Belle’s Suite at Lion’s Heart Guardians University

“Are you sure about this, Belle?” Arthur asks as Belle walks over to the couch and sits down next to him before reaching over and turning on the TV, making a news reporter’s voice immediately fill the room.

“I am,” Belle answers without any hesitation while listening to the news reporter.

“As an update on the war’s progress, a third of the Eastern continent was taken by the demons after the demons from Demon Isle and the Arctic both coordinated attacks with the Class V Fracture, breaking past the frontlines of the war and onto the mainland from Demon Isle,” a woman with red hair wearing a winter coat declares as she looks into the camera from her place standing on a rooftop somewhere. “And ever since then, the war continues to rage on within the Eastern continent itself, having only gotten worse when the White Knight of Humanity had to step in to stop the undead from heading south of the Arctic.”

Belle sighs at that before turning the TV off again and leaning back in the couch.

“At the rate things are going now, we won’t even have a choice by the time we graduate,” Belle explains her decision. “So yes, I will be going to the frontlines of the war to fight.”

“You know as well as I do that all we have to do is ask White and she’ll make it so we can all stay at the capital,” Arthur rejects her explanation with a light shake of his head. “They still need Guardians here to help with the Demonic Assaults after all.”


Belle frowns at him and shakes her head, “I won’t use Scarlet’s mother to our benefit. I just won’t.”

Her boyfriend frowns back at her for a few seconds before sighing.

“When will you go there then?” he asks, only to cross his arms and add, “It better not be before you’re at least Class III.”

Belle’s eyes widen and she raises her hands, exclaiming, “I wouldn’t think of going before at least reaching Class III! I’m not that stupid!”

Arthur cracks a grin at that, making Belle lightly punch his arm before she leans her head into his shoulder.

Ever since the demons started pushing the humans back further into the human territory on the planet, expanding their own territory into the mainland, the government began hiring Guardians from some of the Tier 1 cities to head out there and battle. More than they usually do by a significant margin.


Along with this, they also began hiring Guardians to head to the Arctic to handle the undead, leaving each city with far less Guardians to defend them. Which has already shown its result in the significantly higher death toll on the populace.

Until the demons suddenly stopped targeting humans to kill them, instead focusing solely on the Guardians and ignoring the civilians.

Something that shouldn’t have been possible according to what the Republic knew.

Scarlet’s doing probably. Her grandfather is the Demon King after all.

Belle closes her eyes as she thinks about what life will be like on the frontlines of the war. Will she die? Will she speed up her leveling to get closer to Scarlet’s leveling speed?

Then again, Scarlet’s probably leveling a lot faster than any humans right now… assuming she isn’t locked away in some castle somewhere.

Belle almost chuckles at the mental picture of Scarlet pounding on the wall trying to get out of a castle as the guards treat her like a princess. But she manages to hold herself back.

“Do you think classes will start up again next year at the university?” Belle asks Arthur as she raises her head to look at him. But he just frowns, seemingly unsure of the answer himself. Belle looks down again. “I hope they do. But if they don’t, I plan on asking White to bring me with her to the frontlines after I reach Class III.”

Belle feels Arthur’s hand tense slightly on her shoulder, but he doesn’t say anything. So she reaches up with her left hand and lightly grabs it, making him relax a little again.

Thanks to the significant damages done to the capital, the summer semester of every university’s classes were either canceled or moved online only. Especially for some of the universities whose campuses were completely destroyed in the battles.

Neither Belle nor any of her team members were planning on taking any summer classes anyways, so it doesn’t matter to them. But the Fall classes will matter. And if they aren’t going to happen, then Belle sees no reason for her to stay in the capital after she reaches Class III.

After a few seconds of silence, Belle turns the TV back on, making a different news reporter’s voice come through to fill the silence, “Breaking news! The White and Black Knights of Humanity have both confirmed from a demon General that the current unusual behavior of the demons in them not attacking civilians is due to a recent order directly from the Demon King himself! However, they were not able to get a reason for the Demon King’s change in orders!”

Belle sighs at that, a light smile tugging on her lips.

“Looks like she’s helping us from the other side,” Arthur says, a smile on his face as well, making Belle nod. “And in a big way too.”

Yeah. That she is.

Both of their expressions dampen when they hear the next words out of the reporter’s mouth, “The Purple Knight of Humanity has reported a prophecy to all of the other Knights and the government! We will relay this prophecy to you now!” A video of Purple replaces the reporter as the woman apathetically speaks to all of the viewers watching, “The day will come when the true enemy arrives. A day when the sides of day and night must unite to fight for the universe. A day when the princess of both worlds shall unite them and lead the charge.”

Belle and Arthur share shocked looks with each other before looking at the TV again when the screen changes back to show the reporter as she exclaims, “Right now all of the experts in the world are trying to decipher just what this prophecy may mean! But so far none of them have released any words on it!”

The princess of both worlds.

Belle sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

I guess she can be considered a princess of Earth too, considering her mother…
