
I let out a sigh after getting to the frontlines, feeling more than a little exhausted by the shopping spree I was just put through. Which was apparently required because I grew a little over the last half a year. And apparently my old clothes don’t fit me anymore. Which I highly doubt, but I go along with them anyways just because it’s nice to see them again before I go straight to the frontlines.

Plus they were worried about me, so I decided to go ahead and humor them a little.

“Be honest,” Tar says from his place on my shoulder, “you just became numbed to it because of those kitsune doing it to you so much, didn’t you?”

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Anyways, I look around the base camp I find myself in after Amelia’s rather interesting method of travel. Some sort of skill that nullified the boundary between space itself between where we were before and where we are now. A rather interesting way to make a portal or teleport.

The base camp is full of Guardians without a single non-Guardian here, and it makes for a rather interesting sight. There are also quite a few buildings set up with power lines going through the base, some larger buildings where a lot of people are moving in and out, and a large black and white wall made out of neon blue barriers going around everything. All with a single gate down a straight-line path between the buildings on the other end of the base.


I glance at Amelia to find her motioning towards me with a faintly glowing white light shining around her. And when I look down at hand, I find that same light shining around me.

Which would certainly explain why no one is looking at us right now.

Speaking of, I activate my armor as we walk through the street towards a building at the back of the base. One that I’m guessing is probably the main building of the base. The strategic center or something.

Amelia completely ignores everyone as we walk, but I can’t help but look around out of curiosity. From what I’ve been told, the frontlines has moved from the far Eastern coast of the Eastern continent all the way to about the center of it, bordering the place that used to be called Europe. And everyone is wearing their armor, which would look odd to a random passerby considering the heavy snow falling down around us.

At least, odd until they realize they’re all at the very least Class III in terms of power.

We continue walking through the base until we enter the main building to find more people in it. But once again, Amelia just ignores them all and continues walking until we reach a fancy looking door closer to the back of the building. Then she opens the door and continues in, surprising the man inside who I quickly find to be a man I recognize from the news.


“White,” the leader of the Golden Retreat says, the man having golden hair and glowing golden eyes just like the name of his Association would suggest as he stands up from his seat behind the desk. “You’re back.”

I glance at Amelia to find that she hasn’t actually stopped cloaking us. Meaning this man saw through her nullification of her senses.

Of course, it’s possible that she’s not hiding us from him. But I don’t get that feeling from the way he’s looking at us. Not to mention that I’ve recently noticed a very faint white line shining from Amelia towards anyone that she is nullification the senses of thanks to my Life Sense skill. And there’s a line going towards him.

Although I wouldn’t be surprised if I can only see this because she’s letting me.

“It could also be because you have some minor null magic yourself,” Tar says, stating another likely possibility.


“I’m here to register my daughter with the Guardian Assault Forces,” White says while undoing her Sense Nullification skill, making the white energy vanish from around the two of us.

The man glances between me and her for a moment before sitting back down as he says, “Very well. I know you want it done quickly, so hand me your Guardian Identification Number and I’ll hurry this up.”

I blink in surprise at how polite the man is, simply because I was expecting him to be a little rude. After all, according to the internet, the man created the Golden Retreat Association just to spite the woman he cheated on. The Bloody Valkyrie.

Then again, it’s not really a good idea to judge someone by their public persona. Or by what the public thinks or says about them.

I reach into my pocket to grab my ID before handing it to the Golden Rider, and he accepts it before beginning to type away at the computer in front of him. Then just half a minute later, he looks up at me and says, “Scarlet Asger, as a member of the Assault Forces, you will be required to kill a certain number of demons during your time serving. Unlike the Defense Forces or the Main Forces, you won’t be required to serve under a leader or follow orders. You will be able to roam through the frontlines with absolute freedom as long as you’re contributing to the war for the humans.” He looks at the computer screen again as he finishes, “But I doubt I’ll have to give you any warnings over maintaining your contributions.”

That last comment has my lips quirking upwards slightly in amusement.

He types something into the computer again before handing back my GID and placing a blank white paper in front of a camera next to the computer. The camera then projects an image onto the letter-sized page, printing out what looks like some sort of paper of identification. Probably something I need to have permission to move through the frontlines.

The Golden Rider looks up at me again while handing me the paper before nodding his head slightly and saying, “Good luck with your hunt, Scarlet Wolf.”

I nod back as I grab the paper, then we begin to leave the room, and the Class V Guardian, while shutting the door behind us.
