
I let out a sigh as I lie in the bath, having taken off my clothes in the changing room and left them there already.

The water in here is so nice…

“You do remember why you’re here, right?” Tar’s voice echoes in my head and I just wave at him, finally no longer caring at all about him seeing me without clothes on now that I know he really has no interest in a human body. That fae don’t even really have physical forms in the first place. Or at least, not tangible ones that can be physically touched.

I continue soaking casually in the water for a few minutes before Tar says, “You really should start.”

That has me frowning, only to eventually let out a sigh.

Well, now or never. At least I won’t stink this time.


[You have completed all the requirements to reach Class III. Would you like to ascend?]

“Yes, I would,” I state out loud in response to the System, my voice echoing through the bath chamber.

[Confirmation received. Ascension to Class III will now begin.]

And just like the last time, nothing happens for several seconds, following which that same burning pain spreads throughout my entire body and I have to choke back a scream. But then the pain shoots up again, making me let out a loud scream that echoes throughout the bath chamber as I feel myself partially losing my grip on my spot and sink further into the bath until my head stops on the edge of it, just barely above the water.

I clench my eyes shut through the pain, feeling another stabbing pain radiating around my chest where I’m likely getting another heart, along with a stabbing pain in my teeth. And along with that pain, my scream goes up in pitch as my teeth begin to get pushed out of their sockets and I cough out a mouthful of blood, only for new teeth to grow in and then shift back to normal, just like what happened with my claws in the last ascension.

After several seconds, the pain in my mouth and chest fade, making me almost feel relieved that it’s over.


Then I feel the absolute worst headache I’ve ever had in my entire life. One that is far worse than even when I was hit by a mind spike. As if my mind is about to crack and shatter into pieces, making me scream so loudly my voice starts going hoarse before healing and going hoarse again over and over again.

Throughout the excruciating process, Tar stays absolutely silent, instead just putting his pat gently on my cheek as if in some form of reassurance that he was here. But after noticing that, my thoughts completely fragment as the pain grows even worse, following which everything just goes blank.

Then it all vanishes, and I suck in a gasp of air, shooting straight up into a sitting position, sending the water on me flying in the process all the way to hit the far wall, cracking it slightly and startling me.

“That. Fucking.” I turn around to look at Tar. “Hurt.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” he says, sounding genuinely sorry. Like he has anything to do with the pain I just went through.

I sigh.

It’s not your fault or anything like that. It just hurt.


Not like you can do anything about it.

“Yeah, but still…” Tar mutters, sounding sad despite me being the one who just experienced the mind shattering pain.

I pat the little guy before looking around and finding the little blood and black impurities that hadn’t already vanished currently vanishing in the bath. Then I look at my own body to find it squeaky clean just like when I went into the bath in the first place.

When we go back to Earth, I’m taking this bath with me.

Tar looks up at me, surprised for a moment before chuckling and shaking his head, “Sure. Whatever you want.”

I smile at that as I step out of the bath for a moment, only to shake my head and step back in, lying back down.

“I can check the results and everything after a short nap…” I mutter before falling asleep thanks to my exhaustion the moment my eyes close.

The Blood Calamity’s Throne RoomRight before the start of Scarlet’s Ascension

Leonidas sits on a makeshift throne of blood made by his domain at the bottom of the dais as his father sits on his own throne at the end of the hall, and he can’t help but wonder what the other Demon Lords are thinking about the Demon King’s current actions. About his constantly flaking on their meetings just to go do something superficial with Leonidas’s daughter. Something any regular servant could’ve done.


Despite Leonidas’s thoughts, he can’t help but feel a tad jealous of his father. After all, the Demon King is able to spend as much time as he wants with Leonidas’s daughter while Leonidas can’t do it himself. And even if his daughter clearly doesn’t hate him, there isn’t any love there either.

But he can tell that she’s beginning to care in a way towards her grandfather, even if it’s still tainted a bit by his actions.

Leonidas sighs at the thought.

Then the screaming echoes out from the baths and both Leonidas and his father stiffen up, being the only ones in the room whose ears are good enough to hear past the soundproofing on the bath walls.

She’s started then.

The Reaper suggests some random reform or something for his land to the Demon King, but neither the Demon King nor Leonidas pay any attention to him. All they can focus on is Scarlet’s screaming as they fidget, constantly looking in the direction of the bath.

“Your Majesty?” The Reaper asks, sounding confused for a moment only to seemingly realize what’s happening. “Ah, she’s ascending, then?”

“Already? That was fast!” the Lord of Hellfire comments, sounding excited, most likely at the thought of eventually fighting Scarlet when she reaches his level in the future.

The Devourer stays silent for a few moments as Leonidas hears the screaming rise in pitch, making him almost jump out of his throne to go after her. Then he hears the Devourer mutter, “I hope her ascension is swift…”

Leonidas can’t help but nod at that sentiment, but he already realizes that it won’t be thanks to the sound of her screaming louder now than when the ascension first began.

Then her screaming grows in pitch once more and becomes hoarse, and neither Leonidas nor his father can stand it anymore despite her saying it would be more painful than it is for most people, immediately rushing from their thrones and going straight towards where the baths are. But they don’t dare to even so much as open the door to the changing room, instead pacing outside of it to give her privacy.

Since they both know she would be extremely angry if they went in.

Please be alright…
