The next day I wake up last again, after everything that happened yesterday I was very tired.

I get up and go outside, when I look around I see Érica under the tree again teaching Ibuki.

I length them from a distance and pick up two daggers to start the second part of training, now I want to learn the daggers technique, only after that will I be able to learn to use a dagger and a sword at the same time.

I go to a part with nothing around the camp and sit cross-legged, close my eyes and go over every movement of the daggers technique that the Blade of Chaos has.

After reviewing all the moves I open my eyes and start training while still sitting how to change the position of the daggers in my hands quickly, in the middle of a fight I have to change the positions of the daggers continuously and I have to do it semi-automatically, I can't distract my mind with it in combat.

I spend a few hours playing with the daggers in my hands, holding the daggers in all possible positions and being able to switch between them quickly, that's enough for now.

Now I get up to start training moves, I spend the next few hours training sequences of hundreds of moves.




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Basic Knife Handling: 1 > 2 ] ]>

After hours of training, I find myself tired again, this training would be impossible without me knowing all the moves and the reason I know is that I invented these techniques.

I wonder how I'm going to teach this kind of thing to girls, I'm sure it'll be useful for them, but I still don't know how I'm going to teach it.

In my youth, in my old world, I always taught the younger children at the orphanage various things, but I never taught anyone how to fight, I don't even know how to start.



"(It's no use wasting time thinking about what I'm not capable of doing now, I'll dedicate myself to my training and to learn more from Érica.)" (I)

"(It reminds me that with so much I learned from her I ended up forgetting about asking about the monsters in this forest, I'll ask that at night.)" (I)

"Master it's time to eat." (Érica)

Once again Érica appears with my food already cooked, she is very dedicated.

"Thank you Érica, you are always a great help." (I)

"That is my master duty." (Érica)

With that, I stop to eat and see that it's already late in the afternoon, after spending a few minutes eating I'm going to see the leather I left stretched out yesterday.

After a night of sleep, I had time to think about the rest breaks from training and I ended up remembering several things I missed with this coat.

I grab a knife and go to where I left them yesterday, drop them all and take them to a big rock and throw one on top with the fur down.

After checking it I see that it still has some meat and fat stuck in it and I start scraping it off.

"What are you doing master?" (Érica)"There are some steps I forgot to do yesterday about treating this hide, please do me a favor and go along with Ibuki to remove the fur from the Kobolds the way we did the wolves yesterday, okay?" (I)

"Alright master." (Érica)

After Érica and Ibuki enter the cave with knives in hand I continue the process of removing all the fat and flesh still trapped in the leather.


After almost two hours of doing this I just removed the leftover meat and fat from the hide, when I thought I was done Érica and Ibuki come out of the cave with the Kobolds' hide.

"Master we have already finished dismantling the Kobolds." (Érica)

"Okay, now take all that leather I cleaned and some soap we got from Kira's hiding place and wash it all off in the nearby stream, Ibuki knows the way, bring a bucket of water too." (I)

"I'll go right now, master." (Érica)

"thank you." (I)

After she left with Ibuki I started processing the Kobolds leather in the same way, I started scraping off all the excess meat and fat.

While I was waiting I tried to remember what else to do after that, this was a subject that was not part of my research for games, all I know is what I saw on television, so my memory about it is a bit hazy.

After a few minutes, the girls came back and I gave them the Kobold leather to wash too.

I think I'll stretch it out again to dry, with all the meat and fat separated from it the hide shouldn't rot.

I can't remember anything else to do, but that should be enough for now.

I started to stretch the leather again to dry and when the girls came back with the Kobold leather I got more wood and stretched it out to dry too, I'll leave it the way it is for now.

It's already dusk so I go into the cabin with the girls, when we entered Ibuki took a blank book and some ink and went to practice her common language writing, it seems that this was Érica's idea for her to learn faster by practicing.

