Chapter 643 Only the beginning    The smallest group that consisted of the vampires and light faes were gathered together in one place. Everyone was silent as their queen walked slowly across the line up of dead bodies. A few dozens of light faes had already died from the war. Their already small numbers seemed to have dwindled even more.action

  And many were now also heavily injured, including Samuel and Leon.

  After a short ritual, she watched her people bury their dead. They had decided not to bring them back to the surface to be buried. Since they had perished fighting for the land here, they would be buried here to honour their sacrifice. She did not shed a single tear. She could not do it. The tears were not coming as they were supposed to.

  Samuel and Leon approached her and stood before her with their heads down.

  "Lift your faces." She told them flatly.

  When she saw their faces, she felt the lump in her throat tightened. This was the first time she had seen these two men wearing a face like this.

  "Forgive us, Your Majesty…" Samuel choked out, bowing his head again. "We couldn't find Zolan nor his… body." They had been dreading reporting about this to their queen.  Evie's fingers twitched when she heard that news. She had to secretly swallow to keep her composure. Outwardly, other than that slight twitch of her finger, there were nothing else to hint of the turmoil that was going on inside of her.


  "Don't apologize Samuel." She replied softly as she reached out and touched the big man's arm, slightly putting a comforting pressure. Her magic started to flow strongly into the man's body, bringing healing to all his severe wounds. She glanced at Leon and saw that the man did not suffer as many injuries as Samuel had.

  It did not come as a surprise to Evie however, knowing that Leon was such an elusive warrior with his incredible speed. Still, Evie reached out and Leon took a step closer, not letting his queen waste even a single step and he allowed Evie's hand to touch and heal him.

  When the two men were finally healed, Evie stepped between them and spoke. "This is war. There is no one to blame but our enemies." Her voice wavered slightly as she said that.

  Then she looked ahead to the graves of her people before glancing over to where the dark faes' graves were. Based on the grave markers that littered the ground, thousands had already fallen. And she knew that this was only the beginning. More would fall and even more graves would be erected to remember their fallen comrades.

  In her vision, the entire empire of Lirea was reduced into a tiny a space. Only several thousands of Lireans were left.

  Seeing all the thousands of graves with her own two eyes, Evie felt her heart waver a little. But when her hand moved to her belly, reminding herself of the child that was growing inside of her, she then lifted her chin up stubbornly. Her eyes turning steely as she moved her gaze towards that cursed abyss.


  Right now, Evie had decided to scrap all the previous plans she had made into the background. Because she realized that everything had been messed up. Everything had changed so drastically, and she no longer knew what exactly the impact of these unexpected changes on the future would be now.   For now, she would focus on nothing but this current war and strive to win it at all costs. There was no other choice.

  "Let's go," Evie said in a steely tone, and she moved forward. Samuel, Leon and the rest of the vampires and light faes followed after her, leaving the graves behind them. Though sorrowful, it was something that was inevitable.

  Soon, Evie was finally reunited with Vera who was still currently grieving for Kione. The news about Kione's death was a huge blow to everyone. He was one of the main pillars in King Belial's army.

  Two lords had already fallen in this battle and one more was still in critical condition, barely hanging on.

  "It's not your fault, Vera." That was the first thing Evie told her friend as she braced her in a comforting hug. "You had already done your best. And don't forget that this is war. I'm sure you know what I mean by that, right?"

  Vera sniffed and nodded at her. "Kione is a good man."

  "He is… he's one of the smartest person I've ever had the privilege to meet." Evie said her peace.

  Vera agreed as she finally wiped her tears, coming to terms with his passing and her not being able to save him. She knew all she could do for Kione now was to stop crying and lift her head up again. She could only grit her teeth and continue to fight on. Evie truly was her role model. Seeing how strong-willed Evie was in this moment made Vera's conviction strengthen once again. Because that was all she could do for now. Her tears and regrets could never return Kione back to life anymore.

  "Evie… there is something I need to tell you." Vera did not waste any more time and told Evie the exact words Gideon had told her.

  And as soon as Evie and Vera finished their conversation, Evie immediately appealed to the king to gather everyone together again. Because she now had a new plan to propose. No, it would no longer be a mere proposal. She was determined to push through with it no matter what.

  But first and foremost, she needed to deal with the matter about Klauz and his entire legion. Knowing what Klauz had done to Queen Beatrice in the past, Evie already knew this would not be an easy feat to convince the king of his involvement with the war – more so to be on their side. But she had already prepared herself and she trusted that the King and Queen would not let their personal grudges cloud their judgement at this crucial point in time. Especially when they needed every single ally that they could get on their side.
