
The two of us walk through the halls of the palace in silence for a little while until we reach a hallway covered entirely in windows on one side overlooking a garden. Likely the garden she’s taking me to.

But right as we’re walking through the hallway, I feel a sudden surge of some sort of energy flash outside, and along with it I see cracks beginning to form in the air.

“A Fracture,” Tar explains before I can even ask, making my eyes widen in surprise.

I’ve heard of a lot of Fractures forming throughout my time here on Tartarus, but this is actually the very first time I’ve seen one so close. Mostly because all of the Fractures on Tartarus appear close to demons just like the Fractures on Earth appear close to humans. Something that Seraphina said was due to the ‘reality energy’ inside of us, which as it turns out is actually something the System coined for the name and not those bogus researchers from Earth.

And I was kind of avoiding large groups of demons in my travels.

When I follow the cracks with my eyes, I can indeed see the actual Fracture on Tartarus’s side. The thing is in the form of a large rift in reality with what looks like a random hallway in a building on Earth with some humans running away screaming shown inside of the rift. Which is clearly the other end of the Fracture on Earth.


I stop walking through the hall as I watch the Fracture and all of the Class III demons gathered around it that are now flooding inside. But instead of just passing through the rift, it’s like they’re just vanishing. And sometimes I find some of the demons randomly appearing somewhere on the other side of the rift, proving that their passing through simply teleports them near the Fracture Core on Earth and not at it.

Not that that was in question or anything.

I glance at the demons around me to find all of my bodyguards surrounding me while looking around with vigilance, none of them looking directly at me. Meanwhile the head maid is just staring directly at me, as if she were watching my every move.

Guess they are being vigilant to make sure I don’t cross over.

“Well, your Grandpa isn’t going to make things easy on you to get back,” Tar says, and I can’t help but agree with him. “If you’re going to be getting back to Earth, you will have to work for it. To be smart or strong enough to pull it off. Only then will he let you.”

Wouldn’t I have already made it to Earth by then though? How would that be ‘letting me’ go?


“You should know by now that he can see everything that happens on the planet if he wants,” Tar says, making my eyes widen slightly as that little fact sets in. “So if you do slip away from your guards, he could simply teleport you back to them within moments. But he won’t.”

Holy shit, how didn’t I realize that before?

“I meant it when I said he would let you go if you could get away from your guards,” Tar says with a shrug from his place draped across my shoulders rather lazily. Something I notice seems to be getting on Seraphina’s nerves. “What he cares about is your happiness and safety. So he won’t just lock you away simply to protect you. He’ll keep you guarded until you’re able to take your independence and freedom into your own hands.”

Huh. Interesting mindset.

“It’s a common one amongst blood lycans,” Tar adds before I glance at the head maid and begin walking again, surprising them until they join me.

Oh, right. Wasn’t that the thing that The Reaper hated about Gramps and Leonidas? About blood lycans in general?

“Yeah, it was,” Tar answers as I ignore the looks sent my way by the guards and the head maid to watch the Fracture from here.

Something I find interesting about the rift shown from this side of the Fracture is that the reality energy making up the Fracture is clearly visible here as a purplish-red colored energy floating around the rift. And the color is fading the more demons pass through the Fracture. All the way till the rift closes itself despite not disappearing. As if the Fracture was rejecting any other demons from entering.

Probably reached the maximum number of demons this Fracture could handle in terms of reality energy, with the rest of the reality energy likely going to be put to use bringing them back after the core shatters. Or forming the Gate if it doesn’t shatter.

Speaking of a Gate, despite the rift being closed, it does look like it’s shifting slightly in form. Almost as if the Fracture was trying desperately to take on another form.

Is this what it looks like when the Fracture is trying to gradually turn into a Gate?

“It is,” Tar answers my thoughts as we continue walking into the garden. But soon enough my attention is stolen by a beautiful woman with similar features to Raiden. What with the pair of fox ears, black tails, and amber feline eyes.

But unlike Raiden, this woman has ten tails instead of nine. All the same color as Raiden’s though.

Although the part about her that terrifies me the most are the eyes that look just like her daughters. Terrifying. Like I’m a plaything.

Except she isn’t hiding it as she grins at me like a cat.

I identify her.

|Raiden Amaterasu – Kitsune – Level 1882|

Oh… she’s a higher level than White.

Well that’s… well then.

I don’t show any of my fear on my face though, instead keeping up a serious and calm front. Mainly because of what Raiden Junior said to me earlier about her mother being quick to judge.

And not even a second later, I find myself being hugged before getting raised into the air as my eyes widen in surprise.

“Our Princess is sooo cute!!!” The terrifying woman who is probably stronger than White exclaims as she holds me by my armpits for a moment until she pulls me in and squeezes me into her chest, smothering me in the process.

My eyes go as wide as saucers.

What the fuck is happening?!