"Érica, I would like to know a few more things about you, okay?" (I)

"The master can always ask me anything, I'm happy to help." (Érica)

"Okay, what I want to know now is about the monsters that live in the Valley of Blood." (I)

"And what would the master like to know first?" (Érica)

"For starters, tell me the Breeds you know live here." (I)

"The races I know live here are many masters, are you sure you want to know them all?" (Érica)

"You might be right." (I)

"Restrict only to smart or troublesome breeds." (I)

"If we're talking about intelligent races that live in the Valley of Blood then there aren't many that I know of." (Érica)"As far as I remember there are Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, Fairies, Ogres, Ghouls and Harpies." (Érica)

"If we talk about troublesome monsters, there are Blood Wolves, Poisonous Spiders, Undead and Wyvern." (Érica)

"These are the monsters that demonstrate Intelligence or are troublesome to deal with." (Érica)

"Tell me your territories first." (I)

"The Goblins and Kobolds have no territory and are scattered everywhere as far as I know." (Érica)

"The Wyverns and Harpies are on the great mountain." (Érica)

"Everyone knows the mountain range is dangerous because the Ogres, Orcs, and Ghouls who are monster warriors live there, they are often seen in the Valley of Blood, probably use this forest as a hunting ground." (Érica)

"The Undead and Poisonous Spiders live in the vast underground caves that exist in the mountain range, but spiders are always seen around here, so there are people in the Guild who think that some caves in the Valley of Blood are connected with the caves of the Blood. Mountain chain." (Érica)

"The Blood Wolves are all over the Valley of Blood, it surprised me very much not to see any of them around the whole time we were here." (Érica)

"You still haven't talked about fairies." (I)

"The Fairies live in the big mountain, but they roam all over the Valley of Blood, unlike the stories that people tell not all are good, some that are influenced by miasma become aggressive and deadly." (Érica)

"Can you tell me their strength level?" (I)

"I can give the master the approximate level of a single monster, but the master should know that most of these monsters walk in groups." (Érica)

"I'll keep that in mind." (I)

"The Goblins and Kobolds have their estimated rank from -H to +E." (Érica)

"Poison Spiders, Blood Wolves, Harpies, and Fairies are rated from +F to -D." (Érica)

"Orcs, Ghouls, and Ogres have their estimated rank between -E to +B." (Érica)

"Undead cannot have their estimated strengths, their wide range and almost unlimited lifespan hinder a rank, they can go depending on the type of Undead from -F to +A." (Érica)

"The vast majority of the Undead will be weak, but there will be some strong monsters or adventurers who died around here and their bodies may end up being transformed into Undead, which ends up generating less strong monsters than their living version, but stronger than normal Undead, there may also be Undead that has been around for so long that they managed to evolve several times, this type of Undead is very dangerous as it can acquire intelligence." (Érica)

"And finally the Wyvern, its strength is estimated from +B to +A." (Érica)

"For reference what classification of Diana?" (I)

"She is a Grade D Adventurer, she is capable of killing a Grade-D monster on her own, she is also capable of fighting a Grade D monster but would need two to three people of equal rank to fight a Grade-D monster +D." (Érica)

I still couldn't see Diana fighting with all her strength, but I know she's much stronger than me, I've also seen her status and I know she's been rigidly trained, she's also had a lot of combat experience different from me when I started to fight a few weeks ago.

"You mentioned miasma before, what is it?" (I)

"Miasma is what we call energy when it is contaminated by negative emotions and thoughts." (Érica)

"An example is the Mana (magic power) of the environment, when he who is the environment magic comes in contact with a lot of negative energy he becomes miasma." (Érica)

"The miasma causes many problems, besides being poisonous for some races like Elves, Dwarves, Humans, etc..." (Érica)

"If miasma comes in contact with a corpse it can become an Undead, and the chances of it becoming one gets higher the longer the corpse is exposed to the miasma." (Érica)

"Miasma can also cause monsters exposed to it to become more aggressive or even corrupt some like the fairies I mentioned earlier." (Érica)

"I think I have an overview now, thanks Erica." (I)

After talking to Érica I already have a sense of the level of strength around, it seems that I will have to be very careful with stray monsters.
