We both reappear from the back wall, and I take a few steps forward before Rodrigo turns his head to lock eyes with me.

He doesn't say a word as I walk closer and expand my [Hush] barrier throughout the room to make sure only the ears inside can listen.

His expression is one of confusion. I've changed quite a lot since the last time we met, both physically and mentally.

In his eyes, I may have just been a passerby, another random client of his sister's who happened to also be an association hunter that died in a dangerous mission to the dark continent a while back.

There's a very low chance he'd even remember who I am if I still looked and gave off the same energy readings as I did the last time we met.

Despite this, his eyes widen once I get close enough.

"It's you... was it—Jay—right? One of this year's new Elites. I was told you died. You're that hunter that collapsed the labyrinth under my nose during the last C-Class exams... I never did get a replacement core for that."


He eyes me with a stern glare, and I can't help but let out a chuckle if that's all he remembers me for.

It seems like a lifetime ago that happened, but I guess to him it hasn't been quite as long.

I reply, "Yes. It's me."

As I reply, I can't help looking at the bright golden collar around his neck, watching the soul energy swirl around him at a constant rate and occasionally crackle.

I put out a hand to shake his.

"I assume now that the recording devices are off, everything said in this room will be kept between us, right? I don't want the Association knowing I still exist."


He shifts his gaze to Bri, and she gives him a nod. He turns back to me and shakes my hand.

"Sure, it seems the secret of you being alive is connected to Bri somehow, so it's in my best interest not to say a word."

He makes a twisting motion on his lips and throws away an imaginary key.

"I won't say a word."

Green energy comes off his body only visible to my lie detector skill, telling me he's being truthful, but I still have one concern.

"What about your curse mark...? Do I have to worry about this so-called sun god learning of my existence even if you're trying to keep my presence unknown?"

He releases my hand from his grip, and I can hear his heart skip a beat, even though he keeps a calm outer demeanor.

Rodrigo squints, then starts to scan me up and down.

"How do you even know about this...?"

I feel his mana aura go right through both of us, but without soul energy, he won't be able to detect anything at all.

He speaks up again and his hands start to glow white with light magic.

"Someone must have set you up to ask that question... how do you know about that, tell me!"

Bri yells out, "Rodrigo! Stop it, these are my guests! I trust Jay. Please, answer any questions you can to help him."

He pauses in place, but keeps his fists glowing, and rightfully so.

"No- The curse mark doesn't relay any messages or truths to its owner. It works like a sharp knife to the inflicted one's neck. Either the person wearing it obeys or they die. Your words are safe... don't worry."

I reply in a calm tone while both Ember and I sit down on a couch on the opposite side of the room.

"Good. That may not have been the right way to re-introduce myself back from the dead, but it's the only way I could think of breaking the ice. Let's just say, while I was said to be dead in the dark continent, I got around and learned quite a few things."

I point to myself.

"I'm not the weak C-Class hunter you used to know... if anything, you're the weak one now."

I cross my arms and sit back, letting tendrils of dark red Soul Energy seep from my body.

In a physically manifested form, the pure mana in Soul Energy like this can be sensed, but its true power isn't able to be registered unless one has the Qi-based perception that I do.

This is clear by Rodrigo's eyes tracking the energy and his aura getting far thicker to try to make sense of this red light.

His expression shows that he doesn't believe me.

"Yeah right... I know you somehow helped my sister rank up, but there's no way you managed to get stronger than me in a month. It's physically impossible."

He chuckles to himself, thinking that my line about him being the weak one was a joke. I could release a pure mana imbued aura to show him how strong I really am, but the fact that he thinks I'm still a weakling seems to be making him a lot more at ease and talkative.This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

So, I decide to let him believe this and speak up again.

"I have a unique ability that can take that curse off your status, I believe you'll be free of that golden collar if you wish. I just want the name, location, and level of this Sun God in return."

Rodrigo watches the red energy float around me in a slow swirling circle, and waits a few seconds to reply.

"Whatever this cursed energy is, it is similar to the kind I'm able to wield. However, it is impossible to stack up to the Sun God's golden power. I've tried everything I can to get this curse off for years. Even millions of MP concentrated into singular attacks do not affect it at all."

He sighs.

"Even if you really could take this curse off of me, Mr. Freeman is not a man I can easily escape from. No—he's not a man any mere mortal could dream to disobey... Ridding me of this curse mark will not set me free. It will only put a target on my back and everyone I've been in contact with."

His gaze turns to Bri.

At his words, I slowly begin to retract the Red Soul Energy to think about what he's said. The name sounds just like a man Lith warned me about the last time I mentioned the Association to him.

As the energy seeps back into my body, I reply, "So then, Mr. Freeman, this is the man pulling all the strings? Who is he?"

Rodrigo doesn't reply for a few seconds.

"You really want to know...?"

I nod, leaning in closer.

"Even knowing this information could put you in far more danger. Are you sure?"

I nod again.

"I'm already dead to them, they can't possibly want to kill me more."

He sighs.

