to quickly dispel Ptolema's neurological resistance so he can treat, but debris from Theo's attack scatters over her body. He curses, screaming at him.
Meanwhile, Ezekiel moves to attack Ran in earnest. Right before Utsushikome can activate her barrier, Ran feints him with a pistol shot before discharging half the eris in her scepter, flooding the area with raw heat and energy. Ezekiel is surprised by the sudden escalation, and the attack lands, throwing him backwards, the smell of burning flesh filling the air.
Kamrusepa goes for Seth again, but he casts the Bacteria-Springing Arcana, filling the air with microorganisms under his control, and physically throws a chunk of the scattered debris at her, though this accomplishes nothing on account of her barrier. Then Ran's attack reaches him, too, and he stumbles in surprise.
Kamrusepa seizes the initative, shredding his resistances, but before she can deal the finishing blow, Ezekiel retaliates against Ran with some manner of Pyromancy incantation. A wall of light and fire covers the field just as Utsushikome's barrier rises into place. Half of the building shatters into pieces. Theodoros shouts an transmutation arcana, causing the ground beneath both Kamrusepa and Seth's feet to collapse, but before she descends, she manages to fire a shot at his shoulder.