The Demon’s Second Base Camp

Yetara grimaces as he looks out over the remaining four hundred demons of his battalion. A meager force compared to how many demons he had under him in the beginning.

And all of it was caused by just a single demon, not even a human, much less the force of thousands of humans he was expecting.

Even if it’s a clan demon, isn’t this too much?! How can a single demon handle so many… shouldn’t they have run out of mana by now? Or were they using some sort of extremely powerful legendary skill to do all of this?!

The yeti lets out a short growl of frustration before suddenly jerking his head to the side as he sees a flash of red through the snow. Then he growls louder for a moment and shouts, “Blood lycan child! Why are you doing this?!”

All of his men move to their feet, pushing themselves through the exhaustion and pain of their diseases as they turn to face the lone female blood lycan in her beast form. A form of only two-and-a-half meters in height. Maybe not even that much.

Damnit, they really are a fucking child! Even if we manage to kill them and get home alive, there’ll be hell to pay if this child’s death is ever learned about by the blood lycan clan!


Yetara glances around his men for a moment before coming to the decision that he’ll kill off all of his own men after dealing with the blood lycan child, just to make sure no word of it reaches the higher ups.

To Yetara’s surprise, the blood lycan girl doesn’t stop moving even to talk. Instead she just continues walking towards them until she is in the middle of the sickened demons, some of whom are beginning to tense up in order to attack her. And right when Yetara is about to order them all to attack her at once, she stops moving and raises her hand into the air.

Then a chill runs down Yetara’s spine. And he’s not the only one considering the fear he sees on the other demons’ faces around him.

Under his and all of the other demons’ eyes, blood begins to rip itself out of the blood lycan’s body by the droplets. And to top it off, more blood begins to rush out of a pocket dimension space that opens above her hand. But the girl herself just ignores this all as she watches the blood rise into the air to form an orb.

An orb that swiftly starts turning a corrupted black in color.

Oh no…


The blood orb begins to spin, slowly at first, and then faster and faster until it’s moving too fast for Yetara’s eyes to keep up with it. Then little droplets of blood start to appear all over the large base camp and even in the forest around them. And the moment Yetara sees those droplets, he begins running for his life.

By the grace of the Demon King, why the fuck is Her Royal Highness here on Earth killing her own forces?!?

Yetara quickly thinks back to the troops he had already sent to explain his battalion’s situation to the legion he’s a part of, but he knows reinforcements won’t be coming quickly enough to matter.

Abject terror fills the demon’s hearts as he runs through his base, passing straight through the hundreds of demons who are too terrified to move and don’t recognize what it is they’re looking at. But out of the corner of his eye he finds several other demons running just like him.

His diseased condition makes him too slow though, and by the time he reaches the outskirts of the base camp, he’s left staring at lines of blood that are quickly turning black after they’d connected to the orb in the sky without his notice, blocking his escape route. So he turns back around to find the many droplets of blood having turned into orbs themselves.

Yetara looks around the area in terror, only for his gaze to eventually settle on the Princess.

If I can just knock her unconscious without killing her, the skill should stop!

With this thought in his head, he begins running through the other demons towards the girl who is now on one knee due to the mana drain of the skill. But he doesn’t manage to make it before he feels a powerful tugging sensation in his blood that makes him stumble. And while the tugging sensation is only barely not strong enough to rip his own blood out of his body, it’s not the same for many of the other demons around him as dozens of demons end up with their blood being forcefully ripped out of their body through their skin and fur before it rises to the orbs above them along with the blood on the ground.

No! I can’t let it end like this! I was supposed to make a name for myself in this war! Supposed to raise my status on Tartarus!

Yetara fails to climb back to his feet after falling to the ground, and by now the orbs are cracking and droplets of black blood are all starting to fall all over the base camp and beyond.

Screams immediately fill the camp as the blood of ruin corrodes anything and anyone it touches, including the snow around them and in the air as it starts to turn the base camp into a barren wasteland of blood and red ash. And Yetara isn’t an exception to that as he screams until his throat is too corroded to scream anymore.

Despite his screaming and pain though, Yetara can’t help but look one last time at his Princess. And despite it all, despite everything she’s done to him, he can’t help but feel proud to have a Princess as strong as her. Even if she’s acting out right now and fighting against the wrong side, likely due to her human genes.

At least my death will mean something… and when she’s returned to the right side of the war… she can… rain destruction… on the… filthy humans…

These are the last thoughts Yetara has before he dies, the last image engraved in his mind being that of his Princess rising to her feet again as she looks out over the destruction she had wrought.
