The Cliff Overlooking the Battlefield of Blood and Ruin

Arkaz crosses his arms as he watches his granddaughter soar through the air straight towards a revenant before surprising it with a punch to its face in the middle of its battle with a weaker demon. Which is ironically an arachne.

The arachne clearly doesn’t enjoy the interruption to their fight, and neither does the revenant. But Arkaz just snorts and waves his hand, turning the level five hundred and forty-one arachne into a bloody mist in the process without even looking at it. Which seems to shock the revenant for a moment only for it to regain its senses and begin fighting his granddaughter with all of its strength.

Let’s see what you can do, beloved granddaughter of mine…

Arkaz watches as Scarlet fights the demon, considering every move she makes and marking all of the mistakes she makes in his mind to tell her later. Mostly the ones involved in their family’s fighting style that she’s been learning over the last few months from him while at the Kitsune Clan’s castle.

The fighting style is centered largely around four different aspects of the blood lycans. Their regeneration, their senses, their claws, and their tail.

Although it took Arkaz a while for him to convince Scarlet to actually use her tail in her beast form, since the girl doesn’t like using it for some reason. Which is fine and preferred when she’s not in battle but in her beast form, but when she’s in battle, Arkaz and her father both believe she should use every advantage she can.


And after a while, they managed to convince her of that very thing. Even if they focused solely on the lycan form training without the tail before that.

Arkaz rubs his chin slightly as he watches her using the fighting style he himself developed. As she repeatedly moves in closer to the bipedal ghostlike creature whose slightly ethereal skin is glowing with a black light and repeatedly drives the creature to attack her in spots that won’t disable her in any way, letting her get a free hit in on the creature over and over again. And with each and every blow the revenant lands on her, the revenant finds its purplish black blood burning in the process, rising from its skin in the form of steam.

No… it’s not just its blood burning.

The Demon King smiles slightly as he focuses on the revenant’s body, watching as some of its blood simply vanishes with each and every blow.

That blood nullification skill of hers is just as impressive now as it was when I first saw it… she may very well be able to clear the curse when she grows up.

Arkaz would never put all of the responsibility of the entire universe on a child as young as her, but he admits that it’s looking optimistic that she’ll reach her goal of being able to remove the curses herself. Which has Arkaz feeling a little conflicted.


In the end though, he cares more about her happiness than his hatred of humans.

All he can do is blame his son and the White Knight for sending her to be raised amongst them as he prepares for her possible ending of the war.

He can’t just end the war right away since there’s always the chance she won’t manage to remove the curses, but after seeing that she had a decent chance of doing so, he at least decided to spare the civilians and change his goal from extermination of the humans to occupation of them instead.

That way he will be able to kill them all should she fail to achieve her goal, and free them all if she succeeds.

If only the humans would just lie down and accept occupation…

Arkaz frowns at that thought, understanding just how naïve it is. But he still can’t help but wish they would do just that, if only to make Scarlet happier.

The Demon King continues watching as Scarlet fights the revenant, slowly taking it over in combat while using a few of the new skills she managed to get over the last few months.

Something he’s noticed when thinking about her chances of being able to cleanse the curses is how few inherent skills she seems to be getting as she levels. Which means that she’ll be getting higher rarity inherent skills with each one.

I wonder… could she potentially get a mythic rarity inherent skill at some point when she’s Class V?

The thought lodges itself into his head and he can’t get it out. His granddaughter, being the very first being to get a mythic inherent skill.

Something not even he got.

Judging from the Universal Notifications, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was close to getting a mythic skill soon. Although which one I can’t be sure about.

He continues to watch her as she fights, using each and every one of her skills to eventually take down the revenant all on her own. A feat that many people her age would never even dream of doing. Something most her level wouldn’t do either.

And yet, Arkaz raises a brow at the frown on her face.

Was that not enough to get her to level five hundred?

Scarlet looks in his direction before nodding and turning around to attack another demon.

Guess it wasn’t.

Arkaz takes a momentary glance at his inner System clock before finding there to only be a couple hours left until the day ends.

She’ll probably still make it. But she won’t be able to get the Catalysts she needs in time. Those will probably take her at least a couple weeks to gather. And that’s not even considering the requirements to be able to ascend in the first place.

The Demon King almost sighs in a brief bout of sadness at the thought of seeing her disappointed. Because he knows that she was for some reason rather determined to make this goal of hers.

I wonder why?

From what he understands, tomorrow isn’t a special day in any way at all. Although he very much remembers her birthday that is in a little over a month from now.

Wait a second…

Arkaz scratches his chin as he furrows his brows in her direction.

…does she know when her real birthday is?
