The Arctic

Everyone moves out of the way as Amelia walks through the crowd of Guardians to the edge of the cliff overlooking the massive horde of undead approaching them.

This is a fucking pain.

Amelia has been in a bad mood ever since Scarlet was taken, having seriously been hoping against hope that she would be able to train her daughter herself. But then that had to happen.

The woman scowls down at the horde before raising a single hand and activating her Minor Erase skill, using up millions of points of mana as a large wave of white light engulfs half of the horde. And after just a second, the light vanishes again along with the Class II and Class III undead it had engulfed.

She then turns around and begins walking away, ignoring the tens of thousands of Guardians charging straight down the cliff towards the horde she had just decimated.

“You should relax when in front of the-” Purple’s voice lethargically begins to echo in Amelia’s head, but she just blocks everyone else’s vision and hearing of her before saying, “Yeah, not happening.”


A few seconds pass in silence as White begins to teleport from place to place until she reaches a large tower located at the very edge of the Arctic where she finds Purple sitting cross legged at the center of a large dome atop the tower.

“Why did you contact me, Gabriella?” Amelia asks right away before clarifying, “What did you see?”

Of the five Knights, Purple, otherwise known as Gabriella Silva, is a complete mute unless she is speaking to someone she has seen in a vision or a prophecy, or she is speaking to one of her students. So Amelia’s first and only guess as to why she spoke to her was that she saw her in a vision.

The woman, one who looks to be in her late thirties thanks to her fate magic that makes her appear older every time she makes a divination despite most Guardians looking young, slowly opens her glowing purple eyes to look at Amelia before stating, “The pup of two bloods shall grow into a wolf. Only then may she tear down the threat of void. But be wary, as the danger may not wait for her to grow.”

Amelia waits for a few seconds to see if Gabriella will say anything else, and when she doesn’t, Amelia just nods her head in appreciation and turns around to leave. But right when she’s about to teleport out of the tower, Purple speaks once more, “There is more than one way to interpret a prophecy.”

Amelia freezes in place at that.


Even Gabriella. Fucking damnit. I thought she was above that sort of stuff, unlike Will.

“Ah, so I’m not the only one!” a voice very familiar to Amelia echoes through the area before a vortex of shadows appears out of nowhere just a meter in front of Amelia and Will steps into the tower through it. “Why hello there ladies! Did I miss anything important?”

Purple ignores him, simply closing her eyes and not bothering with the two other Knights in her tower now that she’s finished telling the subject of her vision about it.

Meanwhile Amelia glares at Will, only for him to raise his hands as he sees white light begin to shine in her eyes.

“Wait, wait, wait! Let’s talk this out, okay?” he says, sounding like he’s in a panic for a second, only for the joking panic on his face to evaporate in an instant, replaced with a cold disregard as he says, “No, actually, let’s not. I did what I could to keep your daughter from the demons. And so did the family that you forced into your troubles, who are now endlessly worrying about whether Scarlet will ever come back or not.”

Amelia continues to glare at him, but the white light shining in her eyes doesn’t grow any brighter.

“But what all did you do while this was going down outside of your duty?” Will asks, his voice emotionless at this point. “You simply let Leonidas leave. When you could’ve stopped him. After all, it’s not like a substitute of him could’ve stopped you from taking her back if you went all out.”

The white light in her eyes cracks once before a bolt of white lightning strikes down from the sky, passing straight through the tower, ignoring it without damaging it, and striking where Will was standing, only for him to appear a few meters away with his arms crossed.

“That was a family matter,” Amelia speaks, finally feeling confident in herself for the first time in who knows how long as she turns to face him, a cold scowl on her face. “You are not family, Will. Scarlet will be training on Tartarus as is her birthright, and should she wish to come back to Earth, she may do so whenever she is strong enough to come herself.”

Will’s indifference cracks at that as he uncrosses his arms and tilts his head slightly, “So you’re actually giving her a choice this time? In a manner of speaking at least.”

Amelia nods her head. “Once she is a Noble herself, she can do whatever the hell she wants. But for now, she can only do whatever she wants on Tartarus.” Then a cold smile stretches across her face. “And if a demon who she didn’t pick a fight with does try to mess with her? We’ll see just how overprotective Arkaz can be.”

The Black Knight of Humanity shivers at the mention of the Demon King’s name, and even the Purple Knight, who’s eyes are close, shivers as well.

Amelia teleports away from the tower after that, appearing in her home floating high in the sky with enchantments that block anyone from seeing or sensing it. She then slumps down on a couch with a sigh.

Several seconds pass as she stares up at the ceiling before her fae asks, “You’re worried, aren’t you?”

Amelia smiles slightly at that and nods.

“I can’t help but worry that she’ll go challenging someone far too strong for her to a battle and will end up dying because of it,” she mutters, knowing that the blood lycans are loath to interrupt a hunt. Including the Demon King.

She better not die. I’ll erase that entire planet if that happens. Or at least I’ll figure out how to do that.
