In a Mountain Range far to the East of the Frontlines

Silgar heaves in exhaustion as he appears once more after teleporting dozens of kilometers in a single go, only to teleport again and again until he finally arrives at the teleportation hub in the secondary line base of the demon army on Earth. A base fortified with blood metal walls created by a couple lower level blood lycans who had recently crossed the Gate into Earth.

But Silgar ignores the grand sight that is the massive base and its equally massive walls surrounding it as he rushes through the base, teleporting in between the various other demons inside of it who are all going about their own business for the war effort. He even ignores the attention he begins to gather both from his weary appearance, the occasional popped blood vessels and other blood related diseases visible on his body, and his obvious hurry while rushing straight towards the main building.

The cosmic lampyrid doesn’t manage to make it far into the main base before he’s stopped by two Nobles, both of whom are vampires who grab onto him with their darkness magic.

|Draven von Nightborne – Vampire – Level 1201|

|Aurora von Nightborne – Vampire – Level 1202|

“I have an urgent message for the legion marshal!” Silgar shouts loudly in the base, seemingly uncaring of the bindings made out of pure darkness holding him in place.


The two vampires share a glance before the female of the two looks back at him and sniffs, only to grimace.

“You’re plagued,” the vampire states, her voice being slightly high pitched, matching her appearance that humans would associate with a sixteen or seventeen year old girl. Then the other vampire next to her, a male with the same aged appearance that looks like he could be her twin adds, “And you’re already spreading your filth to the rest of the army.”

Silgar’s eyes widen in shock at that, but he doesn’t get a chance to say anything before the darkness envelops him entirely, following which he’s left in absolute silence for a period of time unknown to him. And when the darkness eventually goes away, he finds himself in a medical center being cared for by a dark dryad – a demon he doesn’t see very often that is very similar to the dryad spirits a lot of summoners summon.

The dark dryad is currently healing him with a strange light that’s a mixture of black, red, and light green colors, making all of his injuries and fatigue quickly fade away.

“This is your only warning. Do not to carry in highly contagious plagues to the base ever again,” the female vampire, who Silgar now notices standing at the entrance of the medical center declares with a cold look on her face. And it’s only now that Silgar notices her attire, which is a set of black and red armor using a large amount of blood metal in its design with a flaring skirt over pants and several plates of armor over silk on the top.

Silgar quickly gets off the bed and bows as he exclaims, “Viscount and Viscountess Nightborne, I’m here to report the loss of the ninety-eighth battalion!”


Silence fills the medical center, making Silgar tense in anticipation of their response. But none ever comes, so he peeks up to find the two vampire twins staring at each other, likely using some sort of telepathy skill to speak privately. Then after nearly an entire minute, the two look back at him and the sister asks, “There wasn’t any advanced intelligence of a force of humans anywhere near the ninety-eighth battalion, so taking into account your condition when you arrived, is it safe to assume this was done by a Knight?”

Silgar immediately shakes his head, surprising both vampires along with everyone else who is watching as he answers, “No, your Ladyship. It was done by a single demon.”

The Nightbornes share a shocked look as whispers spread throughout the medical center, but they only grow worse when the lampyrid continues, “A blood lycan.”

Just seconds later, a wave of blood washes into the room before forming the shape of a humanoid creature. The blood then fades to reveal a blood lycan as the woman adorned fully in blood metal armor with long mostly red hair with streaks of black tied back in a ponytail asks, “What did you just say? A blood lycan? Describe the blood lycan to me now.”

|Crystal Varter del Argus – Blood Lycan – Level 1401|

Every demon in the room including the vampire Nobles immediately take a knee without saying a word with the sole exception of Silgar who begins to tremble ever so slightly despite him answering without a single shake to his words, “I never saw the blood lycan myself, but from the descriptions I heard, it was a female blood lycan child who never left her bipedal beast form. And she was wearing a full set of blood metal armor with blood runes.”

Crystal’s eyes flare slightly with particles of blood and a bright red light before she narrows them and looks down as she mutters, “A runaway? But there should only be a dozen blood lycan children at a level strong enough to fight a battalion…”

The blood lycan continues muttering to herself for a few seconds while ignoring all of the demons in the room, only to eventually look up and ask, “Was there any other information about the child?”

Silgar, who has managed to calm down thanks to the blood lycan’s muttering, answers clearly, “No, Countess Varter. I was sent back to the base before the battalion was eliminated, so all I know is that the blood lycan had spread various different plagues through our numbers and let them fester and continuously renew over a few days’ time until she began attacking personally, taking out team after team while escaping before any reinforcements could arrive. The only reason I know the battalion was eliminated was due to my bond with them being severed.”

Crystal grimaces at the news before waving her hand and dismissing the cosmic lampyrid and then turning into blood a moment later to move through the base.

His Majesty won’t be very happy about one of the pack turning on the demon’s forces, even if they’re simply having a tantrum. But he will absolutely be livid with whoever managed to let a child sneak onto Earth in the first place.

The woman continues rushing through the base for several seconds before ending up at the war chamber of the base where she finds several Nobles lined up, some of whom are more powerful than her in terms of level despite not being clan demons. But Crystal knows the only reason she was sent to Earth and given command was because the higher leveled blood lycans took too much reality energy for them to spare just yet, and they needed representatives of the clan on Earth. Both to represent the clan itself and to create blood metal and help build the bases.

“Listen up,” she declares, making all of the marquesses and marchionesses in the room turn to look at her. “A blood lycan child is currently attacking our forces and has destroyed an entire battalion on her own. With the power vested in me by His Majesty and the Argus branch of the Blood Lycan Clan, I hereby order the legion to search for and capture the child without causing her any harm!” Her eyes then narrow as she sees the shocked looks on the various Nobles’ faces. “If any permanent harm should come to the child, then you will be hearing from my father himself.”

“Understood,” all of the Nobles declare, following which Crystal leaves the room again to appear in her own chambers with a sigh.

Just which of those children would come to Earth to have a damned tantrum right now?

She can’t help but frown at the thought as she walks over to her bed and sits down on it while leaning with her elbows on her knees. Then she sighs again and lies back on the bed.

At least Her Highness, the First Princess, is back on Tartarus and already proving just how worthy she is of her bloodline. I just wish the others of her generation could be the same.
