Linos's body hangs limply in the air for a moment in spite of what has happened, the incantation that sustained him remaining in effect until the committed eris runs dry. The shattered pieces of his skull fall to the bottom of his barrier, collecting at the lowest point for a few seconds until they suddenly fall all at once.

For just a moment, Kamrusepa's eyes flicker with something at the sight of Linos's exposed spine, but she's already in motion, beginning the next stage of her plan. She screams for no one to move, floating sharply back to keep everyone in the view of her rifle, and starts to shout something at Theodoros.

But things don't go as she intends. Before she can even declare his guilt, Seth assumes that she's turning on them, and makes a reckless attempt to raise his scepter and make a discharge attack, hoping she'll have been paying more attention to his pistol and not see it coming. Kamrusepa is taken by surprise, but only to a point. She fires at his arm, just barely missing, and the situation turns to absolute chaos for a moment as his scepter falls from his hands. Ptolema screams something and tries to pull Seth away, while Ezekiel panics and fumbles reaching for his pistol.

Kamrusepa roars at Ptolema to move, but she refuses, demanding everyone calm down. Utsushikome, understanding what's happening, yells her support for this as well. But it's already too late; Ptolema floats too close as she sees Ezekiel finally retrieve his weapon, and panics. She shoots again, this time hitting Ptolema through the side of the chest. Seth screams. Everyone screams.

In the midst of this, someone manages to throw a grenade in the air; they must have been carrying it since the visit to the armory. The timing is off and it explodes half way towards the ground, but the impact is still enough to wound almost everyone to some degree. A fireball scorches Kamrusepa dead on, burning her face and her clothes; shrapnel embeds itself in Utsushikome's chest; Ezekiel goes flying backwards into the wall of the building. The entire group scatters.

Kamrusepa manages to heal herself with the Time-Reversing Arcana quickly, while Seth escapes with only light injury. From here, things spiral out of control. Kamrusepa, assuming the attack came from him, quickly starts raising a barrier of her own, firing through the smoke at the silhouettes in front of her in the moments before its complete.

Ptolema, desperate and now bleeding out quickly, cries out and fires a blast from the Matter-Carving Arcana,trying to cut Kamrusepa's scepter, but miscalculates the math, carving off a section of the nearly roof, which tumbles sharply to the ground. Seth, his head wounded in the blast, raises his scepter as well, trying again to cast a simple discharge attack.

To the right, Ran sharply rushes to Utsushikome's side as blood pours from her chest, the former's eyes wide.