"Well—it's not really a secret... If you search through the old public records, a good amount of information can be found. Most people just don't know where to look. He is the oldest and most powerful registered A-Class Hunter across all 8 regions and throughout all 4 Sectors. Mr. Freeman is the Regional Director of the Apex Region. However, all 7 other Directors fall in line to his demands. He is the unspoken leader of the Association on this side of the world."

My thoughts go racing for a moment as I try to conceptualize what Rodrigo is saying to me right now.

"So he calls all the shots? Does this mean your orders today to come out here and do monthly check-ins are his doing?"

Rodrigo nods.

"Of course. My main orders come from the Apex Director, but I'm a bit of a special case. I report to all of the Regional Directors, actually. The Vice Region is one of many stops. I report and clean up large dungeon breaks, manage labyrinth stability, and take care of a good amount of the C-Class exam proctoring. If it were up to me, I'd be fighting monsters and getting stronger by any means necessary, but my free time is rather limited these days."

I nod and ask another question in response.

"That means the Regional Directors get orders directly from him too?"

He nods again, and I think back to the time I saw Brutus for a split second after testing out that cursed element stone on a dungeon out in the forest.

"The Directors don't have curse marks though. They wear rings."

Rodrigo nods again, smiling, and responds.

"This is true. You're very well informed... The 7 Directors from the Vice, Bedrock, Talton, Veridian, Silca, Raya, and Phantom Region are all gifted with rings that work just like Mr. Freeman's power. They're all capable of controlling the high ranked Hunters with the curse."

I think for a moment longer, before responding.

"Why doesn't he just give them curse marks too?"

Rodrigo laughs.

"He doesn't have to. Perception of power and freedom is everything in this world. The only way to get access to resources to become even close to as strong as the Apex Region's leader would be to take the helping hand of the Association. Those that have talent and are able to gain strength are branded with a curse..."

He points to himself, implying that he is one of those few.

"Those without any hope of ever gaining enough power on their own to overthrow his rule are given the opportunity to wield his power as a loyal servant."

Rodrigo scoffs.

"None of the Regional Directors are even close to A-Rank. They are granted wealth and power by the Association, and can be replaced at the snap of a finger by another power-leveled nobleman or businessman at any time. The corruption in this organization stems far deeper than anyone knows..."

He looks at me, then at Bri, then back to me with a sigh and a saddened stare.

"I appreciate the thought. You may have survived a few weeks on your own in the dark continent and think you've learned the secrets of the world, but I've thought of ways to free myself from this organization for many years. I'm one of the strongest Registered Hunters in the entire Association. If anyone could manage a way out it would be me."

He lets out a sigh of defeat, but I respond.

"I think you still underestimate me. I may seem weak and naive to you still, but I assure you I would not run head first into a fight I don't believe I have any chance of winning."

I pause for a moment.

"Is there any way you could get me to the Apex region? I just want to get a single glance at this man. It would be enough for me to know what I'm working with."

Rodrigo laughs again.

"Impossible. The Apex Region's Director only shows his face to A-Rank Hunters and other Regional Directors in board meetings. The public hasn't seen his face in decades. This is why his name has been forgotten in time. Only those that care to look through the old records or very influential business figures remember him from his contributions in the Great War."

Rodrigo stops talking and looks up to the ceiling as if he's remembering something important, then continues.

"Well—actually—there is one way you could lay your eyes on him if you really wanted to. However, It's basically a death sentence."

More green light flows off of him from my lie detector skill as I can tell every word he's speaking to me is the full truth.

I grin and respond.

"Now we're getting somewhere. Where can I see this man for myself?"

He turns to look me in the eyes and responds.

"Well, a select few contestants that rank exceptionally on the B-Class exams are put on an accelerated progression track. Kind of like the Elites of the Elites. Only a handful are chosen out of all of the applicants from all 8 regions every year. These members have the privilege... or rather... death sentence of training under Mr. Freeman himself to get the chance of becoming an A-Rank hunter, or dying for the Association while striving to become one of these chosen few."

I turn to Ember and open a telepathy link.

"What do you think about Mr. Freeman? He said he was in the Great War. That was 50 years ago... you were alive then, right? Was there a Sun God? Do you recognize this golden Soul Energy? Are we dealing with another Divine Beast?"

Ember turns to Rodrigo and looks at his neck for a moment, but shakes his head and responds to my question through our link.

"No. None of these names are familiar to me. There isn't even a guarantee that these two are the same person. This figure must have gone by something else back in that era. Its soul energy is not one of the Divine Beasts, however, it is familiar..."

There's a long pause, but Ember speaks again.

"If this is your next target, I believe we should assess this threat for ourselves. If this is really the only chance we have of organically meeting the figure in question, I say let's do it."

I nod, and smile inwardly.

Then, I turn to Rodrigo and reply.

"Great. It's about a month away, right? That should be enough time to prepare... I'd like to apply to become a B-Class Hunter. I'm sure you can fit in a few new last minute applicants into this year's exam."
