
I notice it right away when I hear the sound of ripping echo from the other side of the Fracture, so I momentarily pause in my killing of the demons to glance towards the noise. And just moments later, I hear a conversation including a very familiar voice.


That’s a surprise. This is nowhere near the capital city so why is she here?

I don’t get much time to consider it since the conversation between the two doesn’t last very long before the man whose voice I don’t recognize steps through what I’m assuming is some sort of rift in space and instantly appears at the core.

Oh, well that’s annoying. Obviously wasn’t gonna be able to destroy the core myself considering that it’s guarded by a level 1000 demon, but I did want to keep killing the lower leveled demons here for a while.

I quickly rush to kill as many demons as I possibly can before the Guardian who I’m assuming is a Class V Guardian destroys the core, only to barely manage to kill another half a dozen in time, the red tint in the air fading not even an entire minute after he appears at the core.


Damnit, there goes my training area.

“This is a Fracture, not a training area,” Tar comments, but I ignore him.

I quickly sprint out of the park as quickly as I can to avoid running into any fans, but only moments after I step out onto the street, a rift in space appears in front of me. Then a man walks out of the rift. One I vaguely recognize, but not enough to know what his name or title is.

He looks me up and down for a moment in surprise, likely due to my new armor, only to focus on my face again with a look of respect on his own.

“Scarlet Wolf, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says with a nod of his head, and I quickly return it while examining him. The man has purple eyes with hair spanning about a few inches in length tipped a little in a deep purple color, and he’s wearing a black and purple trench coat for some reason. One glowing with purple particles of energy. “Congratulations on reaching Class IV!”

I blink at that, slightly surprised that he isn’t surprised at my Class, but answer with another nod of my head as I respond, “Thank you.”


We share an awkward moment of silence before I ask, “Is there anything you need? Otherwise Imma go now.”

He looks surprised by that as he blinks and says, “Oh, Sage wants to know if you need help getting anywhere.”

Now that has my attention.

“That I do,” I tell him with a nod of my head.

A terminal would be nice to have as well, but I can’t really tell him that. Not when everyone on Earth believes I’ve been training with White on Earth this whole time. So me not having a terminal and needing to ask for one would sound rather suspicious.

Best to bug Allen with that. Or Amelia.

Probably Amelia. I’ve bugged Allen enough over the years. In fact, I should probably give him a break.

He’s probably enjoyed the past nearly half a year or so I spent on Tartarus with a lot less stress now that I’m gone. Maybe it’s helped with the stress that had been building up in him ever since I contracted?

I should leave him to his peace after saying hi.

Belle on the other hand is probably gonna try glomping me when I see her next. And the others from our team might not be very happy that I vanished for so long without a word to them.

“Not very happy might be an understatement in Emily’s case,” Tar comments, making me grimace a little.

Emily might just be a tad clingy ever since I saved her life. Which makes things a little awkward.

Also, I still don’t know who this guy in front of me is. Other than the fact that he’s able to contact Sage when he wants. Like right now.

“Yes, she would like help,” he says into his terminal call. One that he opened as I was lost in thought.

“Then that’s your next assignment,” Amelia’s voice suddenly says from the other side of the call, making my eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise. And he clearly wasn’t expecting it either, considering the way his mouth parts open ever so slightly.

After a few seconds pass, he closes his mouth and answers, “Understood, Lady White.”

Then the call drops out.

An awkward silence ensues. Again.

This guy is clearly not much of a talker.

“Where would you like to go, Scarlet Wolf?” the man whose name I still don’t know asks after who knows how long passes.

I purse my lips at the thought before tapping my chin a few times and eventually answering, “Wherever Allen is.”

The awkward silence comes back.

“By Allen, do you mean Cipher?” the unknown man asks with a slight frown on his face, and I nod. “Cipher is in the council currently in charge of the logistics back in the capital. I’ll take you to the Silver Association base.”

I blink at that in surprise, only to realize that it would only make sense for the Republic to be under martial law right now. The only reason why Guardians would form the councils for the war, taking over the power of the government.

Although I’m kind of surprised the government let that happen… wait a second…

My eyes go wide as I remember the over a hundred Class III and IV changelings that were killed during the Class V Fracture. Not to mention Fredricka’s actions, which either got her killed or exposed her identity.

Meaning that the government might not be as strong as it was before. Especially if Allen managed to tell people that there were changelings in it.

A very interesting development.

Either way, the man in front of me begins to raise one of his arms, but as he’s doing that I can’t help but ask, “By the way, who are you?”

And out of all of the things that’ve happened since I met him, this one is the thing that surprises him the most.
