
First thing the next dusk, I find myself standing ready outside of the castle waiting for Leonidas to arrive with whatever it is he said he would be arriving with. Since he told me last morning in no uncertain terms that if I didn’t want everyone identifying me and figuring out who I was from that, I’d better wait for him.

But now I’m starting to wonder if I should just go without him, since I’ve already been here for a couple hours.

I sigh as I look up at the blood moon hanging low in the sky, marking it as just past dusk. Something I’m still not all that used to. Waking up at dusk and going to sleep in the morning.

“Are you alright, Your Highness?” One of my give bodyguards asks from his place standing at attention next to me.

That just has me sighing again at the very fact that I have a bodyguard before I answer with a question, “Do you know if Leonidas will be getting here soon?”

He opens his mouth to respond, only for a blood domain to suddenly cover the area, making his mouth close again. We both then turn to look at the direction the blood domain spread here from before finding a rather shocking surprise in the form of Leonidas walking here with a large blob of blood walking alongside him.


Uh… huh?

Both he and the blob of blood stop moving just a couple meters from us before he nods his head to my guard and says, “Guards, leave us.”

And all five of my guards along with whatever guards he had following him leave in an instant, making me feel a little bit of relief. But it still doesn’t answer the question of what’s the blob.

After the guards are gone, the blood domain thickens to form a large dome of blood around us, blocking any sight, sounds, smells, and completely cutting us off from outside the dome.

Then the blob of blood falls to the ground, revealing a woman inside who is wearing a set of armor actually similar to mine in a way but without the insignia, and made of white and black colors instead of black and red. She has stark white hair with gray eyes and looks no different from how I remember her before leaving Earth except her new armor.

I turn to Leonidas as I ask, “How exactly did White get here?”


He smirks and says, “Father decided to let her come here to obscure your name from identify and nothing more. So she won’t be here long.”

Huh. A little surprising, but in hindsight makes sense.

Gramps is a rather pragmatic sort. He doesn’t seem to let his own personal dislikes drive his actions, such as how he’s planning on dropping the war with Earth should I manage to upgrade the Gradual Corruption Nullification skill to Mythic despite his hatred of humans.

And from what I’ve been able to tell from him so far, he views lying as beneath him. Something he would never do simply because he has no need for manipulation or trickery.

He’s practically a god after all.

Power and a pragmatic attitude that I can respect. Absolutely not what I had originally expected when I first met him.

Anyways, I turn to White, finding her smiling at me.

I purse my lips for a moment before sighing and beckoning her over to me.

I’d feel bad if I punched her now that the prophecy turned out to be helping Earth and I guess me in the end.

Her eyes widen in shock, but she doesn’t waste a second as she rushes over and engulfs me in a hug. But I only let the hug last for three seconds before I tap her arm, making her immediately let go again. And after she does, I find tears in her eyes.

“I still find issue with you not trying any other routes before abandoning me, but I at least don’t hate you for what you did, nor do I hold it against you as much,” I tell her, making her tears fall faster with a look of hope blooming on her face. But then I add, “I still don’t consider you my mother though. Just remember that.”

She nods right away with a quick, “Of course!”

I glance at Leonidas to find him smiling before I focus on White, or I guess I should call her Amelia? Since I’m calling Leonidas by his name. Either way, I focus on Amelia and ask, “So you were going to do something about my identify?”

The woman quickly nods and raises her hands in front of me, placing one directly over my collar bone and the other in front of my face. Then she whispers some sort of incomprehensible chant and a layer of white liquid flows out of her hands and over my entire body. But despite that, I can’t actually feel anything happening.

After several seconds of this very odd sight, she moves her hands again and says, “It’s done.”

And as if he were just waiting for those words, I hear Gramps’ voice echoing in the blood domain with a feeling of power to it akin to the fae royalty despite the place being locked from the outside world, “Then you are no longer welcome in my world, White Knight of Humanity.”

That has me raising a brow, simply due to the absolute hatred in his voice when he said her Title.

Huh. I guess I underestimated how much he hates Amelia. But then again, she’s the strongest human and went gallivanting about his planet murdering who knows how many demons and reducing their number of Nobles rather significantly from it.

She’s also the main person involved with foiling the Class V Fractures that have opened up in the more recent years. The two latest ones.

So in his eyes, she is the main threat to the warfront. And yet, despite that, he’s not killing her when he can easily do so. Just because she’s my biological mother and Leonidas’s ‘mate,’ as blood lycans apparently call them, with the exception of the Demon King who was married before he even became a blood lycan.

It’s a clear show of self-restraint on his part.

Although the sight of her being covered in another blob of blood before shooting through the air straight out of this blood domain that pops like a bubble in the process, the woman flying straight towards the East, has me raising a brow.

She is literally helpless against him right now. He’s just throwing her around like a toy, likely sending her back towards whatever Gate she came through to get to Tartarus. A Gate that was drained of energy to let her through in the first place, hurting the war effort further.

It’s shows of strength like these along with the Royal Court Session I witnessed that clearly show off the man’s true power. And while it’s still frightening to see, it’s also hard to link the image of him doing stuff like this to the overprotective Grandpa I’ve seen him as most of the time.

Kind of weird.

Anyways, I turn to Leonidas and nod, “I’ll be seeing you when I see you, Leonidas.”

He nods, and I give a similar goodbye to Gramps. But I actually don’t get a reply from him, which confuses me until I realize he’s probably focused on sending White back to the Gate. That and the fact that he’s not actually here.

Also, just his ability to spread out his aura and talk to and see every last person on the planet if he wishes to is terrifying.

He could literally destroy the world if he wanted to.

I shake my head at the thought before setting off on my trip.
