
The door to the three-meter-tall grand double doors to the throne room open with a quiet creak, revealing dozens of demons on the other side, all of which are strong enough to squash me like a bug. And each one of them begins filing into the room before forming a large quadrant about half a dozen meters in front of the raised dais we’re on. They then all perform a bow, kneeling down low and saluting with a synchronous, “We greet Your Majesty and are grateful for the audience you have given us.”

“You may raise your heads,” Gramps says, his tone having gone slightly cold as opposed to the warm tone he uses with me.

They all do so before each of them continues, “We greet Your Highnesses.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I find Leonidas nodding his head, so I just do the same, deciding that mimicking him is the best option for me right now. And it seems to work as they all focus on the King again.

Out of nowhere, another person appears in the room, immediately attracting my attention to a man who is now standing about a meter away from my throne to the side, on a lower step, symmetrical to where Raiden is standing. And I can tell the man is a ghoul before I even finish identifying him.

|Cedric Tor de Blackheart – Ghoul – Level 1822|


Is he The Reaper’s brother? Because he really does look very similar to him. And he has the same names as well, with the exception of his first name.

“Royal Court is now in session, please make your pleas and be heard by His Majesty one by one based on your ranking,” the man says, making me realize he’s probably some sort of prime minister type guy. At least, by the way he sounds. Or maybe a royal guard?

Almost immediately, one of the demons stands up and moves forward before kneeling again. The man has a very similar appearance to the Lady of Devouring, albeit with a much lower level.

“Your Majesty, I wish to go to war with the Blackwater Duchy, with your permission,” the mindeater states, and Gramps turns his head to look at another demon before asking, “The state of your territory, Duchess Blackwater?”

The duchess in question – a dragonoid with two large red wings, a draconic head, and red scales across her body – steps forward as well and bows herself as she answers, “Improved enough to benefit from a war, Your Majesty.”

Gramps turns his gaze back to the mindeater and declares, “The Darkheart Duchy and the Blackwater Duchy are now at war for a period of ten years, following which the winner shall devour the loser’s territory. The victory conditions of the war will be decided upon by the two Duchies involved. However, both sides must give the inhabitants of their duchies ten days to leave should they not wish to participate in the war.”


“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Duke Darkheart states, sounding very grateful before both him and the duchess step back into line.

Then the next Noble steps forward and the process continues, making me feel more than a little bored.

I can’t help but wonder if this is how princesses felt back in medieval times on Earth. Just having to sit here looking pretty as other people talk politics.

“Probably,” Tar comments.

Although Gramps has a lot more control over everything than any ruler from medieval times on Earth had. Partially because he can flatten them like insects if they disagree, and partially because they respect him so much. It’s like everything he says is absolute. Like nothing he does can be wrong.

It’s kind of creepy.

The proceedings go on for hours, leaving me sitting in this rather comfortable chair wondering what I’m doing with my life. Then, after who knows how long, the Nobles split down the middle and move to the sides of the halls, the pleas all finally done and over with.

I start paying closer attention again when Leonidas vanishes from his throne. And the throne vanishes a second later as well.

Demon Lords?

Right on cue, the door opens once more, having been closed earlier after all of the Nobles had entered, and this time it reveals the four Demon Lords as they step into the room, passing in-between the Nobles with level steps.

After they make it to the throne, each of them bows, albeit not as low as the rest of the Nobles did. Then they each greet me as well, with the exception of Leonidas.

“Welcome to my Court, Demon Lords,” Gramps says with a nod. “And may it be everlasting.”

“May it be everlasting,” each of the Demon Lords declares, reminding me of something Gramps had told me before. About that exact phrase and how it’s meant to signify the eternal reign of the Demons of Tartarus. Of the Kingdom built across the world so that it may never fall again, like it fell to the Empire of humans long ago.

Something I find rather curious considering the fact that there aren’t any other nations or races on the planet. So who exactly could it fall to? Aside from the humans on Earth and the creatures from the Void.

Actually, are there any other worlds out there with intelligent species on them?

“Probably,” Tar answers. “The fae have a connection to the world of Tartarus located directly beneath this castle where we can cross over into the mortal realm. It would make sense if there are two inhabited planets already, but we don’t have a connection to any other world. We didn’t even know Earth existed until the Fractures began.”

Oh. Right. I think you mentioned this before.

My eyes are directed towards Gramps when he stands up from his throne with a powerful aura blanketing over the entire throne room, making everyone in the room begin kneeling. Although he seems to avoid covering me with his aura, so I’m spared from it.

Then he begins speaking, “I have an important announcement to make to the Kingdom.” And I swear I hear his voice twice. Once echoing in my head, and once from him standing there.

“It’s because he’s spreading his aura over the entire planet, speaking into every last demon’s mind right now,” Tar says, making my jaw drop open in shock.

This is probably important then.
